Yun Qishen

Chapter 265

Chapter 265 A Hundred Years of Forgetfulness (3)
(God's perspective)
The first thing Jiang Liu did when he woke up from the coma was to confirm Chihua's condition.

However, the first thing he saw when he woke up was the face that looked a little fierce in case, and Jiang Liu had great resistance to the case, and at the same time he was really envious of Jiang Liu's strength.

"you're awake."

In case the cold tone entered Jiang Liu's ears.

"Um... Chihua she..."

In case Erlang's legs were crossed in the chair, he leaned on his head with one hand, "Yun Qishen treated her very well, and he was from his side anyway, he said let me say thank you for him, Thank you for holding China."

As long as he is safe...

Jiang Liu pursed his lips, and only put down a stone in his heart. It should be that he is sorry for Chihua, and he should not deceive her to be a ghost master for personal hatred in the first place.

Jiang Liu moved his gaze to his hand, but the ghost ring that should have been on his hand was gone.

In case, Jiang Liu would throw a ring at him when he called out at this time.

Jiang Liu caught the ring with a puzzled look, when did he drop it...

"Do you still have any thoughts of running away?" If you then asked.

escape?Jiang Liu was escaping to him before, and he hurt Jiang Lang because of escaping... Because escaping even Chihua...

[Children don't have to bear these, learn to escape, you are not wrong. 】

Chihua's voice appeared in Jiang Liu's mind at this time.

"I...I don't know if I should escape or not..."

Jiang Liu has been staring at the ring in his hand, and now he doesn't know what to do, whether to avoid hurting himself or not, but it will hurt others.

"If you don't want someone to admit your existence and live as a different person from a ghost, then run away. If you want everyone to admit your strength, you won't be swayed by aliens. If this kind of wording hurts, then be the ghost master of the ghost country and show it to these guys who agree with strength. On the road to becoming stronger, you must sacrifice a lot. If you care too much about others, you will not become strong. "

In case it gives Jiang Liu a clear path, escaping is not a bad method, and it is not because he is just a child that he must choose to escape.

He chose to stay in the ghost country, but what about Xin... She...

Jiang Liu didn't say a word. Originally, the child's eyes were big. He looked at the situation and didn't say a word, which made it uncomfortable for a while.

"Hey! Don't look at me, Yun Qishen told me to tell you whether to go or stay, but it's impossible for Chihua to stay in the ghost country."

In case you have to leave after saying what Yun Qishen ordered, Chihua still needs to observe it from time to time.

That guy Chen Yueluo went out and hasn't come back yet, don't practice secretly... Damn.

"Right!" In case something suddenly occurred to him, he took out a palm-sized black nail from his arms.

"Boy! Take this! You should know the beast masters." If he finished speaking, he would throw the nail at Jiang Liu again.

Jiang Liu was startled and hurriedly ducked, his head knocked on the bed frame.

How could anyone throw such a big nail at someone!This is the murder weapon!
In case he didn't care about that, he threw the nails and left.

The black nail was just stuck on the bed, and Jiang Liu recognized it after a careful look.

Magic nails?This is not the ghost master Mo Ruo's... In case this person is in the end...

Magic nails can control demons, ghosts and even demons...why would there be...why did he give it to me...

Chen Yueluo didn't run out of exhaustion, but made Xiao Zhi annoyed.

Here, the little mouse's stomach reacted again, suddenly spitting out a lot of red pills from Xiaozhi's mouth.No matter how long the wandering ghosts chased them, Xiaozhi vomited for as long as Chen Yueluo took five steps, and Xiaozhi would spit out an elixir.

Chen Yueluo had to take these red pills to find Ye Qi and the others.

It may be that the spell that Ye Qi cast on Chen Yueluo is somewhat powerful.After a while, the wandering ghosts and the possessed skeletons who originally wandered throughout the ghost country were attracted by Chen Yueluo.

I drop an ancestor...

The road that Chen Yueluo was going to rush to the enchantment of the ghost country was also blocked by the skeletons.

At this time, let the counselor come out, it will definitely not agree to take me to run... If it comes out to make a noise, I might as well not call him.

By the way, it's better to use gluttonous food... No, it seems that I have to go back to the Dharma door before... Then only...

Chen Yueluo watched the wandering ghosts and skeletons who were chasing after them, speeding up their running again, while chanting the spell to seal the seal, while looking for a place to rely on that could be summoned.

Chen Yueluo put his hand on the wall lightly and a flame appeared and then drew a black mark.

Chen Yueluo avoided the wandering ghost skeletons and quickly marked all the marks.

Then Chen Yueluo slid and stood up, turned around and faced the wandering ghost skeletons.

"Come out and feel the outside world! Rock lava ghosts!"

Suddenly the ground shook, and flames erupted at the places marked by Chen Yueluo just now, and then the flames joined together to form a huge flame tornado. An arm stretched out from the tornado and attacked the wandering ghost in the air. .

The remaining flames also attacked the skeletons like a flood.

The huge rock lava ghost appeared. Compared with the previous training, this lava monster was much smaller, but its strength was not much smaller.

The flames can stop these wandering ghosts for a while, but they can't destroy them... Sure enough, they can only pass the seal...

Chen Yueluo stood on the shoulders of the lava monster, and Xiao Zhi was still spitting out the red elixir.

Just in case he felt the ground shake when he walked out of the door after observing Chihua's condition, and then he sensed a heat wave that he didn't know about in the distance.

If you look up curiously, you will see the huge lava monster. Through the perception of mana, you will also feel that the monster here is summoned by Chen Yueluo.

Why should all the good things be taken away by this fool, should I also be able to defeat him by guarding the beast?This Chen Yueluo clearly knew that he was a beast of the wood water type who had to conquer the fire type... This lava monster was probably wasting so much power.

Just wait and see!Chen Yueluo, I will never lose to you!If you conquer the fire element, I will go to the water element to see who is better!

In case some wandering ghosts are about to be scattered around because of Chen Yueluo's lava monsters.

I can understand that Uncle Seven's intention is to let Chen Yueluo gather the wandering ghosts... This guy really becomes mindless when Gu Choumian is by his side!

Chen Yueluo, who was on the shoulders of the lava monster, calmed down and thought for a moment, and then he realized the spell attached to Xiaozhi's body.

Seventh Master Uncle here, then he is the living bait... Why not choose just in case?Do you blame me for speaking ill of him with Mianmian before?No, at that time, it was just me, Chou Mian, and the divine beast, the golden unicorn... Uncle Seven couldn't hear me... Forget it... Since you asked me to gather monsters, I couldn't let it go.

"Lava! Set fire!"

Chen Yueluo patted the lava ghost a little, and the lava ghost immediately shouted in the sky, and the hot flame trapped the wandering ghost in the air like a net.

(End of this chapter)

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