Yun Qishen

Chapter 212 Conspiracy

Chapter 212 Conspiracy
(God's perspective)
Xiaoshao went to the Immortal Medicine Sect while Daoist Xuyun was not paying attention.

Xiaoshao went to the Immortal Grass Garden first. Xiaoshao was worried about whether anyone else was there, but there was no one in the Immortal Grass Garden.

According to the recipe of Qianqianyao, Xiaoshao searched for the fairy grass in the fairy grass garden, and only one strong heart grass was needed to find all the herbs.

"Can this really save Uncle Seven..." Xiaoshao questioned, and at this moment Jiang Qing returned to the Immortal Grass Garden.

"I remember that you are the apprentice of the third master Xuyun... Did you come to the fairy grass garden to find fairy grass for the third master?"

Jiang Qing thought to himself that this kind of thing is usually the third uncle told the master and then let him Jiang Qing pick it up... Although he had asked the fourth junior brother before...

"Uh...yes senior...but I can't find the strong heart grass..." Xiaoshao really jumped, but she wanted to let this senior help her to join the seventh uncle, she just wanted to When he opened his mouth, there was a voice asking Qian Yao in his mind.

[Little brat!Don't you want to make atonement!If you hand this kind of thing over to this person, in case he gets credit for robbing you, wouldn't you still be a sinner who hurt your seventh uncle. ]
But it's really not Uncle Seven who was hurt by Xiaoshao, Xiaoshao communicates with Qianqianyao with his consciousness.

[Anyway, ask the location of the strong heart grass!Don't say anything else!Know without you little brat! ]
"The strong heart grass is not in the Immortal Grass Garden, but in the Liuyun Hall of the Immortal Sword Sect, didn't the third uncle tell you?" Jiang Qing had a strange feeling.

"Well... I was in a hurry to leave and forgot to listen..."

Spoon is still not used to lying.

Jiang Qing didn't care and had to pull the sleeve of the small spoon, "Why don't we go to the third uncle first, and I can help you."

"Senior brother!" Xiaoshao grabbed Jiang Qing anxiously, "Senior brother, don't go to my master... I don't want my master to blame me, seeing that I have no prospects... I can't do such a simple thing well."

Jiang Qing had no choice but to compromise. He looked at the immortal grass in Xiaoshao's hand and thought about the strong heart grass again, "The third master is trying to refine the elixir? Do you want to feed the divine beast?"

Xiaoshao looked at Jiang Qing and shook his head, "I don't know either."

Jiang Qing didn't ask any more questions. He brought a small spoon to Liuyun Temple and collected a few strong heart grasses.

"Thank you, Senior Brother!" Xiaoshao said goodbye to Jiang Qing with those herbs.

Jiang Qing also smiled and left to go back to the Immortal Medicine Sect.

Xiaoshao cautiously returned to her room, but as soon as she returned to Xuyun Palace, she was caught by Daoist Xuqing.

"If you don't stay in your room, what are you going to do when you go out and grab herbs? Don't tell me that Xuyun asked you to go. He will definitely not trouble you, this little girl."

The little spoon couldn't speak for a while.

Asking Qian Yao also spoke at this time.

[Damn, kill it said it was for the divine beast. ]
But isn't this for Uncle Seven?Why lie.

[Do as I say! ]
"Uncle Fourth, I am here for the divine beast..."

"What happened? Xu Qing, why are you arguing at the door?"

At this time, Xu Yun heard Xu Qing speak and came out to check, only when Xu Yun came over did he see the small spoon.

"Why didn't you come out and tell me. What happened to the spoon?"

[These guys! ]
"!" Xiaoshao couldn't answer in a hurry, and suddenly burst into tears.

"Xu Qing, did you bully her?"


Daoist Xuqing is on my head anyway, and besides, this child's actions are also very strange.

Xu Yun naturally understood that he ignored Xu Qing and went back with the spoon.

On the other side, Yun Qishen stayed on the bed of Ye Qi, and Mi Zixin deliberately read the books in order to recuperate for Yun Qishen, and also went out to collect medicine.

The complexion of Yan Qi, who was wearing the silver bracers, also recovered a lot, but it was Yun Qishen, he was still in pain for a while, and after only two hours, he felt that most of the mana in his body had disappeared and he was very flustered.

I'm not going to die suddenly... I'm so likely to be unlucky!

Yun Qishen was thirsty for a moment and wanted to drink tea. He stood up swayingly, leaned on the edge of the bed and came to the table to pour himself a cup of tea.

Yun Qishen remembered that when he was in a coma with Qianyao Yijian before, did Ye Qi do the same to him.

Ugh~ Is it useful to think about what happened before?

Yun Qishen was about to walk back after drinking the tea, but he fell directly to the ground.

Uh... my feet are so numb... I don't even have the mana to use healing.

"Little Junior Brother!" Jiang Qing just came back to Lingyao Pavilion after delivering the small spoon. He pushed the door open and saw that Yun Qishen had fallen to the ground.


Yun Qishen no longer had the strength to cover his face, Jiang Qing helped Yun Qishen to sit back.

"Thank you, Second Senior Brother."

"What's there to thank, you are my little junior brother, I should say sorry to you..."


The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

Jiang Qing couldn't stand such an awkward atmosphere for a while, so he prepared all the necessary medicines and told Yun Qishen a sentence, waiting for the master to come back.Also closed the door and left.

