Yun Qishen

Chapter 282 The Abyss of the West Sea

Chapter 282 The Abyss of the West Sea (11)
(God's perspective)
[At that time, the ancient proud country ushered in the first and last war in history.

The princess of Gu Ao Kingdom disappeared in that war, and no one knows where she went.

I originally lived in Spirit Snake Mountain. Because of that battle, the ability of that monster broke through the barrier between the eternal world and Spirit Snake Mountain.

The entire Spirit Snake Mountain is exposed to the world. Although it is guarded by a barrier now, it will still be found by people with a heart.

That monster has been making trouble for three days and three nights, but don't underestimate these three days.

In these three days, people, ghosts, monsters, and beasts, die, die, and hurt, the world is dark, and all things are exhausted.This battle is also known as the most dangerous and nasty battle the entire continent has ever seen.

Demons were beheaded and refined by demons. The demons were supposed to be the heroes who saved the continent, but in fact ordinary people didn't agree with the little demons. They even thought that all this happened because of the demons.

Since that battle, Gu Aoguo disappeared, leaving behind the legend of Guaoguo's secret treasures.The demons were expelled by ordinary people, and gradually turned into the current situation of opposition.

That friend of mine is that monster. 】

After listening to the words of the Holy Serpent, Yun Qishen's eyes seemed to be able to see something, but why was it still pitch black?

"Didn't you say that the monster is also a devil?"

[You are right, he is a devil, and he is also the only devil general of Guao Kingdom.Or the only devil that my holy serpent knows except you. 】

Yun Qi's ears were deep and pointed, and he sounded like he was praising himself.

"What did you say? You agree with me? Say it again."


The scene was silent...

"Is it so hard to say it again!"

[This devil once used the strength of one person to resist the attack of thousands of wandering ghosts in the ghost country, and he could also rely on his own wisdom to make the vicious demon at that time bow his head and obey.My mythical beast clan should have made a pact with ordinary people, but the wisdom and strength of this devil made me admire as the king of mythical beasts. 】

Sounds really good.

Yun Qishen thought like this, "I don't have too much reality, although I don't seem to be as stupid as the devil you say, why do you agree with me. And you didn't continue to praise me just now, so I thought you were perfunctory."

[Then take it as a perfunctory, I really can't see how stupid you are and go on aimlessly. 】

"...This is the reason why you gave me the Forgetful Wine?"

【Maybe so...】


[You continue to listen to me, this devil is the same as your second uncle. They all want the devil to live in peace with ordinary people. If there were people like your second uncle among ordinary people at that time, there would be no two clans in the future. The tragedy of murder. 】

Yun Qishen's eyes fully recovered, he found that he was no longer in his bedroom, surrounded by darkness, no wonder he was still blind when he opened his eyes...

The blue eyes of the Spirit Snake Holy Monarch suddenly opened and stared at Yun Qishen.

Yun Qishen was taken aback without being prepared.

After a moment of relaxation, Yun Qishen adjusted, "So what caused this tragic battle here?"

【Affection. 】


[Everything starts with love, from the moment this devil fell in love with that ordinary woman, it was doomed to tragedy.No one would agree with them being together. 】

"Can't those two be together if no one agrees?" Yun Qishen suddenly thought of himself and Ye Qi.

[The world is like this, feelings that are not agreed will never be recognized.

Demons are generals, and ordinary women are princess maids.

This woman was doomed from the moment she was born that he was nothing more than a dowry for the princess. 】

Yun Qishen suddenly thought of what happened to Gu Aoguo from Xunmen before.The words of the Holy Monarch Spirit Snake also reminded him of the three people in his dream.

The devil general in my memory was the man in black, and the ordinary woman was the woman in red.The princess of the ancient proud country...

[Afterwards, an accident happened, on the day of Princess Gu Aoguo's wedding.I don't know exactly what happened. 】

"Wujianzhong seizes the elixir of life... the king and daughter of the ancient pride are married..."

Yun Qishen always felt that something was missing.

[Because of the accident here, the devil became a monster, and the ending was killed by his own clan.The location of that battle was the West Sea, and the abyss of the West Sea was where the monster was killed. 】

"West Sea... Abyss..."

[I will teach you the spell of summoning me... I think you will definitely use it later...]

Ugh?and many more……

Thousands of incantations were introduced into Yun Qishen's brain, and the Holy Monarch of the Snake closed his blue eyes, and they completely merged into the darkness.

After a few days, he returned to Ye Qi's side.

It can be said that they are the fastest group to reach the West Sea.

But there is nothing around but the boundless sea level.

"There are no monsters that are neither human nor fish."

Just come back after some investigation.

Chen Yueluo didn't find it either. It seems that there are really no creatures that are not human and non-fish around.

Ye Qi looked into the distance, and a woman was sitting on a rock at the sea level.

The woman sat barefoot on a stone and played the flute in her hand.

The tune is very familiar, but I can't remember where I heard it.

"Xi Qi, you come with this divine beast."

The golden unicorn lay on Ji Qi's shoulder and patted his face with his tail, then it jumped onto the beach.

Ye Qi had no choice but to stop looking at the woman and turn her head to leave with the golden unicorn.

But Chen Yueluo and Wan Yi's eyes stayed on the woman and couldn't move.

Ye Qi followed Jin Qilin to a rock wall, and heard from Jin Qilin that he wanted to find an old friend who managed the West Sea.

The golden unicorn then allowed Ye Qi to see its so-called hard-core summoning.

I saw the golden unicorn getting bigger, it slightly spread its limbs, made itself stand firm, and stretched its claws to grip the ground tightly.

In front of it is an endless sea, and behind it is an indestructible rock wall.

The golden unicorn leaned down slightly, "Yi Qi, you stand behind this divine beast first."

As soon as Ye Qi stood behind Jin Qilin, Jin Qilin opened his mouth to gather energy.

Energy quickly gathered in front of the golden unicorn's mouth from the surroundings.


The West Sea in front of it swishly opened a road, the water waves rolled, and the sand and stones on the ground were directly seen.

This force is opposite to the reaction force. Just after the golden unicorn made this move, the rock wall behind the golden unicorn instantly turned into dust, which was blown away by the strong wind.

Ye Qi suddenly wanted to learn, but he thought he didn't have the power for a while.Maybe the golden unicorn is a move that uses its own power and the energy around it.

"Okay, let's go."

The golden unicorn let Ji Qi grab his hind legs, and then it jumped down with a kick.

One beast and one person walked in the ocean opened by the golden unicorn.

"Big stupid fish! Come out!"

Jin Qilin walked with Ye Qi for a while and then shouted.

 a little water

(End of this chapter)

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