Yun Qishen

Chapter 278 The Abyss of the West Sea

Chapter 278 The Abyss of the West Sea (7)
(God's perspective)
The Xianyao Sect of the Taoist Sect of Jingling Mountain, since Mi Zixin learned the incredible prophecy, the atmosphere of the Xianyao Sect has been very bad.

Gu Choumian and the others witnessed Mi Zixin's abnormality, but they didn't ask.

When people don't know something, they will be suspicious and panic, and when they know it, they will panic even more.

Gu Choumian understood these things deeply, so he tried his best not to worry about it. It was for their own good that the master Mizixin didn't tell them personally.

Gu Choumian even hated his own intuition a little. If he didn't have an overly sensitive intuition like the other disciples, maybe he wouldn't suffer in his heart.

"Third Junior Brother..."

The door of the refining room was pushed open, and Gu Choumian turned to look at the door, "Second Senior Brother."

Jiang Qing also walked in with a tired face with snacks.

"It's been a few days. Third Junior Brother, why don't you have something to eat. This kind of monster that's not human and non-fish is really exhausting."

Jiang Qing put the refreshments on the table.

"Cough cough."

Jiang Qing's sudden cough made Gu Choumian panic, and he quickly grabbed Jiang Qing's wrist to check his pulse.

"I'm fine... Junior Brother don't bother, I'm probably tired."

Jiang Qing pushed Gu Choumian's hand away, and Gu Choumian looked at Jiang Qing's tired face worriedly.

"Second senior brother is also tired these days. What did the master ask you to do? Why did you suddenly become like this... Is it possible..."

Gu Choumian's intuition told him that Mi Zixin might have tried Jiang Qing again.

When Gu Choumian first became Mi Zixin's apprentice when he was a child, he knew that the second senior brother was used to test medicines.

I heard that there is an organization specializing in cultivating medicine boys, and he seems to have come from there.

"Third Junior Brother, don't worry about me. I've been immune to all poisons for so many years. I just need to test a little bit of medicine. Besides, this is my voluntary choice. I can't let the master bear this kind of pain alone." Jiang Qing again After coughing a few times, Gu Choumian looked uncomfortable.

Gu Choumian still remembered when Jiang Qing went out to collect herbs and brought Duan Xiwu back with him.

Fourth junior brother Duan Xiwu and Jiang Qing get along very well, and it is because of Duan Xiwu who seems to be naturally good at pharmacology and can prepare strange medicines.For many years, Jiang Qing has not been testing medicines.

To be honest, some common medicinal herbs have been tried many times since Jiang Qing was a child.

Gu Choumian only knew that Jiang Qing was a medicine boy. It seemed that the disciples of the Immortal Sword Sect did not even know about Chen Yueluo.

Jiang Qing is not the kind of person who has a heart, or even a bad heart. On the contrary, he is very kind to his brothers and sisters.

Mi Zixin also expressed many times that he wanted Brother Jiang Qinger to go into the dust and live as an ordinary person.

But before, because Duan Xi did not go out to carry out the task, he became more and more strange.

Wait... Duan Xiwu...

Gu Choumian suddenly covered his head, what happened to him, he forgot something important.

Duan Xi has no... Duan Xi has no other...

Jiang Qing just turned his attention to Gu Choumian, "Third Junior Brother, are you alright, do you have a headache?"

"Second Senior have long remembered that Fourth Senior Brother has already..."

"You also remembered..."

Jiang Qing looked at Gu Choumian with a frown and raised his head.

The atmosphere between the two was suddenly awkward, and then Jiang Qing broke the deadlock.

"Third Junior Brother, let's eat the cake first..."

"Do Master and Senior Brother know?"

Gu Choumian's voice hit Jiang Qing's heart, but Jiang Qing didn't say it. Qiu Shan knew that as for Mi Zixin, his observation skills were so good.And the master, he is also a person who hides his feelings well.Even if he knew for a long time that Duan Xiwu was sent on a mission by the master, and that Duan Xiwu was dead, it would be the same, and he would never tell them.

When Gu Choumian saw that Jiang Qing didn't speak, he didn't ask. He didn't know if he could understand Jiang Qing's mood.

When he took away the unconscious Yun Qishen, he yelled at everyone about Duan Xiwu's death... but they only believed in their own memories...

Gu Choumian had no choice but to pick up a piece of cake and eat it.

Jiang Qing smiled when he watched Gu Choumian eat the cake.

dong dong dong-

Someone knocked on the door at this time.

Then someone pushed the door and approached, and the person who came was Qiu Shan.

"Big Brother."

"Big Brother."

Gu Choumian and Jiang Qing spoke together.

Qiu Shan had a smoking gun in his hand, and since he had this kind of thing, his lost way was cured.


However, this iceberg did not change its face.

Qiu Shan took out a piece of paper from his arms and handed it to Gu Choumian.

Even though Gu Choumian opened it to watch, "The master sent us a task. After three days, I and my senior brother, along with Yun Chengyue and Yun Qiqing, set off for the abyss of the West Sea together."

"Isn't that the birthplace of these non-human and non-fish monsters... Let's talk about Uncle Seven and the others." Jiang Qing worried that these monsters were too strange, and what he just took was extracted from the body of the monsters here.

Although Jiang Qing did not feel the pain just now, he was still afraid that he would not be able to see this group of relatives if he was not careful.

But he didn't want Qiu Shan, Gu Choumian and the others to leave him.

"Didn't the master tell me to go?" Jiang Qing looked at Gu Choumian.

Gu Choumian's hand holding the paper trembled slightly, "Isn't there only a master in Xian Yaozong? The second senior brother has to help the master."

"I know everything here! I'm just worried... Those monsters are starting to bite people now. How many Xianmen disciples and ordinary people have been killed by toxins. I'm really worried about you..." Jiang Qing didn't know whether he was feeling sick or not. Tears flowed from his heart, and he cried out in a hoarse voice.

"Second Senior Brother..."

Gu Choumian patted Jiang Qing's back gently, "Don't worry, we will be safe."

"Well..." Qiu Shan also said, "...Peace."

Such words made Jiang Qing feel an indescribable feeling in his heart, it was pain, warmth, and concern.Mostly complicated and too complicated.

The warmth of the three brothers was seen by Ruo's Yun Qiqing.

Brother...will he still have this kind of thing?

Now the hatred is nowhere to be found, and the sense of loss is strong.

Although I knew how to meditate when I was practicing, I also made a lot of plans, and I understood that I had said many words of forgiveness.

But if he really saw Yun Qishen, would he still be so calm?
Yun Qiqing didn't keep looking at the warm three senior brothers, he quickly walked past the Lingyao Pavilion leading to Mi Zixin.

Just when Yun Qiqing passed the last corner, he met Murong Danran.

Yun Qiqing looked at Murong Danran with wide eyes, and he hadn't seen him for three months.

There was no word between the uncle and nephew, and Murong Danran also passed by Yun Qiqing.

"Uncle..." Yun Qiqing wanted to speak but swallowed back.

When Yun Qiqing sighed with disappointment, he was about to go to Lingyao Pavilion.

Murong Danran turned to look at Yun Qiqing, "Qiqing, long time no see."

Yun Qiqing's heart warmed, and he turned around to face Murong Danran, "Long time no see, uncle."

(End of this chapter)

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