Yun Qishen

Chapter 213 Breaking

Chapter 213 Break (1)
(God's perspective)
"Why did you kill her! She's still a child!" Daoist Xu Yun questioned Yun Qishen, who was slapped into the corner by his palm, after exploring her breath with his arms around the spoon.

Yun Qishen supported the wall and stood up with difficulty, and Yun Qishen, who had been shaken by Daoist Xuyun's palm just now, spat out black blood again.

"Qishen!" Mi Zixin wanted to go up to check on Yun Qishen's situation, but he was stopped by Daoist Xuqing as soon as he made his move, "He is even your apprentice, this is a major matter of harming the same sect!"

"I'm going to see the head office of Ye Qi!" Mi Zixin shook off Xu Qing's hand and came to Ye Qi's bed first, and Mi Zi Xin observed the body of Ye Qi with magic, "Is this... a magic pill?"

"Ling Dan?!" Daoist Xuyun was also surprised, "He can't take the elixir..."

"Well... Fortunately, the amount is not large..." Mizi also turned to look at Yun Qishen after crediting the spell to stabilize Qi Qi's body.

At this time, Yun Qishen couldn't use any magic. Just now, Daoist Xuyun's palm shattered his remaining mana, and the peeping technique couldn't even hurt his internal organs.This Xuyun Daoist is really hidden.

"Master... Are you also doubting me here?" Yun Qishen's already tired face became a little more sad.

It turns out that you don't have to use the technique of peeping your heart to feel this way. If you knew that you didn't want this stuff in the first place, you wouldn't have contact with them before!
"No, it's deep, you listened to the teacher..."

"What else is there to say! Xiaoshao has no mana at all to feed the spirit pills to Ye Qi, and only Yun Qishen could do it at the time!"

Daoist Xuyun gently put the spoon on the ground, he stood up slowly, and Daoist Xuqing stepped forward to help him.

"It's deep... I believe..."

Before Mi Zixin finished saying the words "I believe in you", Yun Qishen laughed at himself and smiled.

"Hahaha... You won't believe what I say now! Why should I say the excuses you think are my innocence!" Yun Qishen finally stood up straight, "You saw it with your own eyes! I killed Xiaoshao... …”

Daoist Xuqing did not stop Daoist Xuyun, Daoist Xuyun moved towards Yun Qishen with an angry palm.

"This is what you admitted! It just so happened that I avenged Xiaoshao and complained for Ye Qi! Holding your head can also calm down the siege at the foot of the mountain!"

Daoist Xuyun slapped his hand on Yun Qishen's chest for a moment, and then turned and directly knocked Yun Qishen out from the wall of Lingyao Pavilion.

The loud noise for a while caught the attention of some people.But Daoist Xuqing and Gu Choumian couldn't leave their place.

Spirit Realm Dao was discussing things with Jin Qilin, and then news came from here.

Yun Qishen killed Daoist Xuyun's disciple, and is now being unilaterally attacked by Daoist Xuyun.

It's not that Yun Qishen doesn't fight back, he is powerless, and people will be destroyed if they don't do it for themselves.He Yun Qishen could not let himself die.But now that there is no mana, he can only let Daoist Xuyun beat him unilaterally.It made Yun Qi feel bad in his heart.

But what was even more uncomfortable was the look in the eyes of Daoist Xuqing and Mi Zixin.

I'm don't trust me...I...

[It's easy to say...they mistreat you so much...kill them...I'll lend you the mana...]
Clearly it was his own voice, Yun Qishen shook his head so hard that he couldn't hear it, but just as he shook his head, Daoist Xuyun's move came to him again.

All the attacks of Daoist Xuyun are attacking Yun Qishen's heart, only one point.

"Bitter thorns pierce the heart——"

Yun Qi deeply felt as if his chest was being stirred by a meat grinder.

At this moment, an immortal sword struck the distance between the two.

Yun Qishen only felt the pain relieved.

"Stop! Xuyun!"

This voice was from the spiritual realm, and with him came the golden unicorn.

Jin Qilin approached Yun Qishen to check his injuries, this guy has no mana at all? !how is this possible!Even if the silver bracers are removed, the mana should still be left, but Yun Qishen's current physique is the same as that of ordinary people, and even the abilities of ordinary devils are not comparable.You can't even use your own spells like peeping at the heart!

