Yun Qishen

Chapter 2111 Chapter 269 Banquet Contract

Chapter 2111 Chapter Banquet Agreement

"Ah! I don't understand! What the hell does this mean?" Ritsuto scratched his head and couldn't understand the words Kayu explained. He was so still and forbidden that his brain was confused. He could probably stick it on a window grill if he took it out. .

Seeing Ryuto's confusion, Jiayu had to change his explanation, "In other words, he is stationary, and we are on the ray of time, and we will meet ourselves on this ray."

Ritsuto understood a little more. He touched his chin with his hand and said, "So this banquet is destined to meet us, right? No matter what we do now, we are destined to have a fight with him at that time point?"

"That's right." Jiayu nodded and slid his hand to close the electronic file screen. "But I think the other party also planned this. We will meet eventually, so he can win at speed after meeting. The earth devours the worlds.”

"Is it possible that you, Mo Langqin, know about this?" Lu Ren crossed his legs and looked at Mo Langqin, who became a little silent.

"Master..." Mo Langqin scratched his neck and said softly, "What if I say that I just remembered it?"

"It doesn't matter. I don't care if you think about it before or now. I only care about whether you know how to kill this banquet." The lawyer didn't want to pursue the responsibility, he just wanted to solve the current problem.

"Well..." Mo Langqin raised his head and looked at Lu Ren in silence. Jia Yu also turned his head to look at Lu Ren at this moment.

The lawyer first looked at Mo Langqin and then turned to look at Jiayu, "What are you two looking at me for? Is there something written on my face?"

"Hey." Mo Langqin sighed.

Ritsuto frowned and expressed dissatisfaction, "No, why are you sighing! You two don't want me to solve it, please. If I can solve it, why would I discuss it with them here? The main reason is that even I don't You know there is such a thing, you can’t find me for this matter.”

"Let's do this." Jia Yu spoke up and came up with an idea, "Since the banquet comes from Gu Ao, we should let the people from Gu Ao deal with him."

"Mo Family?" Lu Ren crossed his arms in front of his chest, "In that case, let's leave it to Mo Langqin to gather strength to deal with Yan. I can't get in, Gu Ao."

Mo Langqin forced a smile and said, "Leave it to me, you can rest assured."

The lawyer raised his eyebrows, "Is there something else you're hiding from me?"

"That's not true..."

"Oh?" The lawyer didn't believe Mo Langqin, but now he knew very well that he couldn't ask anything useful, so he simply didn't delve into it, "In this case, you are the one who caused the banquet, so it's up to you to solve it. As for Gu Ao's meeting with Yun Qishen and the others, you have to make an agreement with them yourself."

"Okay..." Mo Langqin rarely agreed easily. Normally, he would have already started talking about business.

"That's right." Ritsuto smiled and then patted Jiayu on the shoulder, "By the way, I want to discuss some things with Lu Siqi and the others about Jiayu's matter about the abyss."

"I understand, I'll inform them." After saying that, Jiayu began to use the communicator to send messages.

The lawyer then asked, "Where is my cat?"

Jiayu smiled and replied, "Don't worry, you're in good health. The little Hayato is taking care of you over there. Just put down your 800 petty thoughts."

The lawyer was a little confused, "What does it mean to be at ease... then it is to be at ease."

Jiayu still smiled and said, "You have no heart, you only have a blind eye, and I don't know you yet."

Ritsuto gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, but in the end he could only land on his thigh and press lightly, "Damn it, you're right... Damn it!"

Jiayu laughed twice and then looked at Mo Langqin, "Okay, Mo Langqin, you should go and rest. I will take you to meet Yun Qishen and the others tomorrow."

"Well..." Mo Langqin nodded and stood up and left the living room.

After Mo Langqin disappeared around the corner leading to the second floor, the lawyer spoke in a low voice, "I always feel that he is hiding something from me."

Jiayu followed him and replied in a low voice, "You mean there is a secret between him and that ghost beast feast?"

The corners of Lü Ren's lips raised in a disdainful smile, "Ha, who is he, Mo Langqin! You don't have to be cautious about who you meet. No matter how the character changes, it can't change the essential characteristics of the setting."

Jiayu couldn't help but become curious when he heard Lü Ren's words, "Then what is my essence?"

"My most sincere friend." That's what the lawyer said. "Ha." Jiayu just smiled.

Both of them know what the other person is, and only they know whether they are joking or not.


But Mo Langqin didn't go far, he just hid at the stairs and used the storage ring to hide his aura.

Luren's words were hurtful. Although Jiayu appeared happy, in fact he was very aware of his nature as a creature, and so was Mo Langqin. The essence given to him by the lawyer is to keep a secret when meeting people, and he has indeed been influenced by this essence.

Mo Langqin covered his right eye with his hand, which contained the contract between him and the ghost beast.


"This is the last ghost-suppressing stone." Mo Langqin climbed to the top of the back mountain with great effort. There was indeed a huge ghost-suppressing stone standing on the top of the mountain.

"That's right! As long as it is lifted again-" Before the mysterious voice could finish speaking, the anxious shouts of the Mo family disciples came from a distance.

"Mo Langqin! What are you doing! Stay away from that thing!"

Mo Langqin didn't want the money he was talking about to disappear just like that. He used all his strength to punch the ghost-suppressing stone, "You care about me! I just got close to you!"

The mysterious voice urged excitedly, "It's still close! Work harder! It will be free soon!"

"Ghost beast - flame!"

"Ghost beast—Fengzhu!"

The Mo family disciples summoned ghost beasts to stop Mo Langqin.

"The ghost beasts are so annoying!" He saw the ghost beasts quickly approaching him. Mo Langqin was also anxious, "Hurry up and crack it! Why is this stinky stone of yours so hard! I still want money!"

An apprentice from the Mo family rushed to Mo Langqin and grabbed him, "Mo Langqin, stop it! If you let that thing out, the world will be in chaos. You don't know it!"

"I don't understand this! I only understand money! Without money, the world will be in chaos! At least I will definitely be in chaos!" Mo Langqin threw away the Mo family apprentice and continued to attack the huge ghost-suppressing stone with all his strength.

"Mo Lang——" The Mo family apprentice's voice was covered up by the shaking sound.

"It's cracked!" Mo Langqin even saw with his own eyes that the cracks in the Ghost Suppressing Stone were getting bigger and bigger.


In the next second, everyone except Mo Langqin was wiped into blood by a force.

A mysterious voice cheered, "The banquet of ghosts and beasts has arrived! Hahaha, our Lord has returned!"

As Mo Langqin blinked, he was standing in a magnificent hall, "This is the banquet of ghosts and beasts? Isn't this just an ordinary hotel lobby..."

The next second, Mo Langqin's arm was suddenly pulled by something. It was the hand of a very beautiful woman.

[Those who are unsealed, feast and make a strong contract, raise their heads and focus on their pupils, follow them in life and death. 】The seductive voice sounded in Mo Langqin's ears, and the woman's touching face almost touched Mo Langqin's.

"So beautiful." Mo Langqin swallowed. He had never seen such a beautiful person before.

"Ha." The woman just chuckled and kissed Mo Langqin's right eye. The next second -


She exploded.

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