Yun Qishen

Chapter 267

Chapter 267 A Hundred Years of Forgetfulness (5)
(God's perspective)
In Wangqing Forest, among thousands of falling flowers, the white-robed old man sat at the stone table with a blue-haired man.

There is a white jade bottle on the stone table, and here is Wangyou wine.

Ji Qi looked away from Wangyoujiu, he closed his eyes and sighed.

"Senior, did you even think that I would come here to find Wangyoujiu from the beginning?"

Jian Shuhe waved his hand gently, and a falling flower fell into his hand and quickly turned into water droplets.

"How can there be calculations in this world, it's all arranged by fate, how can those who talk about going against the sky all day long and their fate cannot be controlled by the sky fully understand that they can never escape the destiny. It's not that they are fighting the destiny, but the destiny. They never paid attention to these people.”

Jian Shuhe bounced the drop of water into the white jade bottle, "The meeting between you and me is doomed, and the encounter here is doomed from the moment you were born or from the birth of this continent."

"Since everything here is destiny, senior must have something to tell me." Ye Qi's heart kept thinking about the things he saw in the village of Nejia before.

"I came to you to tell you two things. The first thing is that your real enemy is not the Taoist Guanyou who appears in front of you now, but he will soon become your enemy." Jian Shuhe looked at the evil. There was not a trace of doubt on Qi's face.

"Senior's meaning is to let me stop this Taoist watcher and prevent him from doing things that endanger this continent?" Ye Qi said bluntly.

Jian Shuhe admired Ye Qi's intelligence very much. In addition to being born intelligent, Jian Shuhe had to admire Lingjing Dao in this character. Originally, Jian Shuhe thought that Lingjing Dao's temperament would destroy the child.

"Yes, he may release monsters that endanger the entire continent for me." Jian Shuhe also closed his eyes and sighed.

"Since this is the case, no matter what the world does, they can't escape the destiny, and now the seniors tell me, how can I stop the juniors? If the seniors didn't ask me to stop them, the conversation between us here is just for the seniors to inform me. I will have a powerful enemy in the future, and this enemy will endanger the mainland." Qi Qi kept half of his thoughts, and he wanted to hear Jian Shuhe tell him about the other half.

"Because of variables, there are variables that even this day can't manage. This person is born to defy the destiny. Only he can save this continent, and only his sacrifice can stop it." Jian Shuhe saw Ye Qi's face showing a worried look. , "Looks like you already know who I'm talking about."

"Of course, only those who have not been bound by destiny from the beginning can say anything about fighting against the sky and changing their destiny. All I can do is protect him, but I told you that even if he is not bound by destiny, , he is not a tool you use, even if there is suffering in this world, there is only him! I don't want him to suffer more pain."

After listening to Ye Qi, Jian Shuhe smiled slightly, "You said you don't want him to suffer a lot? Then you don't need to care about the resentful wandering ghosts here in the ghost country, don't worry about the wine, bring the one in your heart with you. People leave! Although the barrier here is not completely broken, it will be completely broken in a few days. After that, the entire continent and even the entire world will be immersed in darkness and pain, and these will not do the two of you. If something happened, would that person not suffer?"

"He will suffer, so I can't ignore the ghost kingdom barrier." Ji Qi's eyes moved from Jian Shuhe to Wangyoujiu.

"Then you won't make him suffer after drinking those three glasses of wine?" Jian Shuhe saw that Ye Qi was a little shaken, "It's your destiny to meet, but love is indeed variable, it's all the person's own decision here. If that person has no feelings for you without him, he will not suffer, then he will be able to confront the enemy who harms this continent without any worries."

"I believe I will forget him after drinking those three glasses of wine, but I am also sure that I will think of him as soon as possible. He will suffer short-term pain with me, and I will not let him suffer for a long time. We will not choose to escape the pain, so that person—Yun Qishen and I must have the same thoughts.” Ji Qi stretched out his hand and picked up the white jade bottle containing Wangyou wine from the table, “Senior’s second What's the matter."

"The second thing is about you and the Taoist spectator who appeared in front of you. First of all, about you, you are the orphan of the ancient proud country, and you are the key to unlocking the secret treasure of the ancient proud country. The regret of the thousand years will also be in you. This is the end, you and Guanyou Daoist will have a fateful encounter. Besides, I want you to tell him about Guanyou Daoist, enough is enough... long enough."

After Jian Shuhe finished speaking, he stroked his beard, turned around and packed the medicine box and stood up.

Ye Qi also stood up along with him, "That's all? Is there nothing else to tell him? As far as I know, the real body of the Taoist watcher is very persistent about everything."

Jian Shuhe flicked his white robe and turned his back to Ye Qi, "There is no Taoist spectator in this world from beginning to end, since there is no such person, he shouldn't exist."

"So, senior, will you become another variable? Since the variable is so easy to appear, does it mean that anyone trapped in the destiny can escape the destiny? I heard the old man of my master say, Things will deteriorate over time." After Ye Qi finished speaking, he turned his back to Jian Shuhe.

Jian Shuhe turned his head slightly and looked at Ye Qi from the corner of his eye, and soon he turned his head again, and unconsciously stroked his beard, "I will return this sentence to you as it is. , what you need to pay attention to now is not the other variables, but the huge variable around you. Be careful of bad guys taking advantage of it and taking your life."

After Jian Shuhe finished speaking, he moved forward, and Ji Qi also moved in the direction he was facing.

"Senior seems to be missing something, I'm just a bad guy~"

"Then let's secure our destiny, or fight with the gods knowing that nothing can be changed."

The white-robed old man and the blue-haired man disappeared into the Forgetful Forest.

After Ye Qi left the woods, he saw the lava monster summoned by Chen Yueluo. He couldn't help but admire that Chen Yueluo had a stupid head, but his strength was indeed one of the best among the disciples of Jingling Mountain.

Presumably at this time, if I see it, I must be unwilling. These two people have been fighting until now.In case it's more stable now, I don't need to care about this guy...

Ye Qi turned into black energy and quickly came to Chen Yueluo's side, and her worried expression immediately returned to her female appearance.

"Moonfall... You look like a lava ghost here."

Ye Qi put his hand on Chen Yueluo. Although he was younger than Chen Yueluo and Wan Yi, he was taller than them.

"Seventh Master Uncle... Have you finally remembered my nephew who is too difficult?"

Chen Yueluo was so moved that she wanted to cry in Ye Qi's arms, but Ye Qi didn't even forget him.

"..." Ye Qi felt a little disgusted for some reason, and then he turned his eyes and saw Xiao Zhi who had been spitting out the red elixir.

"What's this?" Qi Qi curiously caught a red medicinal pill, sniffed it close to her nose, and put it directly into her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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