Yun Qishen

Chapter 2104 Chapter 262 Layout

"The world over there is in chaos." Ritsuto slumped down on the chair in the conference hall. Jiayu prepared tea for everyone and brought it to them.

Mo Langqin sat across from the lawyer and criticized him coldly, "It's all the lawyer's fault that caused all this."

The lawyer was not happy when he heard this. He stood up and yelled at Mo Langqin, "It's all my problem. Did I cause the space to collapse? I'm also trying my best to maintain it, okay! You don't want to Just put the responsibility on me at every turn!"

Naturally, Mo Langqin was not to be outdone and yelled back, "If you hadn't created so many weird worlds and characters, would there be such trouble?"

"If I didn't create these, you wouldn't exist, thank you!"

Jiayu held down Ritsuto's shoulders and asked him to sit back in his seat. He had a calm attitude and spoke at a moderate pace, "Okay, okay, you two, stop arguing and listen to me first."

"According to what we have inferred, someone is using the swallowing of the abyss to merge the worlds."

"Fusion?" Duan Zhao, who was sitting aside, asked.

Mo Langqin then asked, "Does that mysterious guy want to unify all world spaces?"

Ritsuto crossed his legs and continued to slump on the chair, "You are kidding! Each world has a different world view, how can they be integrated together? This must be a mess!"

"Facts have proven that things are indeed in chaos now." Jiayu said immediately.

Ritsuto pursed his lips, feeling a little uncomfortable. He lowered his voice and asked, "...Jiayu, do you want to blame me too?"

Jia Yu shook his head slightly and smiled at him, "No, after all, this is not your wish, Ritsuto."

The lawyer's eyes suddenly lit up, and his attitude continued to be arrogant to show off to Mo Langqin and the others, "Hey! Look, there are still people who are against me! You know how to belittle me!"

Mo Langqin rolled his eyes and ignored the lawyer. Duan Zhao on the side was more concerned about who was behind it, "Then have you found out who this mysterious guy is?"

Jiayu sighed, "We don't have a clue yet. We plan to investigate the abyss first and then gradually deepen the investigation into the guy behind it."

"Abyss... shouldn't you ask Yun Qishen and the others about this?" Lü Ren looked around and asked, "What about the two of them? Didn't they come with you to save me? Ah! This is so disrespectful of them both. That’s right!”

Hearing Lu Ren's unreasonable complaints, Jiayu explained to him calmly, "Actually, Yun Qi was deeply injured and still in a coma, and Ji Qi was taking care of him. I went to find you without informing him."

"Injured and unconscious? Who did it?" Ritsuto blinked. He also felt that what he just said was a bit hateful, so he also restrained his arrogant attitude.


Hearing the name, Ritsuto frowned instantly, "Is he awake?"

Nothing happened to this troublesome guy when he woke up. What puzzled Lü Ren was how Yao Yue met Yun Qishen and the others.

Jia Yu seemed to see the confusion of Lu Ren, and he explained directly, "Well, because Zhu Batian, Hua Fan and others entered the cursed forest, they released Yao Yue from her deep sleep. Yao Yue woke up."

"Since Yao Yue woke up, you and Falcon didn't deal with it? It's not a joke to let Yun Qishen deal with Yao Yue!" Lu Ren knew very well that the ability he gave to Xuan Ruo was much stronger than that of Gu Ao. Yun Qishen Shen wouldn't be able to keep up with Yao Yue's speed without Xuan Ruo's physical training. It's hard for a falcon to catch the moonlight, let alone the depth of the cloud. They are not a level of ability at all. "The first meeting was indeed handled by Falcon and I, but the second time Yao Yue left the Cursed Forest directly because Zhu Batian stole a piece of his heart. And then——"

Before Jiayu finished speaking, Lüren interrupted him, "Wait... Zhu Batian stole it? Does he have the ability to touch Yaoyue's fragments? If the person who is not the purest and most kind person can't touch the fragments, Maybe they will leave the Cursed Forest. Besides, it will be difficult for others except control-type people like Yun Qishen to pass through the enchantment."

Jiayu took the opportunity to explain, "Zhu Batian was brought into the Cursed Forest by Yao Yue. It shouldn't be difficult to enter the forest. When we came out, I remember that Yun Qishen dragged him away in a coma."

"Yao Yue cannot live without the cursed forest, so I agree with what you said at the beginning. Zhu Batian and Hua Fan entered the forest with the help of Yao Yue." The more Lu Ren thought about it, the more confused he became. After analyzing it for a moment He asked Jiayu, "But what about before that?"


"Who contacted Zhu Batian and the others before to let Zhu Batian and the others know about the cursed forest?"

"You mean..." Jiayu's eyes widened, and he realized that the guy who told Zhu Batian that there were special herbs in the cursed forest must be related to this mysterious guy who used the abyss to unify space.

Seeing that Jiayu was able to get his thoughts, Ritsuto patted Jiayu on the shoulder directly, "We want to go together, you can check it in this direction first."

"I understand." Jiayu said that he turned on the communicator and sent a message to Falcon and the others.

"Someone has been making arrangements." The lawyer continued.

"How do you say this?" Mo Langqin also gave up arguing with his colleagues and became serious.

The lawyer explained, "First there are the bones you found in the antique market, and then there are some things that happened to you, Mo Langqin, plus the previous nightmares, and these characters who are wandering around in various dimensions. It seems that this guy has been around since a long time ago They are planning to merge these worlds, how early... Maybe before Yun Qishen and the others came to me, these guys had such a plan to use me to destroy Gu Ao, they are using the abyss..."

"Is it just to unify the world?" Zhuo Fan suddenly said, "I always feel that this mysterious guy seems to be targeting someone."

Lü Ren narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhuo Fan, "You're not going to say you're targeting me, are you?"

Zhuo Fan shook his head, "No, according to my feeling...this guy may be targeting Mo Langqin."

"Against me?" Mo Langqin pointed at himself and wondered, "How did you come to this conclusion?"

"I said it's just feelings. My feelings are not wrong." Zhuo Fan's attitude was serious, and it didn't sound like he was joking. Although Lü Ren had long forgotten Zhuo Fan's setting, he vaguely remembered that he had indeed written such a setting. But there is no basis to completely believe the feeling... Ritsuto is not sure either.

Ritsuto thought for a moment and suddenly thought of something. He slapped the table and said, "What Zhuo Fan said makes sense! I remembered that something called your name when I was running away from the monster before! Maybe it was really aimed at you. "

There was no tension at all on Mo Langqin's ridiculously white face. He smiled and said, "How is it possible that such a big fuss is just about the young master? Is it difficult to kill the young master?"

Lü Ren said seriously, "You are the reincarnation of Xiao Qiang!"

Mo Langqin smiled and said, "Fuck you, uncle!" (End of Chapter)

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