Yun Qishen didn't say anything at the time, but he spied that Jiang Qing wanted to apologize to him for angering him because of Duan Xiwu's death.

What's the use of saying this now, saying sorry to make up for the past?
Yun Qi sighed deeply and stared at Mo Qi for a long time.

Although I wanted to get to know him, I always avoided him, and even annoyed him... But why is it so uncomfortable for me to be hurt?Because of my inner demon...why was I in such a hurry at the time, and even offended Brother Long... alas~

After a long period of time, Mi Zixin was not seen back.

Yun Qishen also looked at the door from time to time, but when Yun Qishen looked at the door for the sixth time, the door was pushed open.

But the one who walked in immediately asked Xiaoshao.

"Brother Yun..." Xiaoshao suddenly hesitated, she didn't know that Yun Qishen was back.

The consciousness of asking Qian Yao was also subconsciously hidden.

Yun Qishen was powerless to use the technique of peeping at the heart any more to waste his mana, and besides, he was very optimistic about Xiaoshao, and thought that Wuxin used the technique of peeping at such a child.

"What are you doing here?" Yun Qishen still had the same smiling face he used to treat girls, although it was reluctant.

"Brother Yun, this is what the master asked me to feed to Uncle Seven."

"Master Xuyun?"

Yun Qishen took the medicine pill. The medicine pill here looks nothing special. At first glance, it looks like a white chocolate bean.

Yun Qishen returned the medicinal pill to the small spoon, "Will you wait... Brother, I don't have the strength to let him take it now, or should I wait for your sixth master to come back?"

"What's wrong with Brother Yun? Why do you look so weak?" Xiaoshao leaned over to Yun Qishen and looked at his face.

Originally, Yun Qishen's face was so delicate, but now his tired eyes seem to have a morbid feeling.

"I'm fine, I just don't have any mana for now."

"Temporarily..." Xiaoshao originally wanted to ask questions, but at this moment, the consciousness of asking Qianyao took over Xiaoshao's body.

Yun Qi deeply felt a slight change but didn't notice the little spoon.

"However, the master of medicine said that it must be eaten now..." Wen Qianyao said to Yun Qishen with a naive look with a small spoon.

"This..." Yun Qishen really didn't have the mana for Ye Qi to swallow it. He thought that after today his mana was enough to use the healing technique, he would recover faster.

"It's better to let Xiaoshao come too. Xiaoshao has seen the master give medicine to others."

I asked Qianyao and saw that Yun Qishen didn't notice anything wrong and wanted to feed the medicine pill to Ye Qi.

"Um... please take a spoon."

Yun Qi nodded deeply, and his eyes stopped at the waist of the small spoon.

"The Xu Mingjian hasn't been returned to you yet?"

The hand of "Ask Qianyao" stopped in the air for a moment, "Master said that Xu Mingjian still has some uses and he didn't return it to me."

After saying "Ask a thousand medicines", she was about to deliver medicine to Ye Qi's mouth. Yun Qishen grabbed her hand just as it reached her mouth.

"Who the hell are you! You are not a spoon!"

Yun Qishen used the technique of peeping into Xiaoshao's heart.As a result, Yun Qishen saw the guy who hated him to the extreme—Qian Yao.

"You bastard!" Yun Qishen wanted to grab the medicinal pill, but "Ask Qianyao" directly knocked Yun Qishen to the ground with a single palm of his hand, and gave it to Ye Qi while Yun Qishen was powerless to resist. Feed the medicine pill.


The joy of a successful victory made "Ask a Thousand Medicines" burst into laughter.

At this time, Yun Qishen turned the sword in his hand, and he struggled to get up and stabbed at "Ask a Thousand Medicines".

Because Wen Xiaoshao is very light and small, Yun Qishen's current attack speed simply cannot attack her "Qian Yao".

"Just wait and die, not just him, but also you! And the entire Jingling Mountain! All have to die!"

"Ask Qianyao" escaped another attack from Yun Qishen, "Even if you kill me now, I will come back to life again, then I will see how you deal with it! It's a pity that this questioning spoon in front of you can You will die!"

Yun Qishen lost his mind angrily, he didn't care what "Ask Qianyao" said.

From the depths of Yun Qishen's heart came a familiar and mysterious voice, let him kill!kill!kill!

Just as "Ask a Thousand Medicines" dodged again, someone opened the door.

"Ask a Thousand Medicines" thought that the time had come, and Yun Qishen was about to stab him with a sword, so she bumped into Yun Qishen's black sword first.

what!Yun Qi was deeply unbelievable.

"Ask Qianyao" smiled at the corner of his mouth, and then burst into tears, "Brother Yun...why did you call Xiaoshao wasn't Xiaoshao's fault...why did you stab me...Brother Yun..."

In front of Yun Qishen, he asked Xiao Shao to breathe, and the words just now were clearly said to "ask a thousand medicines", and he was trying to sow discord.

Now whether it's asking Qianyao or Xiaoshao, the breath of the two is gone.

After the spoon fell, Yun Qishen noticed the person coming in from the door.

Mi Zixin and Xuyun Xuqing, two Taoist priests, stood at the door and watched in surprise what was happening inside.

Yun Qishen hadn't come out of the weird feeling just now.

Mi Zixin wanted to ask what was going on, but Daoist Xu Yun rushed over and gave Yun Qishen a slap.

After Daoist Xuyun lifted up the small spoon, Ye Qi on the bed also twitched in pain and blood poured out of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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