Yun Qishen

Chapter 26 Barbecue

Chapter 26 Barbecue (God's Perspective)
Duan Xiwu and Ye Qi waited for Yun Qishen for a long time, but no one came back.

Where did it go?
Duan Xi was sitting next to Qi Qi nervously, it was too scary, Junior Brother, come back soon!

Roar! ! ! !

Is it the cry of some beast?
Then Duan Xiwu raised his head and several Immortal Sect disciples swept through the air.

I really envy these flying swords.

Someone was hungry, and Duan Xi secretly looked at Qi Qi without realizing it wasn't him.

Ye Qi smiled, "Qi Shen said to take good care of you, since you're hungry, I'll go get you something to eat, uncle~"

Although it wasn't that Duan Xiwu was hungry, Duan Xiwu still nodded.

Ye Qi's real purpose was just to see the direction Yun Qishen left, and the roar and the disciples of Xianmen were all heading there.

Will his nephew have an accident?

As a result, when Ye Qi arrived by the river but did not see Yun Qishen's figure, Ye Qi's eyes were fixed on the three wolf-shaped divine beasts.

Make do with it... It looks like these mythical beasts were sent to search for demons...

He was quickly noticed by the gods and beasts because of the wicked aura running around him.

The group of Xianmen disciples were not here, they were probably searching in the air.

The mythical beasts attacked at Ye Qi, but Ye Qi didn't use the black energy to grab the beast that was pounced, and turned and threw it.

The wolf-shaped divine beast fell to the ground with a whimpering sound, and the other two rushed over together.

Ji Qi grabbed the one that fell to the ground and smashed the two that came over together.

The three mythical beasts, who were still showing off their might, all froze when they stood up.

Ye Qi slowly approached them, and they also slowly retreated until they reached a dead end.

An impatient man yelled at Evil Qi fangs.

Ye Qi smiled slightly, but Nai He's stomach growled again~ "Don't worry, I will treat you well~"

--split line--

After a while, even Duan Xiwu was a little hungry.Immediately afterwards, there was a very fragrant smell in the air.

So fragrant~
Duan Xi kept drooling, smelling the smell and trotting all the way.

When Duan Xiwu reached the river bank, he saw Ye Qi inelegantly eating a piece of meat from some animal... Not far away, there were two wolf-shaped divine beasts curled up and shivering...

Hmm... Duan Xiwu understands what Ye Qi was eating.

Ye Qi turned around and found Duan Xiwu, "What are you doing? Aren't you hungry?"

Duan Xiwu had no choice but to go over. At first, he was reluctant to eat this already-baked divine beast, but after that, he couldn't resist the cry of his stomach and the temptation of food.

Anyway, it's already cooked, so I'm sorry if I don't eat it...

Duan Xi Wu first took a small bite, the taste was not bad!Immediately after that, I ate it up.It's a bit difficult to eat because of the swollen mouth... I'm so hard I...

"Qiu Shu (Uncle Master), is Nuola accurate? (What should I do with the two)?" Duan Xiwu was almost full after eating one leg, and Ye Qi was almost finished eating the last piece of meat.

Really eat a lot and fast... Duan Xi has no sigh.

"Which two are you asking? Take them back to raise them, they are too thin to eat now..."

When he said that, Qi Qi threw the bones, and all the bones piled up into a hill. When he chanted the spell, the bones burst into black fire and quickly turned into powder.

"It is said that the bones of different mythical beasts have different effects. Now that you are in the Immortal Medicine Sect, I also don't have to deal with these bones. I'm sorry for my nephew."

After Ye Qi finished speaking, Duan Xiwu had no choice but to put away these divine beast bone powder.

How come there are three divine beasts in such a small forest?The wild ones are amazing. If it was the summoned divine beasts of those immortal disciples just now... it would be a big sin...

"There are just two more mounts." Ji Qi washed his hands with the river water and found a small piece of red cloth.

The unease in Ye Qi's heart became even stronger.

"Nephew, let's go when we're done." Qi Qi said lightly, the wind blowing the sleeves of his red and black Taoist uniform.

Before Duan Xi could reply, three or two Xianmen disciples flew over with Yu Jian.

"You can't go anywhere!" A disciple who looked very small and imposing stepped forward to stop Ye Qi, the younger disciple winked at the two disciples behind him and went to recall the two divine beasts.

"What kind of sect are you! If it wasn't for a crooked sect! How could the disciples do such cruel things!" The little disciple suppressed the impulse of his body, but his expression was still very angry.

"Jingling Mountain Dao Zongmen Xianjianzong Lingjing Dao, the seventh disciple of Qi Qi."

Ye Qi answered casually.

These Xianmen disciples have only heard that Jingling Mountain's Lingjing Dao is a Taoist who is comparable to a fairy. It is said that he lived for more than 200 years. In the battle between immortals and demons (referring to Xianmen and Demons) 100 years ago, he fought against millions of monsters and went straight into the enemy's camp to win. took the head of the Demon Queen.All the immortal sects respect him at a respectful distance.

