Yun Qishen

Chapter 236 The Entrance to the Ghost Country of Shiyou City

Chapter 236 The Entrance to the Ghost Country of Shiyou City (4)
(God's perspective)
The white fog filled the surroundings, and when it completely dissipated, in case he was found in a house.

The situation in front of him shocked him.

It was a drunk man who was abusing and beating his own daughter.

That girl was covered in bruises and bruises, and if the man beats her like this, the girl will definitely die!
In case he had never encountered such a thing since he was a child, his parents were extremely kind to him. Although his brothers laughed at him and bullied him, his parents were different.

As soon as he consciously tried to stop it, he forced his way through the drunken man's waving arm.

how come……

There was nothing I could do to stop it several times, in case I finally saw something I shouldn't have seen.

Tiger poison does not eat children, this man is not human at all! ! !

In case of an angry slap on the table, the table will burst in an instant.


Just in case realize this place can't stop people but can destroy items.

But the drunk man behind the broken table didn't take it seriously.

The drunk man ignored the girl, who had no signs of life, and picked up the jug again.

The man walked to the door while drinking, clenching his fists and holding back in case.

At this moment, something was attached to the little girl's body.

In case she watched the little girl get up like a marionette and madly pounce on the drunk man, she grabbed the man's head and bit his ear hard.

"What's going on here!" Wan Yu exclaimed.

The drunk man struggled in pain and tried his best to break free from the entanglement of the little girl and the bite of murderous intent.

In case the struggling man came to the yard, the man fell to the ground and struggled as hard as he could, blood splattered everywhere.

The girl changed from biting her ear to biting a man's neck.

When the man stopped struggling and turned into a "blooded" girl, he got up and smiled grimly.

In case it was hard to believe, he wondered what had entered the girl's body.

At the same time, Chen Yueluo was in a prosperous place, where singing and dancing were being held.

Chen Yueluo walked around and didn't find the exit, but found an invisible wall, and these people didn't notice him.

Chen Yueluo sighed and stayed to observe, thinking that there was always a way to get out.

"If it happens that guy, he will definitely be noisy when he encounters something like me."

Talking about trying to find a way to go out, Chen Yueluo himself fell in love with the lively performance.

Suddenly, all kinds of strange things flew out from the transparent wall that Chen Yueluo discovered just now. These things possessed people when they saw them, and as a result, the lively banquet turned into a bloody slaughter.

Chen Yueluo couldn't stop or even touch people and things.

I can only watch the heads of the people fall to the ground, blood smeared on the ground.

On Yun Qishen's side and Ye Qi's side, it was very different.

The same Yun Qishen and Ye Qi also encountered strange things possessing ordinary people and then became a situation of killing each other.

But Yun Qishen found an old man who escaped from the fight in the midst of the turmoil.

"Evil Qi!"

"it is good!"

Yun Qishen called Shang Qiqi to chase behind the old man, but was blocked by an invisible wall when he was about to catch up.

"What! Like frosted glass!"

Yun Qishen's strength to hit the wall still seemed to be of no avail, and so did his use of mana.

Outside the transparent wall, only close things can be seen clearly, and the farther away things are, the less clear they are.

Yun Qishen couldn't even see through the technique of prying.

But it seems that the time outside the transparent wall is passing very fast, and the darkness alternates two or three times.

Ye Qi squinted and looked carefully through the transparent wall, "It's deep, look southwest to see if you can see anything."

"it is good!"

Yun Qishen quickly looked to that side, "It's the old man... where is he standing motionless... wait..."

Yun Qishen also saw a familiar figure approaching, saying that he was familiar but could not see the face of the person at all.

This damn "frosted glass"!
Yun Qishen smashed the transparent wall with his hands again, the old man must know something, I must pry to understand!

The mana of the prying eyes was strengthened to detect a few words said by the old man.


There's nothing you want here--

It's already a ghost town...

Just three days ago—

The entire city has disappeared——

It's this sentence again...this old man...for how long.

Just when everyone was confused about how to get out, two voices came out, a young male voice and a soft female voice.

"Wake up—hey—"

"The devil—the devil—"

It's Chihua's voice!

Yun Qishen first recognized Chi Hua's voice, and then he realized that the male voice belonged to Jiang Liu's child.

"Where are they talking?"

Yun Qishen questioned, he peeped around and found nothing.

"Holding China!!"

Shouting is useless.

Ye Qi was thinking about why the alcoholic senior kept the wine gourd, right!

"It's deep that we gather mana on the wine gourd."

Hearing Ye Qi's sudden suggestion, Yun Qishen was still puzzled, and then thought about it carefully.

"This alcoholic old man is really, and I am really scared by his 'thinking about the past'! I didn't expect him to think so comprehensively!"

Yun Qishen and Ye Qi exerted their strength to pour mana into the wine gourd.

The voices of Chihua and Jiang Liu sounded again.

"Wine Gourd! Jiang Liu! Wine Gourd!"

"I'm going to give them a drink, right!!!" Jiang Liu's loud voice still didn't change.

Ye Qi and Yun Qishen stopped casting spells, but then Ye Qi's body began to glow, followed by Yun Qishen's body.

For a moment, both of them lost consciousness.

"The devil—the devil—"

"Daoist! Daoist!" (Jiang Liu called Ye Qi.)
When Yun Qishen opened his eyes again, he saw Chihua's worried face.

Yun Qishen abruptly sat up and looked around, he returned to Shiyou City, which was filled with white mist before.

That's right, Yan Qi!

As soon as Yun Qishen was about to look for Ye Qi, he felt that his hand was being tightly grasped by other people's hands, it was Ye Qi's hand.

Why didn't he wake up?
"Ah... it really scared me to death..." Chen Yueluo sat up with his head on the side.

"Cough cough cough." In case he also coughed twice not far away.

The three of them woke up, but the only one—Nie Qi.

"What's going on here? Why didn't Qi Qi wake up?"

Yun Qishen hurriedly used the healing spell, but Ye Qi didn't seem to wake up at all.

You don't scare me with a joke... it's not funny here.

"Naiqi..." Yun Qishen was still using the healing technique while clenching his teeth, but he still didn't move, and the hand that held Yun Qishen tightly also loosened.


"Uncle Seven!"

"Uncle Seven!!"

Jiang Liu, Wan Yi and Chen Yueluo called together.

"Don't worry, his body is fine... just why didn't he wake up... Nie Qi... Could it be..." Yun Qishen suddenly understood.

"One of the entrances to the ghost country from Yuyou City is the dream. And this dream is not a daydream that anyone can do casually. It must be here, in this Yuyou City."

 This is just a rubbish~

(End of this chapter)

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