Yun Qishen

Chapter 271 Dancing For You

Chapter 271 Dancing For You
(God's perspective)
The bright moon was in the sky, and the breeze was blowing the hair in front of Yun Qi's deep forehead.

He touched his forehead with his hand, and the surrounding vegetation was swaying slightly from side to side by the wind.

In Yun Qi's deep memory, Qi Qi unknowingly straightened the hair on his forehead, but now...

I should be thankful that I don't have a lingering guy by my side, and I don't need to step through any weird door.

oops!no!I don't think so!So what do I think!Do I care about him!I don't care about him at all!I only care about myself, okay?I don't care about his evil things!He forgot about me!forget me too...

Yun Qishen curled his legs, he hugged his legs and sat curled up, burying his head in his knees.

The hoarse voice struggled in his throat, "This... it's not good at all..."

Why do you want to remember me? If you forget your love, then you can't even forget your name... Okay...

"No...not good at all..."

Yun Qishen denied himself while thinking about it.

I don't even look like a man now... it's really ridiculous...

I don't just look like a bitch...that's why I don't cry!
He immediately looked at the bright moon, the coldness of the moonlight infecting the earth and touching his gradually cold heart.

Fireflies flew out from the vegetation, and fireflies were flying everywhere, they were like stars in the sky.

But in Yun Qi's deep eyes, these green creatures can only remind him of Mo Qi's obvious blue-grey hair.

Why do you like him?Because he has been helping me?Has been good to me?
He just forgot what happened between us. God, are you just trying to be fair to me?

[Jing Ye's statement~ but sighs who is drinking under the moon~]

A familiar voice entered Yun Qishen's ears, causing him to get up with anticipation to find the source of the voice.

Yun Qishen looked forward to and worried and found the source of the voice, and as expected, the one who appeared in front of Yun Qishen was Ji Qi.

Surrounded by swarms of fireflies, the blue-haired boy in dark red clothes was humming a song.

Yun Qishen impulsively wanted to go over and ask him again, but you don't remember it!If you don't remember, why do you sing this song again...

But Yun Qishen's legs couldn't move, he was afraid that the guy who stepped forward still didn't remember what to do.

Ye Qi soon noticed the existence of Yun Qishen.

"The devil knows this song? In my memory, except for Gu Aoguo's memory, this song is the song. It has been repeating these days..."

Ye Qi's expression was really troubled.

Yun Qi deeply felt uncomfortable when he heard Ye Qi's words, but he also had a slight hope in his heart.

"Can you sing it all?"

Yun Qi took a deep breath and slowly walked towards Qi Qi.

"It's a little vague. I seem to have heard people sing a little Taoist, but I don't remember who that person is. I only remember that person dancing in red, is it a woman somewhere..."

Ye Qi still couldn't recall the other lyrics about the song.

Yun Qishen smiled at Ye Qi, "How about I teach you how to sing this song?"

"You are a dignified devil, wouldn't it be strange for you to be so curious about my little Taoist priest?" Nie Qi smiled at Yun Qishen.

"Take it as the order of this Demon Lord, I want you to follow me, can't you?"

"Of course it's good~ Demon Lord, don't want to avenge private revenge at this time. Little Taoist I know..." Another figure flashed in Ye Qi's mind, and that figure avoided him again.

"What will happen?" Yun Qishen was a little happy when he heard that Ye Qi's tone suddenly became the same as before, but suddenly Ye Qi stopped talking again.

It's okay, that's fine, he'll definitely remember it.

As the fireflies fluttered, another round of bright moons accompanied them. The two lonely people didn't look lonely when they sat together, but their hearts were far apart at this time.

Ye Qi and Yun Qi Shen studied "The Legend of Seeking Immortals in the Mountains", and there were more and more red dancing figures in Ye Qi's memory.

"I'm sorry... I hit you in the face before." Yun Qi's deep golden eyes still contained a sense of sadness.

On the other hand, Ye Qi's charming blue eyes stared at Yun Qishen, this devil is not domineering at all.He really doesn't look like a monarch at all.But even though he has only met this Demon Lord a few times, why does he feel a little familiar with this Demon Lord?

"The devil's fist is really painful enough." Ye Qi still looked at Yun Qishen with a smile, "By the way, do you know who would dance this song and drink it?"

Yun Qishen opened his eyes slightly and looked at Mo Qi, "Do you want to see it?"

"Because my memory has some clips about dancing, did I forget something? Or maybe you don't want me to remember something."

Yun Qishen couldn't help but admire Ye Qi's cleverness. His ability to quickly comprehend mana moves proved that he was very clever.Jin Qilin said that his only stupidity is to fall in love with someone he shouldn't.

Love can turn a smart and peerless person into a fool who is begging for food on the side of the road.

Love can also make an idiot stronger and become a mighty overlord.

"Didn't you look at the dance of this piece? I know this, do you want to learn it?" Yun Qi deeply observed the expression on Qi Qi's face.

[A man and a man, don't do such a bitch thing! 】

A voice appeared in Ye Qi's mind again, and suddenly he felt that the voice here was very similar to Yun Qishen, but the tone was very different.

"Little Taoist I won't learn any of them here, but I'm just curious that your dignified monarch can dance." There was playfulness in Ye Qi's blue eyes.

"Isn't it the same as judging someone by their status and just looking at their faces to determine whether they are good or evil?" Yun Qishen walked a little further and turned to face Ye Qi.

"Many facts can prove that when a man is beautiful or dances well, there is nothing to do with a woman. Today, I will show you the dance steps of my dignified demon king and devil!"

Yun Qishen was half praised and half self-deprecating, and when the surrounding breeze gradually calmed down, Yun Qishen also started his performance.

It was the first time that he only danced this dance for Ye Qi, which was different from dancing in women's clothes before.

Dance for only one person, sing for only one person.

"Love ~ righteousness ~ a red sleeve is broken... broken..."

Yun Qishen couldn't bear to sing the next lyrics, he didn't break his love for Ye Qi, nor did he break his righteousness.

Yun Qishen's graceful dance steps and the glowing fire in the sky made Ye Qi fascinated, but suddenly Yun Qishen stopped, unable to sing the slightly sad tune.

A fragment flashed in Ye Qi's mind, which was the memory of the previous time in Heyuan.

Ye Qi approached Yun Qishen, peeled off the dark clouds and saw the sun's smile, his eyes were even more splendid than the fire in the sky.

Yun Qishen also looked up at Mo Qi.

"Should the red sleeves be broken for me?"

Ye Qi immediately hugged Yun Qishen, "I'm back."

"Idiot..." Yun Qi wrapped his arms around Mo Qi with trembling fingers.

 April [-]st

  Happy Birthday Yan Qi! !
(End of this chapter)

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