Yun Qishen

Chapter 2103 Chapter 261 I suspect it’s water

Chapter 2103 Chapter I suspect it’s water

"So according to the information Yao Yue brought back, there is someone behind the scenes?"

Lu Siqi sat in the center of the conference room and stared seriously at the fish-man incidents happening in various areas on the screen.

Jia Yu sat on the conference chair on the left side of Lu Siqi and brought up the display of the information he had collected. "This guy used the compass to delay time, and he used the abyss of Gu Ao to swallow up all the space. Thinking about it this way, he traveled through various places before. The nightmares of collecting space gems in the world...could they all be instigated by the same guy?"

"Then what is his purpose?" Lu Siqi put her hand on her chin as she thought and asked.

"Just doing damage?" Jiayu said casually, but he was not sure.

"I think this statement is unlikely." Lu Siqi directly denied it.

Jia Yu then looked at the silent Falcon next to him, "Xiao Falcon, what do you think it could be?"

"Unified space." Falcon blurted out, and his answer shocked everyone present at the meeting.

"Well... it's not impossible." Lu Siqi and some of the cadres in charge of the meeting nodded slightly.

"Then have we carefully investigated the appearance of the abyss?" Jiayu suddenly raised this question, and the screen also zoomed in on the dark center of the abyss.

"It's true that we haven't investigated the inside in depth. After all, we can't take risks rashly. We have already lost some residents." Lu Siqi analyzed the possible dangers in the abyss through data.

"Yun Qishen and the others are from Gu Ao. According to the development of their plot, Yun Qishen and the others should have entered the abyss. Regarding the abyss, I think we should ask them first."

Jiayu's words made Lu Siqi suddenly become concerned about Yun Qishen's physical condition, "Is Yun Qishen awake?"

"Anyway, he wasn't awake when I came." Jia Yu spread his hands.

"Well..." Lu Siqi simply turned to look at Falcon and asked, "Did Yaoyue give you any clues?"

Hayabusa swiped the screen in front of him to call up images from other worlds. In the images, groups of monsters were raging in various plot spaces. Among them, he seemed to have discovered a discarded space shuttle.

"He said there might have been chaos out there."



Ritsuto hugged a thick tree trunk and shivered. He had climbed as high as he could. But this is only his limit, not the limit of the tree.

"I'm not a lawyer, hurry up and climb up!" Mo Langqin also hugged the tree trunk, but this tree could only allow one person to climb up one by one. Luren held the tree without moving, which greatly increased the possibility of Mo Langqin and Duan Zhao being eaten.

"I can't climb! I'm not a monkey, how can I climb a tree!" Ritsuto completely lost his strength. He couldn't climb the tree at all, and his hands were bleeding from the trunk.

"If you don't climb up, we will be eaten!" Mo Langqin did not lower his head, but he knew that there was a big-mouthed monster with fangs under the tree that was devouring the area bit by bit. He could only climb up to the tree Jump to the opposite floor to escape death.

"Then you will all be eaten! I can't crawl! I can't crawl even a little bit!"

"..." Mo Langqin rolled his eyes. After all, what the lawyer said at this time was completely inhumane.

Duan Zhao, who was further down, looked up at Mo Langqin and asked, "Businessman, do you have any other ideas?"

Mo Langqin could only sigh, "To be honest, I have run out of ammunition and food."

But the lawyer shouted from above, "You lied! You just don't want to save me!"

Everyone ignored him, and Duan Zhao continued to ask Mo Langqin, "What should we do... The space shuttle has been thrown away again. Is it possible that we are really going to be eaten by this kind of monster?"

Duan Zhao thought that if this world did not limit his abilities, he would definitely be able to tear this monster apart with his hands. At the same time, he was also curious as to why these monsters retained the abilities of their world.

"Accept your fate, this is our destiny." Lü Ren was in a completely negative state.

To be honest, Mo Langqin really wanted to tear the lawyer off, "Please don't instill negative thoughts in us! We still want to live!"

"Then you can give me a way out!" the lawyer yelled.

Mo Langqin also replied, "Climb the tree! Climb up!"

"You can't climb a little!" "If you think so, Ritsuto, look at the end of the treetop, your cat is there! If you don't climb up, that big-mouthed monster under the tree will eat your cat. !”

"Cat!" Lu Ren raised his head and stared at the treetops according to Mo Langqin's words. His cat was lost while escaping. He was also anxious, but he was also anxious to escape for his own life.

Hearing Mo Langqin's description at this moment, he immediately became angry and climbed directly under the tree, with his feet on Mo Langqin's shoulders, "Damn it, I'll go down and fight with it."

Mo Langqin frowned, "No, I don't mean to let you go down and fuck this monster! I want you to climb up!"

"Can't climb a little!"

"Are you planning to stay here?"


"You are hopeless!"

"Thank you for the compliment!"

"I didn't mean to praise you!"

"Is this the way you talk about living? If you say it, it means you haven't said it? I even suspect that you are planning to force me to lose my word count!"

It is an old habit of lawyers that mistakes are never his mistakes. Just as he and Mo Langqin were arguing and the monster below was devouring the tree trunk at a gradually increasing speed, a familiar voice came from not far away.


The monster under the tree exploded directly, and the tree returned to its original appearance. Everything around it returned to normal, and there was no monster left.

"Wow! It's okay!" Lu Ren happily climbed down the tree and even stepped on Mo Langqin's face many times.

"I'll go!" Mo Langqin couldn't bear it and dragged Lu Ren away from the tree trunk. The lawyer fell directly from the top.

Seeing this, Jiayu caught him and expressed concern, "Lüren! Are you okay?"

Luren angrily yelled at Mo Langqin on the tree, "That's four stories high!" He turned around and hugged Jiayu with tears in his eyes and cried, "Jiayu! Ouch! You can't count. Come back! I’m tortured to death by these things!”

"Um...can you please stop smearing your snot and saliva on me..." Jiayu kept smiling.

"I'm sorry...blowing——" Ritsuto woke up his nose directly with Kaori's T-shirt.

"..." Jiayu didn't say anything. He just took off his T-shirt and put on a new one.

"I already understand the matter in Xuanruo." Jiayu said to Mo Langqin and the three of them who came down from the tree, "This situation will occur now because of the collapse of space."

"Jia Yu, cat..." Lü Ren pulled Ka Yu, as if he were holding a mother.

"Falcon is looking for him, don't worry."


Seeing the coquettish behavior of a child who relied on Jia Yu, Lu Ren, why did Mo Langqin and the three of them seem uncomfortable to him? Does he have this kind of character? Isn't he the kind of bastard who shirks his responsibility and takes pleasure in his misfortune?

"The collapse of space is..." Zhuo Fan changed his usual quiet attitude and became anxious. After all, he had experienced too many things in the past two days, which was richer than what he had experienced before coming here.

"It's not very safe here. Let's go to a relatively safe place to talk." Jia Yu opened the space shuttle as he spoke. Lu Ren was the first to jump in, followed by Mo Langqin and the others.

After the space vortex disappeared, the figure of Taiji temple in the hidden corner gradually emerged.

"Well..." Taiji looked at the darkness behind him and asked, "Are you really sure that you can hand over control of the entire world to my hands?"

[I have this ability, you should trust me, my ally. 】

The voice in the darkness was vague, and human words could barely be heard.

Taidera also came across this thing by chance. He was confused about many things, "What are you doing all this for? Do you just want to unify the worlds?"

The thing just replied, [In order to unify the world. 】

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