"What happened..." Jin Qilin asked, "Are you alright..."

"It's okay, you [beep-], I almost died again..." Yun Qishen couldn't hold back the pressure on his chest and spat out a mouthful of black blood.

Lingjing Dao looked at Yun Qi with dark circles under his eyes, his whole person was extremely weak, and Xu Yun stopped attacking and saluted him.

"Tell me what's going on here..." Lingjing Dao glanced at Yun Qishen and then asked Daoist Xuyun.

"I, Liu Yingxuqing and the others originally wanted to visit Seventh Junior Brother, but as soon as I entered the door of Lingyao Pavilion, I saw Yun Qishen kill my apprentice Xiaoshao with a sword... That child..."

Xu Yun stopped talking, and Xu Qing walked over not far away.

"Report to the master, what the third senior brother said is true, and Yun Qishen also admitted that he killed the child, and..." Xu Qing stopped talking.

"One by one, what are you talking about! How big of a person! I hate you people who talk and pant the most, after all, they are all talking! Tell me all in one breath!" .

At this time, Jiang Qing and Qiu Shan rushed over together.

"...Seventh Junior Brother, he ate the Spirit Pill..." Daoist Xuyun said.

Xu Qing was already in a cold sweat at this time.

Daoist Xu Yun went on to say, "At that time, only Yun Qishen in Lingyao Pavilion had the ability to give the Spirit Pill to the Seventh Junior Brother to eat."

"Really?!" Jin Qilin couldn't believe it. It was impossible for Yun Qishen to not know the spirit pills in the Immortal Medicine Sect. Besides, he didn't know about Ye Qi, otherwise why would he come back to Ye Qi's silver guard? wrist?
When Yun Qi saw that Jin Qilin asked him, he nodded and said nothing.

Spirit Realm Dao is also angry here, and it is even more annoying not to say a word.

"Where's Liu Ying? I want him to say it!"

"Sixth Junior Brother is taking care of Seventh Junior Brother in Lingyao Pavilion." Xu Qing said.

Lingjing Dao also went straight to Lingyao Pavilion, and Xu Qing asked behind him, "What about Yun Qishen?"

"I'll be locked in the cell below the cultivation cliff first, and I'll handle it myself when I find out."

After finishing speaking, he left, completely ignoring Yun Qishen, who looked at him with an extremely distrustful look.

The two Taoist priests, Xu Yun and Xu Qing, also started to grab Yun Qishen.

Yun Qishen looked at everyone around him, including the golden unicorn, what did the eyes mean here!Don't you believe me?What's the use of me coming out!

You will only believe in yourself!Hahahahaha.I feel like a fool!Totally stupid!

Yun Qishen gave a self-deprecating smile, and he laughed out loud, tears streaming down his tired face. can this man cry, Laozi!Damn rainy day!Hahahahaha.

"Little Junior Brother..." Jiang Qing looked at Yun Qishen while pulling Qiu Shan who was about to rush up to protect the Lord, "Don't be impulsive, Senior Brother! There must be a misunderstanding inside."

Qiu Shan also didn't believe that Yun Qishen would kill Xiaoshao and give Ye Qi a panacea.

Xu Qingxuyun approached Yun Qishen who had no resistance, and Jin Qilin also walked to the side.

Yun Qishen suddenly felt that he was not suitable to exist here at all, and he was not worthy of trust.

"I see who dares to touch him!"

A cold sword light flashed, and a figure blocked Yun Qishen.

Yun Qishen looked up and saw that this figure was very similar to Taki Qianye.

But there was a woman in front of her, and it was her master, Taki Yunhua.

"My apprentice was shut down when he said that he was in the spiritual realm!"

The emerald green sword in Taki Yunhua's hand gave off a cold light, "You come out of the spiritual realm! Why can you care about your apprentice, and lock up my apprentice for a sentence! Who gave you the courage!"

Along with Taki Yunhua came the dragon-shaped Xiaoguang, Xiaoguang approached Yun Qishen to hold him in his mouth, but Yun Qishen pushed it away.

As soon as Spirit Realm Dao stepped on the threshold of Lingyao Pavilion, he heard Taki Yunhua call his name.

(End of this chapter)

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