Yun Qishen

Chapter 268

Chapter 268 A Hundred Years of Forgetfulness (6)
(God's perspective)
"The cloud is deep!"

Ye Qi took Chen Yueluo back to the Ghost Country Barrier and came to Yun Qishen.

He found that Yun Qishen's face was still a little red and swollen, with obvious paw prints on it.

Ye Qi clearly looked at Jin Qilin, and Jin Qilin immediately looked away from his eyes.

"How did you find Wangyoujiu?" Yun Qishen also walked towards Nei Qi.

Ye Qi pulled Yun Qishen up and handed him a pack of red pills.

"What?" Yun Qishen opened it curiously for a while, took out the red pill and looked at it, and then looked at Ye Qi again.

"Try it."

Ye Qi's expression doesn't look like he's trying to piss me off, it's really edible...

Yun Qishen hesitated a little, then he caught a glimpse of Xiao Zhi from Chen Yueluo's shoulder spitting out a red pill.

Chen Yueluo found that Yun Qishen was looking at them and quickly covered Xiaozhi's mouth.

Mai told me that the red pill was spit out by the mouse, and it's really going to be finished...

"Uh...Is this thing edible?" Yun Qi looked at Ji Qi's face deeply, seeing that he was serious about wanting to try it for himself.

If he dares to joke I will pluck his green hair.

Yun Qishen had no choice but to eat the red elixir.


Yun Qishen suddenly opened his eyes.

His umm made Chen Yueluo and Jin Qilin curious.

how about it?
Even though Chen Yueluo put Xiao Zhi on his shoulder, he took one in his hand.

I saw Uncle Seven eat it before, but he didn't show any expression.Now this reaction from Yun Qishen...

"The devil is not ready to praise the little Taoist me~" Ye Qi smiled deeply at Yun Qi.

Yun Qishen's mood suddenly cheered up, "I really didn't expect that, although it's disgusting... ah, no... I really know my tastes!"

"I knew you liked it~" Ye Qi peeled off the dark clouds and saw the sun's smile, which made Chen Yueluo take a bite.

"It's so hot!!!!" Chen Yueluo rushed out.

Jin Qilin is glad that he is not tempted to try the risk.

[Where did you find Wangyou wine, it was obviously finished by the alcoholic old man. 】

Qi Konghan felt that Qi Qi had found Wangyoujiu.

Qi Qi took out the Wangyou wine and placed it with the other two bottles, "I met a senior, let me tell you the details..."

Yan Qi shared his encounter with Shuhe roughly the same as Yun Qishen and the others.

"This way... the old man said it was destiny. I think he counted that you would go, and he should also have some observation skills." Yun Qi deeply analyzed, whether the Taoist watcher mentioned by the old man will not matter. Looking at the second uncle, oh, I have been in a coma just now, and I finished asking the wisdom of the saint about the second uncle.

Yun Qishen took out the crystal of Xiao Fork's incarnation, and the crystal here has changed from the size of a goose egg to the size of half a palm.

"Has become smaller?" Ji Qi also looked at the crystal in Yun Qishen's hand.

"Well..." Yun Qishen looked at the crystal in a daze.

At this time, Ji Konghan floated in front of Ye Qi with the black air barrier.

[Since everything is here, let’s start sealing immediately. 】

Ye Qi looked at Yun Qi and nodded deeply.

Yun Qishen also put away the crystal and the pills that Ye Qi gave him.

The wandering ghost outside was trapped by Chen Yueluo's lava monster, and the unicorn fire in the attic was not an obstacle.

It's just that the giant sword can't be lifted by ordinary people, so it can only be handed over to Yun Qishen to insert the ghost master and his own blood into it after he casts a spell to refine it.

"Just how to get the blood from the heart? How to get it after opening the belly?"

Yun Qi asked deeply, but they didn't think about it.

The blood of the ghost master is Ji Cheng farewell, and Ji Cheng farewell is already dead.

