Yun Qishen

Chapter 266

Chapter 266 A Hundred Years of Forgetfulness (4)
(God's perspective)
In the place where the ghost country is sealed, the black energy in the golden giant sword is continuously getting into Yun Qishen's brain.

The messy memories made Yun Qishen's brain aches for a while, and the memories flashed in front of him were all of an unfamiliar blue-haired person.

Is it Yan Qi... this emerald green hair...

Head hurts……

【Do you really not like me? 】

A strange man's voice appeared in Yun Qi's mind.

[I...I can't like you. 】

It was followed by another female voice, hesitating without a firm answer.

[If you say you can't like me, that means you like me? 】

The man's tone was delighted.


Yun Qishen flashed a green-haired man and rushed to the man and woman who were talking.

Then Yun Qishen's head hurt again, and the whole memory was chaotic, like watching Snowflake TV...

"Ah... I'm so annoying, what's this all about!!" Yun Qishen pinched his head without any relief.

Then the snowflakes turned white, and the white light continued to magnify, making Yun Qishen's head pain free all of a sudden.

But as the white light faded, Yun Qishen felt that he was already in a luxurious place.

There was water flowing around him that had just reached his ankles.

My original black clothes somehow turned into red dance clothes...

I... I don't even know what to say... God, there are only zero and countless stalks of meow girls!

But Yun Qishen looked towards the water, but it wasn't his own face, but the delicate face of a real girl.

"Didn't you say there is something to show me? What is it?"

The man's voice just now appeared again, and it was close at hand.

Yun Qishen looked up and saw that the man was dressed in black and looked handsome.There was a slight black air about him.

It's a demon——

Yun Qishen thought so, and his hand was pulled up by this man.

Yun Qishen was a little nervous even when he pulled his hand back.

In the eyes of men, it is the woman who is embarrassed to face him, and the woman who is shy.

But in Yun Qi's heart... it's so disgusting!But if this situation is replaced by evil spirit... um... how will I face it?Just punch it?No, no, no, I will definitely be caught and possibly take the lead...

The current body is not my own, but my actions are according to my own meaning... I won't have a headache this time, and I will transgender... OMG!

"Why are you shy?"

The man in black took the initiative to pull the hand of Yun Qishen, who had turned into a woman, with a look of joy.

"You let me go..."

Don't suffer the old man!You let go of your salty pig hands!Be careful I beat you!

Yun Qishen's inner activity was intense, but on the surface, this woman and this man were in love with each other.

"What are you doing?"

A cold voice came from a distance, followed by eager footsteps.

The blue-haired woman took the man's hand away from Yun Qishen's arm, and then pushed the man again.

"Do you know that blatantly hooking up with a royal maid is a felony! It's about beheading! National teacher?"

I have seen this blue-haired woman, isn't this the princess of Gu Aoguo!At close range, there are smart eyes and delicate faces.She is indeed a bit more beautiful than her master (Taki Yunhua).But in my opinion, the master is still the most beautiful.

"Princess is really joking. It's obviously your good sister who wants to give me a surprise and let me take a look. Besides, I'm not blatant here..." The man's eyes passed the princess and looked at the woman in red.

Huh~ This person is so wretched, it fundamentally lowers the way our men pursue women...

Yun Qi deeply despised it in his heart, but from the memory just now, he could know that the woman he had become now loved this man to the death or to the death, but he could not admit that she loved him.

"Really?" The princess patted the woman in red on the shoulder, and Yun Qishen's consciousness began to leave the woman.

"No..." The woman in red said slowly, "I just want the national teacher to see the dance I prepared for the princess."

Huh?This is not what I said!How can I be so obtuse when I talk, and besides, I don't like the kind of man who seems to be lowering the rank. This guy has a handsome face in vain.

If this face is on my face, I won't be surrounded by a group of fangirls.

Yun Qi deeply knew that his face was too feminine and that there was only one fanboy around him who was evil... Isn't this a bit shabby...

"Okay, it's for the princess, I'm watching." The man in black left the place and found a place without water to sit down.

The princess sighed, "don't pay attention to him, and don't be entangled by him next time. Don't be nervous, I won't blame you, and I'm looking forward to your dance too."

The woman in red nodded, and the princess went to sit down with the man in black.

Yun Qishen's consciousness could only float around the woman in red, but this time he couldn't touch anything. He felt like a video recorder...

The woman stepped on the running water, and the red sleeves in her hands were ready.

Is this a red sleeve dance?

The sound of running water gradually became clear, and the man and the princess all calmed down and looked forward to the woman's dance.

In the extremely quiet situation, a fallen leaf is the beginning of the prelude.

The red sleeves of the woman in red were opened to the sides, and then she turned around dexterously, stepping on the water to make a beautiful melody.

It is really a dance that moves the universe, and a dance weeps the world.

The shock of the red-clothed woman's dance made the man and the princess, even Yun Qishen, unable to look away.

This is the real red sleeve dance, although there is no music or lyrics.But as long as this woman dances, even dead trees can instantly bloom with thousands of flowers.

The beauty of the woman dancing makes the man more pleasing to her.

Let the woman have some jealousy while praising her, happy for her but also hate that she does not have such a beautiful fate.

The woman in red has her talents, her hobbies, and people who like her.

And the princess herself gave out a good-looking skin and nothing.

"My father ordered that I will be married in three days..."

The princess's slow voice was like a discordant note that directly cut off the dance of the woman in red.

The woman in red looked at the princess in the distance in surprise.

The man in black also frowned, "Then congratulations..."

"You..." The princess thought that the man in black would comfort her, but he actually congratulated her.The princess was about to lose her temper when she saw the man in black giving her a password.

[There are people watching around, it has been a long time. 】

The princess only understood, she could only defy her heart and say to the man, "Thank you."

Yun Qishen didn't understand it very well at this time, and it seemed that the technique of peeking into the heart couldn't be used here.

The woman in red stepped on the water and came to the princess and hugged her.

It was also at this time that Yun Qishen's consciousness completely left this phantom memory.

Yun Qishen quickly returned to himself, he opened his eyes and saw the fat claws of the golden unicorn greeting his face.


That slap is really crisp.

(End of this chapter)

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