Yun Qishen

Chapter 270 Correct Attitude

Chapter 270 Correct Attitude
(God's perspective)
At the gate of the ghost country, in case and Chen Yueluo say goodbye to Jiang Liu.Ye Qi followed the golden unicorn standing not far away, and it seemed that he was no different from usual.Such Qi Qi would also joke around and get along very friendly with Jin Qilin and the others.

Yun Qishen and Chihua were located a little far away from Ye Qi and the others. Yun Qishen looked at Ye Qi in the distance, and his mood was agitated.

Chihua looked at Yun Qishen from the side, she could feel that there was a strange feeling between Ye Qi and Yun Qishen.

"Monarch, you..."

"Chihua, don't talk to me now, let me be quiet for a while..."

Yun Qishen's cold tone stimulated Chihua's heart, and she even hoped that Yun Qishen was the one who drank Wang Qing.

"Boy, since you want to stay, be your ghost master. I tell you not to expose your weaknesses to anyone." In case he turned his back to Jiang Liu and waved his hand.

Jiang Liu looked at the back of the case and nodded, he can definitely be a good ghost master.

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself! Take care of Jiang Liu." Chen Yueluo also waved to Jiang Liu.

The ghost gate opened again, and Jin Qilin and Ye Qi passed through first, followed by Chen Yueluo and Wanyi.

Yun Qishen and Chi Hua also followed Chi Hua after seeing if they had completely passed through the gate of hell.

"Holding Hua!"

Jiang Liu stopped Chihua when she passed by him, even though Chihua looked back at Jiang Liu.

"I'm sorry...and...thank you."

Jiang Liu looked at the sunshine that Chihua smiled, and Chihua felt a burst of warmth in his heart.

"I thank you too, Jiang Liu."

Chihua slowly closed his eyes towards Jiang Liu (expressing concern and love) and opened them again.

Yun Qishen turned his head slightly and glanced at Chihua before passing through the gate of hell.

Chihua quickly followed.

After walking out of the ghost gate, Yun Qishen looked at the man surrounded by Chen Yueluo and Jin Qilin.

Am I going to wake him up?I promised him to remember me, but...he remembered me...I did keep his promise.

I know that he will forget his feelings for me, but why... why is it so uncomfortable in my heart...


Yun Qi stared at Ye Qi intently, and Ye Qi also broke away from the conversation with Chen Yueluo and the others.

Ye Qi also looked at Yun Qishen, but what he saw was indeed a man who was crying without knowing it.

[How can a manly man shed tears easily!I am a man! 】

Suddenly, a voice came into Ye Qi's ears. It was very familiar, but I couldn't remember who said it.

Yes, man, this Demon Lord is really weak, I really don't know how he became a Demon Lord.

Ye Qi thought about it this way and even looked away.

Yun Qishen looked at Mo Qi and turned his head away, and then turned his head away. What happened to him now, he had never experienced such heart-piercing pain.

Chihua was worried about Yun Qishen's situation. He originally thought that Yun Qishen would tell her to go back to Jiangbang, so that he would not be sad if he couldn't see the sad things.

But Yun Qishen didn't do that, he wiped away his tears and walked towards Mo Qi.

"Evil Qi!"

Yun Qishen shouted at Ye Qi, and Ye Qi and Wan Yi also looked at him.

Yun Qishen walked in front of Ye Qi and punched him in the face without saying a word.

Ye Qi didn't know why he didn't dodge, and let the demon lord punch him hard in the face.

"I said that if you dare to forget me, I will beat you up. Although he gave you a chance to remember my name, ah! But it's so hot! I just want to beat you!"

Yun Qishen released the pain in his heart with practical actions.

Ji Qi touched his beaten face and looked at Yun Qishen again, a shadow that was always dodging appeared in his mind.

"Ouya, is this what a generation of demon lords should look like? It turns out that the demon lords would beat people for no reason?" The corners of Ye Qi's mouth rose, and the female watch smiled.

I don't know why I see him laughing so loudly now!

Yun Qishen frowned tightly, I couldn't bear it, I wanted to burn your green hair.

He did what he said, and when Yun Qi went up deep, he was about to grab the hair of Qi Qi, but the golden unicorn blocked him.

"Why are you a dead pig! We don't need you to take care of our housework!"

Yun Qishen roared at Jin Qilin, and when Jin Qilin was angry, he was a hammer.

"Scumbag! Even if Qiqi has forgotten some things, this divine beast thinks it's not the time for children to grow up in love."

The golden unicorn stared at Yun Qishen, it knew that Ye Qi had forgotten his love for Yun Qishen, but it also thought that it might be helpful to Ye Qi's growth.Once something happened to Yun Qishen before, Jin Qilin couldn't bear the look of Ye Qi, and he couldn't let Ye Qi become tormented and weak because of Yun Qishen's affairs.

"I said this is our family business! He clearly promised me!"

"Correct your attitude! Yun Qishen! Don't forget that you are the devil!"

Yun Qishen didn't care about the redness and swelling of his forehead, and still wanted to go forward and grab Ye Qi's hair to wake him up.

But what Jin Qilin said made Yun Qishen endure his anger, clench his fists and turn his body back.

"I know! I know everything! You don't have to remind me that I'm a devil!" Yun Qishen shouted, "I know I have to correct my attitude! But, I just can't take this breath!"

Yun Qishen's voice entered Ye Qi's ears, and another vague voice appeared in Ye Qi's mind, and the voice said that he was pleased with him.

But Ye Qi didn't completely overlap the blurry figure in his mind with the Yun Qishen in front of him.

At the same time, in the West Sea, a group of creatures resembling fish but not fish, but not humans and inhumans emerged from the azure blue sea.

They rushed to the shore one after another, and a man in black was waiting for them.

The man in black was surrounded by purple flames, and the moment the mermaid monsters landed on the shore, the purple flames attacked.

But even if the flames burned these mermaid monsters, there was no fear, and they kept walking towards the man in black with the purple fire burning on them.

The man in black had a fierce look in his eyes, the skin on his body began to shatter, and a burst of black energy attacked him, and the man turned into a black dragon.

This giant dragon is Lai A, who has been waiting in the West Sea for nearly ten days, and finally waited for the group of monsters to come ashore.

Shadou, who was sent out first to investigate the abyss, never came back, but Lea believed that nothing would happen to him.

Lai'a was surprised that his purple fire was ineffective against these monsters. It turned into a dragon and flew in the sky, and spit out a purple fire against the ground.

The rare plants on the coast were all burned to ashes, and these monsters were also burnt to pieces.

One wave just finished another wave, but there was a blue-clothed woman in the new wave.

The soft singing sounded instantly, and Lai A's head throbbed instantly.

The dragon, who was originally the overlord of the sky, fell from the sky like that, and the hordes of mermaid monsters attacked Lea, who fell to the ground and couldn't move.

(End of this chapter)

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