Yun Qishen

Chapter 281 The Abyss of the West Sea

Chapter 281 The Abyss of the West Sea (10)
(God's perspective)
[Your master will not forgive you, and your brothers will not forgive you, even if you are the only female disciple in the entire Jingling Mountain.They won't spoil you, don't think you're a child and you can be forgiven for doing something wrong. 】

"No, no! I..."

【Are you going to shirk the responsibility on me?Why are you so obedient?Ask for a spoon?Say it!Say it! 】

"It's obviously Sister Qianyao... It's Sister Qianyao...Sister..."

【What about me?Are you going to kill me?With this Xu Ming sword?kill me!kill me!Ask the spoon! 】

"Sister Qianyao, don't force me..."

Asking Xiaoshao walked into Xuyun Palace and slowly approached Xu Mingjian.

Xu Mingjian also became restless because of the approach of the small spoon.

Wen Xiaoshao touched his head with one hand and touched Xu Mingjian with a painful expression.

Xu Mingjian flashed light and then bounced the small spoon away.

[Look at you, you can't even kill me, what kind of forgiveness can you get?You keep saying that your seventh uncle is not your fault, keep saying that it's my fault?Ask the little spoon, do you say you are worthy of your conscience? 】

"Sister Qianyao, don't say it anymore... don't force me any more!"

Asking Xiaoshao sat on the ground crying in pain, his head seemed to blow up, and he kept repeating in his mind the memory of feeding Ye Qi with the elixir, and Yun Qishen stabbing himself with his sword.

Xu Mingjian was even more restless, but Daoist Xuyun's seal spell was so powerful that he could not unlock the seal by relying on the power of Xu Mingjian alone.


Ask Xiaoshao's screams suddenly entered Xuyun Daochang's ears.

At the same time, the light emitted by Xu Mingjian became brighter and brighter, and asked Xiaoshao's hand on the sealed chain.


The chain is broken.

"It was your apprentice just now, what happened to her?"

Daoist Xuqing watched Daoist Xuyun suddenly stand up and quickly got up.

"Listening to the sound is the house where Xu Mingjian was sealed."

Without saying a word, Daoist Xuyun ran out to the Xuyun Palace.

"Really, with an apprentice, it's not enough to come out and have a sip of tea."

Xu Qing had no choice but to run over with Daoist Xu Yun.

When I arrived at the Xuyun Palace, I had seen the scene in front of me a few days ago.

Xu Mingjian frantically pursued Wen Xiaoshao to attack, but Wen Xiaoshao kept dodging.

"Kill her! Kill her!!"

Ask Xiaoshao while crying and screaming.

"Not me! Not me!!"

The hysterical shouting made Daoist Master Xuyun shudder in his heart.

"Void cloud!"

Daoist Xuqing wanted to stop but was a step too late. He could only watch Daoist Xuyun run over and hug the small spoon.

Xu Mingjian also quickly stabbed towards Wen Xiaoshao, and stabbed into the back of Daoist Xuyun.

"It's not me..." Wen Xiaoshao was still stuck in her painful memories, and she didn't pay any attention to the stabbing of Daoist Xuyun.

"It's okay, the spoon is okay, it's not your fault..."

Daoist Xuyun frowned, he pulled the Xu Ming sword out of his back, and the bright red blood soaked his snow-white Taoist uniform.

Daoist Xuyun didn't pay attention to the wound first, he held the small spoon and comforted him.

Daoist Xuqing sealed Xu Mingjian again, "The little girl here is looking for trouble."

"Not me...not me..."

Daoist Xuyun's comfort was useless, and Xu Qing couldn't stand it any longer.

"My teacher said that I hate you who hesitate the most. Since Xu Mingjian wants to kill this child, let him kill it!"

The voice of the spiritual realm suddenly came from the door of the temple.

Both Taoist priests Xu Qing and Xu Yun turned to look at the door.

With a wave of Spirit Realm Dao, he broke the spell of Xu Qing Dao Master's seal Xu Mingjian from the air.

"Xu Yun is my teacher and I will take care of you. If you don't let go, the Xu Ming sword will stab you with it!"

The cold tone of Lingjing Dao made Daoist Xuqing tremble uncontrollably, which was probably a psychological shadow left from childhood.

The master never hesitates to speak and act.

"Master! If you want to stab, stab together! I won't dodge! I won't let her suffer alone."

Xu Yun held the small spoon more and more tightly.

"Stubborn! You have to change your character! How old are you!"

Spirit Realm Dao pulled Master Xuyun away with magic power, and then he pulled out the Xu Ming sword with his fingers and attacked towards Wen Xiaosao.

"Master!" Daoist Xuyun was powerless to look at everything in front of him, he couldn't break through the magic power of Spirit Realm Dao.

Seeing Xu Mingjian pierce Wen Xiaoshao's body, when Wen Xiaosao felt the pain of Xu Mingjian piercing his body.She could finally let go of the things in her mind and smiled happily.

Seeing the situation, Spirit Realm Dao pulled Xu Mingjian out of Wen Xiaoshao, and then let go of Daoist Xuyun.

Daoist Xuyun hurriedly rushed over and hugged Wen Xiaoshao and quickly healed her.

"Void cloud..."

Xu Qing looked at Xuyun worriedly and looked at Lingjing Dao with fear and did not dare to go forward to help Daoist Xuyun.

"Let him heal his injuries and see me again!"

With a wave of Spirit Realm Dao's hand, Xu Mingjian lost control and fell to the ground. He turned around and left without looking back.

At the same time in Xinjiang.

After the flash bomb attack just now, Yun Qishen's eyes couldn't open for a while, and it was dark when he wanted to open it...

"What the hell! Holy crap!"

Just when Yun Qishen protested that he couldn't see anything, he heard a familiar voice.

[I didn't expect you to find this thing. 】

"Is it the Holy Monarch Spirit Snake? This thing really belongs to you!"

[Yes, this is something left in the West Sea before I disappeared. In fact, this thing is useless, it is just a bed for me. 】


Yun Qishen was a little unbelievable, but this was not what he wanted to know.

"You know what I want to know about my second uncle..."

[I can say that I don’t know much about him, but his ideals are very similar to those of a demon I know. 】

"Like? How similar is it?"

Yun Qishen asked seriously.

[They are all working hard for the common life of demons and ordinary people. Do you know why demons and ordinary people are so at odds? 】

"Ordinary people use demons to refine medicine?"

[No, this is just the way it is now. Back then, ordinary people ruled everything, and demons were just subordinates. 】

"Gu Aoguo?"

[Yes, Gu Aoguo.Everything originated from the ancient proud country, and the disputes between demons and ordinary people also began at that time. 】

"Looks like a long story."

Yun Qishen doesn't like listening to long stories told by others, but he likes to read them.

[You know that after your demon ancestors refined a monster's body, it became a matter of a lot of mana. 】


[Actually, that monster is also a demon. 】

"Also? This is a bit mysterious."

[There are no mysterious things in the world, but you know too little, please listen to me patiently...]

(End of this chapter)

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