Yun Qishen

Chapter 214 Breaking

Chapter 214 Break (2)
I looked at the master in front of me who usually likes to act like a spoiled child, and even when I act as a coolie, he will bury me at every turn.

Lingjing Dao heard her voice and quickly came out of Lingyao Pavilion.

I...I can't tell exactly what I'm thinking, I just want to get away now and avoid these eyes.

I looked at Taki Yunhua's back, for fear that she would turn around and look at me with the same eyes as them...

"Yun Qishen, I'll take you away." Xiaoguang exhaled beside me.

[Are you afraid?Do you think you are worthy of their trust? ]
My voice rages in my head.

[He didn't believe you! ]
[Your explanation is useless! ]
[They are good to you just because you are useful to them! ]
[Look at the immortals at the foot of the mountain, they are all rushing to kill you! ]
I covered my head and curled up, letting Xiaoguang turn around me.

After Taki Yunhua came out of the spiritual realm, she took a stride and pressed the green sword against the chest of the spiritual realm.

"You came to blame me for him?" Lingjing Road faced it calmly.

"Can't you? He is my apprentice. If you have me in your heart, why don't you take my face? Let my apprentice say something!"

"Am I forbidding him to speak? Is it okay for him to keep silent!"

After Lingjing Dao said these words, Taki Yunhua did not look back at me.

"Then you put him in the dungeon in one sentence? He's still injured!"

Anger appeared on Taki Yunhua's beautiful face.

"If I don't lock him up, what will the disciples of Jing Lingshan think of him, because he doesn't have to be punished because of my relationship? He clearly admitted that he killed his fellow disciples! If you don't lock him up, everyone's strange eyes will only Let Yun Qishen suffer even more!"

Spirit Realm Dao couldn't control his impatience for a while.

In a so-called couple quarrel, one party's impatience will eventually lead to the other party's impatience.

"Jinglingshan! Jinglingshan! He is the devil! Not from your Jinglingshan! I think your brain has been eaten by Jinglingshan! You have never had a place for me in your brain! Let alone you My heart! Spirit Realm Dao!" Taki Yunhua angrily brought the green sword closer to Spirit Realm Dao's chest.

"Is this the time to discuss this! Are you doing it for your apprentice or for yourself!"

The words of the spiritual realm directly hit my heart.

Yeah...she's for herself.

[Yeah...she is for herself...]
[Do you think she is here to save you?no!She is for himself! ]
[Yun Qishen, why are you so stupid...]
[Kill it... just...]
[Kill them all! ]
[Isn't this relieved? ]
"Shut up!!! Shut up!!" After I shouted, I spit out a lot of black blood.

Xiaoguang got closer to me, and I was a little conflicted.I don't even know what happened. I still have mana, and I even attacked Xiaoguang's face.

"Do not!!!"

[Kill them! ! ]
I...not me...I am not! !
Although Hikaru dodged the attack, I staggered and stood up.

My eyes wandered around, and I saw Taki Yunhua also looking at me in surprise.

"Clouds are deep! Sober up!"

I can't tell who said what, everyone is opening their mouths, and Daoist Xuyun and Daoist Xuqing also attacked me.

No..."Don't come here!!!!"

Probably the power is gone, but how can I still have mana?

[I said, I borrow you... kill them! ]
"you shut up!!!"

The uncontrollable knot of my hand, and then pushed out a powerful light ball towards Daoist Xuyun and Daoist Xuqing.

Don't... don't hurt them!
[Kill them! ]
Do not--

[Kill them! ]
I watched my involuntary body move.

Seeing that the ball of light was about to attack the two priests, the equally powerful Qilin Fire attacked my ball of light and destroyed it.


I could hear it was the golden unicorn calling me, but...

The seal of my hand was on the ground, and I watched as the ground cracked.

Taki Yunhua attacked me together with Spirit Realm Dao.

why why!
Not me...really not me! ! ! !

-- rumbling --

This is the first second of my conscious existence.

When I regained consciousness, I came to an unfamiliar cliff, and the spiritual realm fell to the side. Taki Yunhua hugged the spiritual realm.

what happened...what happened...


A familiar voice came from my ear, and I felt that I was in a person's arms.

"Are you awake? Yun Qishen... I said that the devil is not so weak to be controlled by the inner demon."

It was Yan Qi's voice, he made a sound with difficulty, but hugged me tightly.

I felt a stickiness in my hand, and I wanted to push away Ye Qi, is he okay?He's's really nice...I...

After I pushed the Qi away, I found out... what is the sticky thing in my hand at this time.

Do not……

My black sword pierced directly through Ji Qi's body, and his blood was flowing in my hand.

I let go of my hand in a panic, and the black sword also dissipated. I wanted to escape, but my hand was caught by Ye Qi.

"Don't mind...I trust you don't do stupid things..."

Ye Qi could still laugh when he said this!You fucking smile here!

My back leg with a face of fear, and behind me is the abyss. is this ending?I'm not the hero of a martial arts novel... Anyway, if I die... go back... I don't have to see you guys!
I thought about jumping off myself, but I didn't have the courage.

My hand was grabbed by Qi Qi, blood was flowing on my hand, "Don't think about it! I believe in you! Misunderstandings will be solved!"

I was forcibly pulled to face him, I...

"How can you tell me to believe in myself!!!"

I feel like I have a lot of power, but most of it isn't mine at all.

I pushed Ye Qi away with one palm, and because of the recoil of the force here, I also crossed the edge of the cliff and fell off.

Is this what I deserve?Am I doing it myself?Hahaha……

I reached out my hand not to ask for help, but to stroke his face in the air.

At this time, I was in no mood, so I closed my eyes resignedly, and let myself keep falling.

Suddenly I felt that my hand was being grabbed by someone, and it was clearly already in the air, how could someone come to save me?

I opened my eyes and looked up-

It is evil.

How could it be, how could he be able to control the sword——

"Why do you have to hide from me? I said I believe you, bastard!!" Red blood poured out of Ye Qi's mouth, and the wounds on his body were also bleeding.

"But I..."

"No but! Yun Qishen..."

In an instant, the wicked Feijian suddenly lost its mana.

Sure enough, the mana is not enough... and a little disgusting.Ye Qi muttered.

Ye Qi and I went down together like this.

"You bastard!!! Aren't you courting death! And it's worthless to die like this!! You bastard!" I'm not worth it for him, now I only have a little mana that can be used by myself, and Qi Qi has no mana , if the two of us just fall straight down like this, we will definitely be smashed to pieces.

Ji Qi still looked at me with a smile, "I am willing for you, even if you are shattered, as long as you are willing."

What... I don't want you to be smashed to pieces... I don't want to!
I looked at the figure of Chen Yueluo that suddenly appeared above.

"I'm sorry... Ye Qi!"

"The cloud is deep!!!"

I ignored Ye Qi's surprised expression, and then I used the last mana to stop Ye Qi in the air.

Ye Qi tightly grabbed my hand, and I bounced it off with force, and then I fell down alone.

After I watched Chen Yueluo approach Ye Qi, I unlocked the mana that made him float.

Life and death are up to my fate... Looking at the gradually shrinking figure, I smiled knowingly.

I closed my eyes again, no one came to save me this time, and I quickly lost consciousness again.

(End of this chapter)

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