Yun Qishen

Chapter 27 Contradictions

Chapter 27 Contradictions
"...Everyone don't stand still...let's eat..." Mi Zixin forced a smile.

Brother Jiang Qinger has not stopped crying since we came back, his eyes are red and swollen.

The people from the Immortal Medicine Sect were all gathered around the dining table, watching Mi Zixin cook the very hard food.

Jiang Qing sobbed, and the sound of tears dripping on the table could be heard clearly...

"I'll take a look at Uncle Seven..." Then Gu Choumian got up and left, obviously going back soon after he arrived.

"Wait for me!" Chen Yueluo also had a sad look on his face. When he saw Gu Choumian leaving, he couldn't sit still, and left with Gu Choumian.

The big brother Qiu Shan is still the unchanging iceberg with no face, does this person have no feelings!

I'm even so suspicious... I hold back, because crying like Jiang Qing is not the way...

Mi Zixin saw that we were all gloomy and disrespectful, but he couldn't say anything...

Jiang Qing, who was crying suddenly, picked up the chopsticks, quickly picked up the food and slammed it into his mouth.

I wanted to stop him, but I put my hand down halfway up.

Chewing bitter vegetables could no longer satisfy Jiang Qing's pain.

Hearing that the table was beaten severely by Jiang Qing, he lay on the table and buried his head under the table.He had just swallowed the meal with his mouth wide open, followed by a hoarse whimper.

Qiu Shan was also leaving as usual after finishing his meal. I couldn't hold back my anger and stepped forward and grabbed Qiu Shan by the collar.

"You! You have no feelings! Why are you acting so calm!!!!"

I didn't know why I was so impulsive for a while, maybe it was Qiu Shan's attitude that reminded me of the anger that Ji Qi didn't let me go forward at that time, maybe it's possible for me to go forward... and maybe...

"Um..." Qiu Shan uttered as usual, but then did not move.

On the contrary, Jiang Qing abruptly got up from his seat, pushed the two of us away, and grabbed my collar.

"Why take him! If he doesn't go, it won't be like this!! Why...why take him..." Jiang Qing is also getting more and more abnormal.

Also, I didn't know Duan Xi for a month or two, but Jiang Qing was the junior and junior brother he had been with for four or five years.

I can't say anything, I can only be patient with Jiang Qing's temper and let him blame me.

My fault!I shouldn't have taken Duan Xiwu!My fault!I shouldn't have let him follow Ye Qi, my mistake was to let him take care of him!At that time, I should have taken Duan Xiwu to fetch water...

Jiang Qing whimpered, his hand gradually loosened and slipped from my collar.Then he fell all over.

Qiu Shan saw the situation and supported Jiang Qing, who was about to fall to the ground, but Jiang Qing had already fainted.

"Qiu Shan, take Jiang Qing to rest..." Mi Zixin said calmly, "Qi Shen, come here..."

...I glanced at the haggard Jiang Qing, glared at Qiu Shan again, and left with Mi Zixin.

I followed Mi Zixin to Lingyao Pavilion, although it was Mi Zixin's residence, it was also where Ye Qi was arranged to live.

Now Ye Qi is still healing inside, and Mi Zixin and I passed by Lingyao Pavilion and saw Gu Choumian treating Ye Qi's wounds, and Chen Yueluo helped him.

"This time it seems that we have encountered a strong enemy."

Suddenly there was the voice of the Spirit Realm Dao.

Mi Zixin bowed his head and saluted when he saw Lingjing Dao, "I have seen Master..."

"Okay, go do your own work. I'll have a chat with him." Lingjing Dao waved his hand for Mi Zixin to leave.

I only opened my mouth after seeing Mi Zixin leaving, "Big brother...Thank you."

It was because Ye Qi chanted a spell to summon the Spirit Realm Dao.

We can only come back to Jingling Mountain so soon.

"I'm called Shizun here." It was rare to see Spirit Realm and sighed, "Oh, I know how sad it is for you to lose a partner. But don't blame me for speaking badly, this is what you have to go through. If you want to go back there, There may be more to lose, and there are some things you have to give up..."

What the Spiritual Realm Dao said is not without reason, I understand it, and they said it to me... I can't even think about it, it doesn't matter...

I am afraid that the Spirit Realm Dao has lost more than me for more than 100 years here, so I comforted myself in my heart.

"He's Ye Qi..." I didn't know what to say for a while, but I thought of Ye Qi coming.

"It seems that I have met an opponent this time, huh, it just happened to teach this kid a lesson! This is the end of complacency!"

Spirit Realm Dao didn't care about my confused and annoyed expression and continued, "Yun Qishen, if you think that being stupid can solve everything, then stand here. This devil came for you, and he killed himself at his own discretion. People related to you. It seems that this battle of fairy and demon is inevitable again."

