Yun Qishen

Chapter 237 The Invitation of the Ghost Country

Chapter 237 The Invitation of the Ghost Country (1)
(God's perspective)
In the dark environment, there will be the sound of dripping water from time to time.

[Why am I different from others? ]
[Why are they avoiding me. ]
[Because I'm the bad guy?Weird?I have green hair that they don't have...]
[Because I am your seventh uncle?You are talking to me because the old man in the spiritual realm is protecting me, right? ]
At this moment, Qi Qi was looking at a blue-haired child he was very familiar with in the dark.

[why!Why am I different from everyone else! ! ! ! ]
That was the child's suppressed emotion, and it was also the most vulnerable place for Ye Qi.

After this suppressed emotion erupted, there were some things that Yan Qi did not want to recall when she was a child.

At that time, the eight-year-old Xiao Yanqi rushed to the spiritual realm Taoist room, pulled out his immortal sword and swung it directly at his ankle.

Blood splattered for a moment, and the child fell to the ground powerless, but he was still venting his anger loudly.

[Why should I practice Taoism!Why should I practice swords!why! ! !Why am I not a normal person! ! ! ]
The unknown side of Qi Qi is only known to him and the spiritual realm.

Ye Qi couldn't bear to look at himself when he was young again, he closed his eyes, the evil red on his eyes showed a sad color.

It is a taboo to cut off the spiritual veins in Jingling Mountain. This crazy thing was finally ended by Lingjing Dao saying "in order to prevent him from running around".

In everything, the Dao of the Spiritual Realm is protecting him, but there are some places where Ji Qi thinks that the Dao of the Spiritual Realm doesn't care about him at all.

He has been bullying the beasts in the Valley of the Gods since he was sensible. That day was considered carefree, and the Dao of the Spiritual Realm was always with him at that time.It was not until he was arranged to live in the Immortal Sword Sect of the Dao Zongmen of Jingling Mountain when he was five years old.

Everyone looked at him in the wrong way. Although disciples of his age also came later, this feeling of loneliness and being regarded as an alien still did not disappear.

When Ye Qi was under the strange eyes of everyone, he never comforted him from the spiritual realm. He understood that the spiritual realm did not want to make himself too weak.But he wanted to be cared for like a normal person, even his parents... He started joking just to get attention, just to find a close friend.

But they all avoided him, passing ten, passing a hundred.

The blue-haired child in front of him disappeared into the darkness again, and Qi Qi stood there and sighed.

He realized that now he was in a dream, or this was the entrance to the ghost gate.

Ye Qi looked at his hand, Yun Qishen, he should be fine...

Only him, only Yun Qishen would approach him, and only he would not be afraid of him because of black qi.

A happy mood enveloped Ye Qi, only he Yun Qishen was different.

Even though he has been avoiding himself, this kind of dodging is different. He will laugh at him, be angry at him, and show his sadness to him.

He even said that he likes himself.

[Er...that...I didn't ask you to come here to make you look like Sauvignon Blanc...]
A voice came from the darkness.

Ye Qi smiled slightly, "I wonder if your Excellency can come out and see you?"

[Wait, where did my robe go? ]
Ye Qi heard a chaotic sound.

Then a ghostly fire floated out from the darkness.

... He is very unhappy with this thing.

But that group of ghost fire was still wearing a small red robe, it was ridiculous to look at, even more ridiculous than the butt of the golden unicorn.

[You are the orphan of the ancient proud country, it just so happens that I have a place to take you. ]
After saying that, the little ghost fire turned and walked to the side.

Ye Qi was still stunned, and the little ghost fire had to float back again.

[You, are you still leaving? ]
Only then did Ye Qi feel that he was grabbing the ball of ghost fire with his hands.

It's so damn bouncy, a little over the top.

Ye Qi held a mass of ghostly fire together with both hands.

[Yeah, my face! ]
This group of ghost fire did not resist and let Ye Qi be like this.

Ye Qi felt bored before letting go of this group of ghost fires.

[Daoist can be considered enough to play... Come with me! ]
The ghost fire shook his body and led this evil spirit to the side.

The dark environment gradually became clear, and Qi Qi followed the ghost fire, and soon arrived in a country surrounded by ghosts.

The natural curiosity made Yan Qi anxiously interested in everything around him, but the ghost fire kept urging him to keep up.

Ye Qi had no choice but to let go of her desire to play.

The ghost fire brought Qi Qi to the outside of the attic again, surrounded by all kinds of ghosts watching over them.

If Yun Qi was deep in it, he would already be afraid.

[Daoist here!over here! ]
The ghost fire led Ye Qi in again. The ghost soldiers wanted to stop it, but they stopped blocking when they saw Ye Qi's hair.

[On the order of the ghost master, open the enchantment! ]
Don't look at this little ghost, it seems that the power is very high.

When Xie Qi caught up later, he heard the little ghost fire's order.

The golden door was opened, and the inside was indeed pale.

[On the next road, you can go by yourself, Dao Chief. ]
After speaking, the little ghost fire disappeared.

Ye Qi had no choice but to step into that pale place.

The golden gate was closed again, and then disappeared.

"Here..." Ji Qi looked around, even though he found the sword he had seen in his dreams many times, the golden giant sword was in the center of this white piece.

Ye Qi ran towards the sword.

Just as Ye Qi was getting closer to the golden giant sword, he attacked him with black feather arrows.

Ye Qi subconsciously defended, he turned the red sword in his hand to cut off those black feather arrows, but these black feather arrows were like ghosts, they penetrated Ye Qi's red sword and then entered Ye Qi's heart.

[Let go of me - I don't want to perish with this kingdom! ]
It was a woman's voice, and then the figure of a blue-haired woman appeared in Ye Qi's mind.

Another black feather arrow was attacking Ye Qi, who touched his head with both hands.

My head is about to explode... it hurts...

[Longevity, immortality—]
[Let these monsters perish and kill the people of the ancient proud country——]
[The survival of the country has nothing to do with me!Destroy let it destroy! ]
[I just want to be with the person I love! ]
[No one will love you! ]
[Do you still think that you have harmed enough people! ]
[For the ancient proud country!you must!There is no true love in this world! ]
[As a princess, you only have the value of being used! ]
[I kill you! ! ! ]
The chaotic fragments of figures, the chaotic words of men and women, these things entered Ye Qi's mind one after another, accompanied by black feather arrows.


about to explode...

it hurts...

Ye Qi hugged his head and curled up on the ground, and the golden giant sword beside him gradually emitted a strong sword light.

At the same time, in the ghost city, a wild man drinking with a beautiful woman was watching singing and dancing and applauding.

Little Guihuo flew back and turned into a handsome black-haired man in a red robe, with narrow eyebrows and evil pupils gazing at the wild man.

[My servant has seen the ghost master. ]
The wild man naturally noticed the little ghost fire, and he quickly took the beautiful woman and even the people present to salute the little ghost fire.

Little Gui Huohongpao swung to the main seat, he leaned towards the main seat, and waved his fan with one hand, "Open the door! Welcome!"

 Oh ~ my poor Qi Qi.

  (Shi Wanyi: The author, that guy Yun Qishen has prepared a kitchen knife and is going to chop you up and feed the dog)
(End of this chapter)

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