Seeing Ye Qi's mouth, Duan Xiwu didn't dare to be vague, and his mouth was swollen, and the pronunciation was vague, "The ban is on the thief group Xiwu (Duan Xiwu, a disciple of the Xianyao Sect of the Taoist sect of Jingling Mountain)"

Afterwards, a disciple of Xianmen muttered, what did this person say?Do you understand?don't know.

"What if fellow Daoist is from Jingling Mountain! Why eat my divine beast!"

It seems that this little disciple will not give up.

"Why? The road is bumpy, and I can't satisfy my hunger. It's just enough to feed my stomach." Yan Qi smiled, "Who made this little Taoist come late and miss a good meal."

How could the little disciple bear this grievance? The divine beast he had worked so hard to catch was so easy for people to eat. He had never seen anyone in this world who could eat divine beasts.

The younger disciples attacked at Ye Qi.

Some of the disciples who came with him shouted anxiously, Junior Brother!Do not impulse.

As a result, the younger disciple fought with Ye Qi when he was not blocked in time.

Ye Qi didn't like to waste time. As soon as the black qi came out and entangled the younger disciples, his disciples doubted Ye Qi's true identity when they saw the black qi.He also drew his sword and attacked him.

Duan Xi didn't see the trouble like this and wanted to hide quickly, but unfortunately he was caught by a disciple of Immortal Sect.

The swords of the Xianmen disciple were about to stab Duan Xiwu in the middle, and Duan Xiwu shrewdly confuse the disciple's eyes by scattering the bone meal in his hand.

Ye Qi on the side was having a good time.

"Ask for a book (Uncle Shi)!!"

Duan Xi came running without a rush.

Ye Qi used black energy to grab these Immortal Sect disciples and threw them into the distance.Then he followed Duan Xiwu towards a nearby village and town.

In order to prevent this group of Xianmen disciples from coming to look for trouble again (obviously you ate someone's divine beast.), he suppressed them with black air.

It was already late at night when I reached the nearby town, and it was dark all around.

They came from what seemed to be a hidden part of town.

Duan Xiwu couldn't really see clearly, the money and lighting they carried with them were all in Yunqishen.

Brother, where did he disappear?I'm afraid it won't be leaving me to the Seventh Uncle to escape alone! !

Immediately afterwards, Duan Xi stumbled on something, not only fell to a relatively soft ground, but also had something sticky on his face.

Ye Qi calmly activated the fire spell from his hand, and banged out a small ball of fire to illuminate it.

Uncle Shi, if you ignited the fire earlier, I would not have fallen.

Duan Xi complained in his heart, he slowly got up and found himself lying on a dead person just now! !The sticky thing just now was the blood that the corpse shed.

Duan Xiwu was so frightened that he sat on the ground and rubbed back a few meters, "Ugh!!"

Ye Qi used the fire to look around, and there were about ten people dead, with knives in their hands.Probably a robber.

Ye Qi leaned over to check, all the dead corpses had their eyes gone, most of them died from excessive bleeding, one of the gangsters also lost a hand, and another with a moustache had his mouth smashed by something... …

This reminded Ye Qi of the red-clothed devil he met on Jingling Mountain...

!Red cloth by the river! !Devil! !It's been here before, and it shouldn't be far away! !

"Duan Xiwu!" Ye Qi called Duan Xiwu's name for the first time.

As soon as he called, Duan Xiwu, who was in shock, woke up.

"Using the technique of observation! I think it should be able to find its deep position!" Yan Qi grabbed Duan Xiwu's collar.

This uncle is so scary! ! !

"Kuo (Ke)... Oh Bu Hui (I can't)." This is the truth.

"No, I have to do it!!!" Xie Qi's strong uneasiness could not be controlled, and he panicked.

will disappear, what will disappear! !Must find him quickly! !

This was the first time Duan Xiwu saw Uncle Seventh Master like this, and the surprise in his heart turned into a panic.

Afterwards, Duan Xiwu's only sudden eruption actually succeeded in the observation technique (except for the two or three previous failures, the sense of sight that he would be killed if he failed again.)
"The meat is pulled (what is coming)!" Duan Xiwu said loudly.

Ye Qi looked around vigilantly, and then a force attacked him.

Although Ye Qi blocked it with black gas, he was pushed out several tens of meters.

The person who attacked had a dim light all over his body, dressed in red, and his golden eyes were cold.

The person who came was Taki Qianye, the devil in red.

"I didn't expect that there would be fish caught in the net!!!" Taki Qianye, who was now in front of Ye Qi, completely lost the tenderness that he had when facing Yun Qishen.

At this time, the moon was curious and wanted to see the battle between the two people.

The moonlight shone down, and Duan Xiwu saw that there were some dark red stains on Taki Qianye's red clothes, which were different in size. It was probably the blood of these corpses.

Duan Xiwu slumped on the ground because of the shock of Ye Qi being knocked flying, staring at Taki Qianye and Ye Qi with wide eyes.