"Do you only care about this immortal and demon war? Don't you care about the personal safety of your disciples?" I am now questioning whether this spiritual realm still has humanity.But again I thought about what he said about me, that...

"The Yun family..."

"I have sent someone to keep it secret, you can rest assured."

Before I could clarify the spiritual realm, I interrupted me, "If you still want to see that child (Duan Xiwu), you can come with me now. His family should also be at the mountain gate."

Family? I have no face...

"Forget it..." My nose was sour, and I covered my mouth and turned my head to the side.

"It's also a coincidence that the heart of this child (Duan Xiwu) is on the right..." Lingjing Dao looked up at the sky and saw only the white sky unique to Jingling Mountain.

At this time, I heard an eager footstep, it was Jiang Qing!
When did he wake up?
"Master!" Jiang Qing pushed me away and grabbed the sleeve of Lingjing Road, "Master, please! You must have a way to save the fourth junior brother, right!"

I looked at the spiritual realm. If he could save him, he would have saved him long ago, but he probably couldn't.

Lingjingdao did not answer Jiang Qing's question, but replied coldly, "He is at the mountain gate now, you can see him again if you go now."

When Jiang Qing heard that he was running towards the mountain gate, I was a little worried for a while, afraid of what Jiang Qing would do.Besides, Duan Xiwu's family is still there, that's enough...

I also chased after the mountain gate, and when I got to the mountain gate, I saw Jiang Qing standing alone in a daze.

Recalling that when Duan Xiwu and Jiang Qing first arrived at the Immortal Medicine Sect, Duan Xiwu and Jiang Qing were arguing over a book...

The unbearable and self-blame complex kneaded together.

"Junior Brother...Where did he go?"

Jiang Qing dumbly looked at the white fog outside the mountain gate.

Who is this junior brother of his called? Am I still Duan Xiwu?I don't know either.

I assumed it was me that he called, and replied to him, "His family came to pick him up... and left..."

I looked at Jiang Qing and panicked again, he grabbed my shoulders, his eyes were full of panic, "No! Junior brother he has no family! I found him under the cliff!"

After speaking, Jiang Qing rushed into the fog outside the mountain gate.

no family! ?
I don't know what to say for a while...

Three days after Jiang Qing rushed into the fog, Qiu Shan brought the unconscious Jiang Qing back to the Immortal Medicine Sect.

Mi Zixin said that he observed Jiang Qing's constant movement for the past three days, and that he could easily bring him back until he stopped today.

--split line--

Originally, I was still in my sleep repeating that Ye Qi was holding me and wouldn't let me come forward to check on Duan Xiwu, and then Duan Xiwu in the dream slowly got up, the body that was penetrated was bleeding, and he swayed his body towards me. go away...

"Senior brother..."

Duan Xi didn't say anything to call me... His hand touched the bleeding place...

"Senior brother..."

Duan Xi's bloody hand brushed my cheek.

I woke up in a panic and looked back to see Jiang Qing smiling at me.

He probably came to wake me up, but his laugh was so uncharacteristic.

"Junior brother, hurry up! The fairy grass hasn't been watered today!"

Jiang Qing's tone was very similar to Duan Xiwu.

"Senior brothers are all up! It's just a little younger brother!"

As if he was still alive, right in front of him...

Brother Jiang Qing, what happened?

"Let's go!" Jiang Qing's performance terrified me.

After I washed up, I followed Jiang Qing to the Xiancao Garden. Once Jiang Qing arrived at the Xiancao Garden, he began to take care of the fresh fruits of Xiancao.

I thought he was just thinking about Duan Xiwu too much to do this, but when I suddenly heard Jiang Qing inadvertently say, "If you don't take good care of Xianguo, the second senior brother will come and steal it."

I looked at Jiang Qing in shock, he smiled carelessly like Duan Xiwu, he must be crazy.

"Second Senior Brother, didn't you go down the mountain today?"

I want to test, he hasn't forgotten himself...

Jiang Qing stopped pruning the fruit trees in his hand, he turned his head aside, "Go down the mountain... Mission..."

I thought he remembered that Duan Xi was gone, and I was afraid that he would be too sad again.In the end, Jiang Qing smiled and turned to me and said, "What did the younger brother say~ Isn't the second brother already dead?"

!I was shocked, what did this man say?

Then Jiang Qing grabbed me, his eyes wide open and the corners of his mouth grinning upwards.

What a terrifying smile, right in front of me right now!

"Obviously it's the younger brother, damn it, why is it the second brother who died!" Then the scissors in Jiang Qing's hand to prune fruit trees were about to stab at me.

I was shocked and didn't know what to do, and the little fork that was still sleeping in my arms suddenly came out.

"Snake!!!" Jiang Qing was stunned and stopped.

The small fork bounced to Jiang Qing's neck, and it opened its mouth and bit it fiercely.

A large mass of black energy poured out of Jiang Qing's body.