[Don't worry here, after drinking Wangchen wine, Qi Qi can keep his body in a state of immortality for a period of time, and the wound will heal after drinking Wangchen wine. 】

Ji Cheng did not explain and further explained the steps of sealing by the way.

Wangyou, Wangqing, and Wangchen place three glasses of wine in front of Ye Qi, who holds a golden knife in his hand.

He also practiced the sealing process several times in his mind.When it was about to start, Yun Qishen wrapped his arms around his neck.

Ye Qi had no choice but to bend down, "The Demon Lord can't bear to be a little Taoist me~"

"Fool, that's for sure! If you forget someone after drinking Wangqing, who will feel better! It seems that we will have to wait for a while before we can meet. If you stay awake, I will set fire to your green grassland! "Yun Qishen even let go of Mo Qi and pointed at his nose.

"As long as the monarch doesn't like crooked melons, cracked dates, rare beasts during the special period of the little Taoist priest, it'll be fine if you pull out all of the little Taoist priest's beloved hair~"

Ye Qi stroked the hair on Yun Qi's deep forehead with his hand.

Crooked melons and cracked dates, exotic animals?Is my vision so bad?
Yun Qishen frowned a little, what kind of word is this?
" two are enough..." Jin Qilin couldn't stand it any longer, "It's about to start sealing."

Ye Qi left Yun Qishen and came to the three cups of wine. He drank the three cups of wine in order: Wangyou, Wangqing, and Wangchen.

Yun Qishen picked up the golden giant sword as he went.

Afterwards, a mass of red liquid was separated from Ye Qi's fingers, which was the blood of the ghost master's heart.

Here the liquid floated in the air, and Ye Qi also stabbed the golden knives in his hands into his chest.

The moment Ye Qi stabbed into his body, Yun Qi couldn't bear to look away and closed his eyes, then opened them.

Ye Qi's blood flowed out along the golden knife, and the blood that flowed out also formed a water mass like the blood of the previous ghost master.

Ye Qi pulled out the golden knife, and the wound did start to heal quickly.

Ye Qi temporarily endured the pain and refined the ghost master's blood and his blood together with magic.

Yun Qishen was more worried about his mana. To be honest, his mana was on the same level as in case they were before, because he was stronger than others because of black qi.

But Yun Qi couldn't imagine that the evil spirit in front of him was different from the one he was three months ago.

A seal was formed in Ye Qi's hand, and soon a golden flame was born from Ye Qi's hand and began to refine the blood of his heart. The heat of this spell was as deep as the clouds.

"Looking at your disbelief, this guy has been practicing with this divine beast since the day you left. It is only natural that he should become stronger." Jin Qilin seemed to brag about his strength, although it was true.

"I only know that his power has become stronger, but I didn't expect his spells to become stronger... I'm really happy for him." Yun Qishen thought that Ye Qi was really powerful now, and his character was calmer than before.But myself...

Ye Qi then uttered a strange incantation in his mouth, and then the entire sealing barrier was broken.

"What!" Didn't you mean the seal, how could it be broken!
Yun Qishen wanted to go forward but was stopped by Jin Qilin, "It's not time for you to go."

Ye Qi then shouted loudly, and the ground shook at this time.

The broken barrier absorbs everything like a black hole.

At this time, the golden unicorn also unraveled the unicorn fire that trapped the wandering ghost.

"Oops, that guy Chen Yueluo ran out just now, and the spell that trapped the wanderers outside has not been solved yet. Otherwise, we will be sucked in too!"

Yun Qishen stabbed the giant sword on the ground with great force, and looked at Xie Qi, who was closest to the barrier entrance, worriedly.

Ji Konghan had no choice but to get into Ye Qi's arms, but Ye Qi suddenly slipped a little and slipped into the black hole.

Yun Qi deeply saw that the black silk that turned into a black gas pulled Ye Qi, and the corner of his mouth raised a smile when he looked at the black silk in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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