Yun Qishen

Chapter 2112 Chapter 270 The Hosting of Ghost Beast Power

Chapter 2112 Chapter The Hosting of Ghost Beast Power

"It's so uncomfortable!" Mo Langqin felt a sharp pain in his heart. He sat up and gasped, "Ha--"

Mo Ruo crossed his arms on his chest and leaned on the bed rail next to the bed, "Are you awake?"

Before Mo Langqin could speak, he looked around and saw that the room was filled with the Mo family members from the school. They seemed to be waiting for him to wake up and ask questions.

No Ruo grabbed Mo Langqin's collar. "I really don't understand why you want to go to the Ghost Beast Banquet! Now let's finish the fun with you!"

Mo Ruo's grandfather, the eldest elder of the Mo family, patted Mo Ruo on the shoulder. He then pulled Mo Ruo away and approached Mo Langqin and slowly spoke, "Langqin, can you tell us whether you did this on purpose?" ?”

Mo Langqin frowned and waved his hand, "I did nothing wrong——"

The moment Mo Langqin took action, Mo Li came over and slapped Mo Langqin in the mouth, shocking all the Mo family members around him.

Mo Langqin looked at Mo Li resentfully, "Why are you hitting me! I just want to leave here! You guys didn't let me, okay?"

"Brother Mo Li..." No Ruo raised his hand in the air and didn't know where to put it for a while.

"Yes, it's our fault, we shouldn't have locked you up!" Mo Li clenched his fists and raised his head to look down at Mo Langqin's pale face, "But we stopped you twice about the ghost-suppressing stone, and you still didn't Is it our fault too? You said you were not wrong, but your face is!

Mo Langqin gritted his teeth, "I have no face to begin with! I don't want this face anymore! You all, get out of here!"

A force burst out from Mo Langqin's eyes and instantly enveloped the entire room. The originally plain walls, tables and chairs were instantly covered with a layer of splendor and splendor. Ordinary bedrooms began to turn into gorgeous banquet halls.

Li Qiye backed away alertly, "What a powerful ghost power! Not good! No Ruo——"

The moment Mo Li sensed the approaching danger, Mo Ruo was knocked away by a ghost force.


Mo Li's third uncle, Mo He, hurriedly led the Mo family apprentices to move, "The formation is blocking us, hurry!"

All the Mo family members drew a semicircle with their left hands and made ghost hand gestures on their chests, thus resisting some of the flowing ghost power.

"It hurts... My heart feels like it's being burned... It's so uncomfortable..." Mo Langqin gritted his teeth and crawled toward the door. He didn't crawl very fast, but because of the ghost power, no one could get close to him.

"Is this a ghost beast power boarding? Is this a ghost beast feast! Everyone, be careful!" He said carefully, but Mohe knew better than anyone else that they were working very hard now, and they would be seriously injured if they were not careful.

Mo Ruo, who was knocked away, suddenly came back unharmed. He looked at Mo Li who was gritting his teeth to resist the ghost power and said easily, "Brother Mo Li, it's very strange here. The ghost power is sometimes strong and sometimes weak, and this barrier will disappear."

Everyone also felt a sense of relief at this time, and the power of the Ghost Beast Banquet had indeed disappeared.

"Where is Mo Langqin?" Mo Li couldn't find any trace of Mo Langqin with his ghost eyes. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and ordered, "Look!"

Mo Li and Mo Ruo took two groups of people to search for Mo Langqin's whereabouts.

Just as Mo He was about to leave, the old man stopped him.

"Mo He, come here." The old man waved his hand from Mo He, and then Mo He followed the old man to a dark room.

The old man clasped his hands behind his back. After entering the darkroom, he changed from his usual gentleness and kindness. His slender eyes showed sinisterness and viciousness. "Langqin has been too abnormal recently, and he was possessed by Yan again. This is not a thing." Little things.”

"Father, what you mean is..." Mo He could understand why the old man asked him to enter the darkroom.

The old man also said directly, "This kid can't be kept."

"I know." Mo He pursed his lips and said, "It's just a pity to lose such a good talent."

The old man smiled disdainfully, "Oh, what the Mo family is most in need of are young people with good qualifications like this. Are you afraid that you won't be able to compete with one of them if you choose a few for training?"

Mo He was not concerned about this. He frowned and asked in a low voice, "Father, could it be that Langqin discovered something, so..." The old man also had this concern, "If you are not afraid of 10,000, you are afraid of the worst. He is so abnormal, so naturally he will stay." No, whether he knows about us or not, the fate will be the same."

"Don't you always like Mo Li and these juniors?" When Mo He recalled the past, the old man even touched the shoulders of all of them affectionately.

The old man replied coldly, "Good qualifications can make a good sacrifice. You don't know Mo He, don't let me down."

"I just didn't expect that the ghost beast banquet would choose such a kid to live in. This was his mistake."

Mo He echoed from the side. "Father said so."

"Sooner or later, our Mo family will become the king of Gu Ao one day!" The old man showed a cold smile.

At the same time, Mo Langqin, who had escaped, was guided by a mysterious voice to run away.

"Little brother! This way! This way!"

Mo Langqin felt a lot more relaxed after the ghost power disappeared, but his head was still a little painful and dizzy, "I can only trust you now. Give me money and send me away from this place."

The mysterious voice sighed, "According to the agreement, I should send you away from the Mo family, but now..."

Mo Langqin quickly stopped and scolded, "If you go back on your word, you will have no descendants!"

The mysterious voice smiled, "Ha... I have no children or grandchildren."

"Then destroy the bones and scatter the ashes!"

"I was really shattered."

Mo Langqin didn't have any harsh words to say. He just sympathetically said in embarrassment, "Then you are quite pitiful..."

"...Ha." The mysterious voice also smiled awkwardly.

Mo Langqin shook his head and gently rubbed his temples with his hands, "What do you want me to do? What should I do to get back to normal? Is my head hurting so much because of the thing pressing on the ghost-suppressing stone? ?”

The mysterious voice also expressed dissatisfaction, "That's a feast of ghosts and beasts! It's my master! I won't allow you to be so rude."

Mo Langqin raised his eyebrows, "How come you are the master? Were you still a eunuch in your last life? No wonder you have no descendants!"

"..." The mysterious voice was speechless for a moment and continued, "Since the master has chosen you, according to the rules, I have to follow you until the master regains perfect ghost power."

Mo Langqin couldn't help but hugged himself tightly, "Ah~ It's so scary. There is no privacy at all with someone following you, and I don't want it!"

The mysterious voice smiled ghostly, "I won't laugh at you."

Mo Langqin's face turned red. He had a pale complexion and turned red as if he had been scalded with boiling water. "Get out of here! I don't need anyone to laugh at me."

"Through my observations over the past few days..."

The mysterious voice wanted to continue talking, but Mo Langqin quickly interrupted him loudly.

"Stop, stop, stop, I don't want to hear this. My head hurts enough. Just tell me how I can leave this Mo family completely."

The mysterious voice coughed twice and then continued with Mo Langqin's question, "Use the blood of the Mo family to nourish this jade stone and turn it red-purple."

As he spoke, an oval-shaped white jade stone appeared in Mo Langqin's hand. Judging from its color and transparency, it would definitely fetch a good price.

Mo Langqin was thinking about getting rich, but he asked with concern, "How many people's blood will this cost?"

The mysterious voice answered him seriously, "Maybe we need the blood of the entire Mo family."

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