Then I saw a few spells flying over and dispelling the black qi.

I also took advantage of the situation to catch Jiang Qing who was about to fall to the ground.

Then Qiu Shan and Mi Zixin rushed over.

"Just now..." I think Jiang Qing's actions just now were not his original intention, he was controlled...

"There are monsters in the mountains, I don't know how many, and the types are not clear... Jiang Qing seems to be possessed..." Mi Zixin explained.

"Well..." Senior Brother Qiu Shan was still the same as usual.

In the end, he could only let Qiu Shan take Jiang Qing back to rest.

I felt very uncomfortable seeing Jiang Qing like this. Instead of going to dinner with Mi Zixin and the others, I was alone in the Immortal Medicine Sect.

Somehow I came to Lingyao Pavilion, and Gu Choumian and Chen Yueluo just went to dinner.

In Lingyao Pavilion, I think there is only one person left in the Lingyao Pavilion... But when I looked into Lingyao Pavilion from the window, there was no such person.

Where did it go?I looked around for a while.

what!found it!
Ye Qi sat alone at the stone table in the backyard of Lingyao Pavilion, drinking tea.

He noticed me quickly and I walked towards him.

"You're here, its deep..."

Seeing that Yan Qi speaks so neatly now, it seems that it is almost a good thing.

"Is Uncle Seventh not hungry?" I didn't say anything to him, so I just found a topic.

"Isn't it deep?"

In the end he pushed the question to me.

I stood in front of Ye Qi, "Seventh Master clearly knows who attacked you, why didn't you tell Master?"

Ye Qi didn't speak, and after a while he finished the cup of tea before speaking, "Because it's useless to tell him, in the end he won't interfere in anything..."

I actually felt that what Yan Qi said was right!

If only I learned to spy on the mind, I would be able to find out the devil who killed Duan Xiwu from Ye Qi's memory, and I would also be able to determine whether it was Taki Qianye.

"I never asked you, what happened when you went to fetch water?" Although Qi Qi asked me, he didn't look at me, what was he thinking about.

"I met a demon who took me to town to protect me..." I don't think it's appropriate to say this now.

Ye Qi stopped talking, and the tea in his hand was gone.I subconsciously filled him up (a habit I developed from Taki Yunhua), I wonder if he is not happy...

He looked at me with a forced smile and smiled, "It's good that you come back safely... I'm sorry about your senior brother... Now I'm really too complacent... It's really useless as the old man said. "

Probably Lingjing Dao and Ye Qi said something to make him become like this.I didn't know how to adapt when I saw Ye Qi who was not arrogant at all.

Me too, if I know any spells, it's possible that Ye Qi won't be hurt, and Duan Xiwu won't die.But... no if...

Ye Qi didn't stick to me like he did before, and even when I left, he sat blankly on the stone table and pondered.

I should go to the spiritual realm and let him unlock my seal.

As long as I can get the power to protect myself and the people around me, even if I die, I want to gamble now.

As I was thinking about it, I was also walking in the direction of the Immortal Sword Sect, and happened to collide with the Spirit Realm Dao.

"You also want to pay me for this piece of my clothes?" As a result, Lingjing Dao saw that I bumped into him, and quickly checked the cleanliness of his clothes.

"Big brother! Help me unlock the seal!" I blurted out.

"Call me Shizun!" Spirit Realm Dao smirked with troubled cheeks, "You can untie it if you say it! Come with me!"

It seems that he almost made this old man irritable again.

"Your seal was sealed by the sealer with his Taoism cultivation base for a hundred years. If I forcibly untie you and I, I might be finished!" Spirit Realm Dao took me to a valley.

The jungle is dense, the smoke is full, and the birds are chirping!
It turns out that there is such a place in Jingling Mountain.

"There are many mythical beasts here, all you have to do is take 6 golden scales of the mythical beast unicorn and 100 drops of tears from any mythical beast." Then Lingjingdao threw me a small bottle the size of a palm, "This one contains the blood of 10 mythical beasts. Remember to fill up!"

"Why?" How troublesome is it to remove the seal?I asked out of nowhere.He quickly covered his mouth.

As a result, the Spirit Realm Dao was provoked, "Why the fuck! Unseal it for you! Fool!"

The Spirit Realm Dao is about to come and kick me, and the irritable brother is not easy to mess with.

"It will be the Immortal Dharma meeting soon... Go to the Valley of the Beasts and wait until after the Immortal Dharma Meeting..." Spirit Realm Dao waved his sleeves and left.

He seemed to have something to deal with when he bumped into him just now, but he took care of mine first.

I clenched the bottle in my hand, I will definitely become stronger, and I will definitely avenge Duan Xiwu...

 Today I somehow fell in love with the TV series "Swordsman"
  It's an old movie, but I'm a bit over the top
(End of this chapter)

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