Yun Qishen

Chapter 277 The Abyss of the West Sea

Chapter 277 The Abyss of the West Sea (6)
(God's perspective)
Seeing Yun Qishen disappearing from his sight along with Chihua, Ye Qi felt a little unbearable for a while.He really wanted to keep Yun Qishen by his side, but if he did this, he would definitely be unhappy.Ye Qi didn't want to do things that Yun Qishen didn't like.

"Uncle Seven, everyone has gone a long way, how long do you have to watch. Hmm..." Chen Yuezhuo opened his mouth when he couldn't stand it any longer.

"Have I watched it for a long time?"

Ye Qi had no choice but to look back at Chen Yueluo and Wanyi.

"No, this is your own business, Uncle Seven, and neither of us can control it. It's just that the Master has already ordered, Uncle Seven, we will go next..." In case you are more careful than before, you are definitely not strong now. come out.

"You're impatient here, but it's not the same as before." Qi Qi found a map of black energy from his arms.

The black gas map floated in front of Ye Qi, and there were bits and pieces of light on it. Most of the places that Ye Qi had explored in the previous three months, and most of his memory had recovered.

Now that he has recovered some of the main memories in the ghost country, even if the spiritual realm does not tell him to investigate the West Sea, he will go to the abyss of the West Sea to find the memories of the ancient proud country.

And if Chen Yueluo and Chen Yueluo were originally sent by the Spiritual Realm Dao to monitor him, naturally they were stupid and couldn't see what the devil had in mind.

With the two of them by his side, there are some advantages to Ye Qi, which is that he can use people.

"Yueluo, you seal these monsters in the dimension ring first, and we will leave when the golden unicorn returns." Qi Qi stared at the black air map for a while, but he did not forget to give the order.

"Yes, Uncle Seven."

Chen Yueluo pushed it away and put away the non-human and non-fish monsters that were still trapped by the ring in his hand.

On the other hand, Qi Qi looked at the black gas map but fell into a memory recall.

He can now completely recall the situation of Gu Aoguo at that time.

The demon in black fled with the blue-haired woman, who avoided the pursuit of the traitor.

The man in black led the blue-haired woman into a secret room.

The man pulled out a sword from the secret room and slammed it into the ground.

The man asked the blue-haired woman to leave, even if only the woman was alive, Gu Aoguo's bloodline would not be cut off.

【Why do you still save me now?I was a sinful scoundrel who abandoned family and friendship for myself. 】

The blue-haired woman spoke, with tears in her eyes, and the luxurious accessories in her hands were also chopped up by the thugs along the way.

[Because you are the king and I am a minister, so I must protect you. 】

The man in black replied to the woman.

Although Ye Qi was reminiscing, he felt that he was on the spot.

He watched the blue-haired woman bit her lip and clench her fist tightly.

I don't know if she was unable to stand up, or could not stand up, the blue-haired woman knelt on the ground and looked up at the man in black.

[The hatred of killing our people and destroying our country will be shared by our children and grandchildren from generation to generation! 】

The man then gave the woman a mouth.

【Chinese?There are only you and me in the entire ancient proud country.As long as you stay, you will kill a lot of innocent people!you have to go!you must go!As long as you live!It's the best reward for me and her! 】

The man stretched the woman's collar and pushed her into a secret passage.

【Please don't leave me alone! 】

The woman screamed when she fell into the secret passage.

At this time, a large group of soldiers found the entrance of the secret room and forced their way in.

After the men in black fought with them, they were still outnumbered.

At a critical juncture, the man in black pulled out the golden giant sword again, chanting the magic spell in his mouth.

The figure of the man in black has changed, he has become huge and his face is hideous.Suddenly it turned into a ferocious and cruel heaven-devouring beast.

Warcraft alone repelled the rebels who attacked Gu Aoguo, but after all, Warcraft has no mind.

Ye Qi felt like he was standing on the shoulders of the beast watching everything that happened.

Living beings devastated and dying everywhere are beautiful words to describe the current war in the Shura field.

The monsters continued to make a fuss for three days and three nights, until a woman in red appeared.

It's a pity that this woman was pierced through her body by the sharp claws of this monster.

Before the woman in red died, she did not forget to tell the man.

[Don't...don't forget yourself...I've been...I won't leave you...]

With the death of the woman in red, the heart of this beast was also touched.

It gets crazier and harder to fight.

Grief, regret, and regret were all released in the roar of the beast.

Ye Qi recalled this episode and even wanted to cover his ears, but his hands would not obey him, or there was a force that prevented him from covering his ears.

Some things you have to listen to, you want to keep from listening, you want to escape, but you can never avoid facing them.

It was a man in black who stopped the demon beasts from rioting. This was probably the ancestor of the legendary demons in Xinjiang.

And this monster is the monster summoned by the legendary king of the ancient proud country.

The only memories that Qi Qi has now are these, and he has become more complete than before.But his memories after that were only fragments.

Through what Yun Qishen said before, the magic weapon is refined by the body of this beast.It means that the man in black who appeared last must have defeated the beast.

【Please... save her...】

And so again...the nightmare days of only snippets and repeated daily.

"Yi Qi, this divine beast is back."

As soon as Jin Qilin came back, he looked at Mo Qi in a daze, and he wondered if Yun Qishen said something.

"You're back, Jin Qilin, have you found a way to find your friend?"

When Ye Qi heard the voice of the golden unicorn, he regained his senses, and then smiled at the golden unicorn.

"There is a solution, but the plan can't keep up with the changes. This divine beast wants to further investigate the terrain."

Jin Qilin doesn't dislike Ye Qi's smile, although he knows that the smile is not sincere, but Ye Qi really looks good when he smiles.

The golden unicorn ran up to Ye Qi's shoulder in three or two steps, "This divine beast is hungry, do you still have Jinhua eggs?"

"Of course there is~" Yan Qi also put away the black gas map, "I also have something to ask, what kind of beast is your friend?"

"Large fish." Jin Qilin replied perfunctorily.

"Sounds good, I like eating fish, and I'm really hungry..." At this moment, Ye Qi turned to look at Chen Yueluo, only to see Chen Yueluo and Wan Wan about to doze off from boredom.

Chen Yueluo suddenly felt that Qi Qi's eyes were staring at him, "Yes, Seventh Master Uncle, I will prepare immediately!"

If Yiyihao followed Chen Yueluo to help, he originally thought that Ye Qi would be stunned for a while, but who ever thought that Jin Qilin would leave for an hour, he was stunned for an hour.

What is it that makes Uncle Seventh think so intently?Is it really because he is too reluctant to go so deep?

In case he looked back at Ye Qi again, he would greet him with a smile and wave at him.

It's good, Uncle Seven has a close friend.

(End of this chapter)

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