Red blood protruded from Ye Qi's mouth. Although the attack just now was blocked, it was still laborious and even injured his internal organs.

Ye Qi glared at Taki Qianye, "How deep is the cloud!"

Then Taki Qianye slammed into Ye Qi and kicked Ye Qi out, slammed into a wall, and was crushed.

"I said you don't deserve to pronounce his name!" Taki Qianye said fiercely.

"Humph..." Ji Qi came out of the shards on the wall, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, raised his head and looked at Taki Qianye with contempt, "It's not your turn to call me an ugly bastard."

As soon as he heard the word "ugly", Taki Qianye became even more angry, and attacked Ye Qi violently.

It was attacked on Ye Qi's abdomen all the time, and Ye Qi also vomited blood several times in a row.

Taki Qianye was in a hurry, and it was a bit annoying to beat him like this, so he threw Ye Qi back to Duan Xiwu with a flick of his hand.

Duan Xi used medical magic to heal Qi Qi without trembling.

"No...use..." Ei Qi clearly had difficulty speaking, but still sat up with difficulty to prepare for Taki Qianye's attack.

"Ha..." Taki Qianye, who was not far away, laughed out loud, followed by "Hahahahaha!"

Duan Xiwu closed his eyes tightly and his hands kept shaking.

If this goes on like this, the seventh uncle and I will both die... junior brother...

I don't know why I think of Yun Qishen at this time, maybe the junior brother will have a solution when he comes!

Seeing that Taki Qianye walked over step by step.

Duan Xiwu's hands trembled more and more, and even the spell was not stable.

Ye Qi fell to the ground and gasped.

Aren't you the Seventh Master Uncle that all the disciples are afraid of?Stand up quickly! ! !
"You said that the jade pendant is your token of love, but now the jade pendant is gone. Just give me your heart!!" Taki Qianye had already walked up to Duan Xiwu and Ye Qi.

Taki Qianye's hand emitted a faint purple light and attacked Ye Qi.

Duan Xi used all his strength to push Ye Qi away, but he was hit by Taki Qianye.

Taki Qianye's hand penetrated Duan Xiwu's body from behind and pulled out Duan Xiwu's heart.

At this moment, Duan Xiwu only suffered from temporary pain and stopped moving.

His heart turned out to be on the right side of the body...

Taki Qianye flicked his hand with disgust, and Duan Xiwu's heart also threw it casually.

More black energy began to surge around Ye Qi, surrounding Ye Qi.

Of course, this is not Ye Qi's original intention, but this black qi wants to protect Ye Qi independently.

Taki Qianye's hand was emitting purple light again, and with a single grab, he broke the black air barrier of Ye Qi.

"You're going to die here today!" Taki Qianye sneered, and was about to bend over to attack Ye Qi.

Ye Qi also laughed and spat out a mouthful of blood, which happened to be on Taki Qianye's uninjured face!
Ye Qi's black energy also prevented Taki Qianye's attack, Taki Qianye couldn't suppress his anger and still violently moved towards Ye Qi's heart.

It stayed like that for a while.

There was the sound of eager footsteps.

and a shout.


The voice was familiar, and Qi Qi smiled at ease.

Taki Qianye was terrified, and quickly gave up the attack and disappeared into the shadows.

These eager footsteps and shouting came from Yun Qishen...

Yun Qishen came to Ye Qi's side and helped him up, "Seventh Master Uncle is all right..."

Yun Qishen's eyes focused on one place at once, on the corpse that had been penetrated not far away.

That was the Duan Xiwu who made trouble without repentance, the fourth senior brother who started the solitaire during dinner, the timid senior brother... Yes...

Evil Qi hugged Yun Qishen fiercely, but now Yun Qishen's expression made his heart slashed.

"I'm sorry..." Yan Qi spit out three words with difficulty, and blood in his stomach could not help pouring up as he spoke, although he forcibly restrained himself not to spit into Yun Qishen's back.

But there was still blood flowing from the corner of his mouth to Yun Qishen's clothes.

"I said...let you take care of him...why...why..." Tears spilled out of Yun Qishen's eyes like a dam burst.

Ji Qi was holding Yun Qishen's body that he wanted to rush over, and the black energy around him was also helping him to prevent Yun Qishen from advancing.

Yun Qishen could only hold the injured Qi here like this, but he couldn't go up and take a look at Duan Xiwu.

"Let go of me! Uncle Shi!" Yun Qishen couldn't bear it.

Ye Qi ignored him, just hugged him tightly, thinking that it would be good if you came back...

"Yan Qi!!! Let go of me!!"

Yun Qishen clenched his fists tightly, but he was unable to exert his strength, and the black energy in his body also restrained Yun Qishen from advancing.

But Yun Qishen put all these reasons on Ye Qi alone.

But who was the person who just fought with Ye Qi?I did see a red eye, could it be him?No, he is so gentle.

Yun Qishen clenched his fist and slammed into the ground, and the ground cracked a small piece.

 Armed, prevent blades!
(End of this chapter)

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