Yun Qishen

Chapter 294 The Abyss of the West Sea

Chapter 294 The abyss of the West Sea (23) (micro-abuse)
(God's perspective)
The icy moon-biting wind, the waves behind the woman raged towards the coast.

The woman approached Mo Langqin, her feet were bare on the sand, and the moment she left the sea, white smoke grew from the bottom of the woman's feet.

The sudden searing pain caused the woman to withdraw her foot into the sea again.

Mo Langqin looked at everything in his eyes, "I only have one request, I hope you can stop all the turmoil here."

"Is this the business you're talking about?" The woman's voice was sweet, "But I can't decide here."

"But your flute can control these monsters, so it must also make these monsters disappear. Or you should never appear in front of people. Because you don't belong to this space at all." Mo Langqin didn't understand that he was in a hurry. What did you say.

The woman couldn't understand Mo Langqin's words. Her understanding was that the man in front of her asked her to stop it.

"What are we, my sister and I have always been curious about what we are... The deep sea fish said that my sister and I were born with spiritual consciousness and said that we should not be in the West Sea." The woman tried to step on the sand on the coast again, but was still caught Burned and retreated.

Mo Langqin had no choice but to take out his rain boots from the ring, fill two of them with sea water, and put them in front of the woman.

"Put it on."

The woman looked at the man in front of her in surprise, and carefully stretched her feet to put on her rain boots.

When I put on my rain boots and stepped into the sand, the burning pain was gone.

The woman was excited for a moment. She had never stepped into the sand so many steps before. She rushed towards Mo Langqin and wanted to hug the person who helped him tightly.

But Mo Langqin pushed away subconsciously, and the woman couldn't stand and fell on the sand.

The burning pain made the woman unable to get up again, and the woman cried out in pain.

"Not good!" Mo Langqin had no choice but to help the woman up and push her back into the sea.

"Thank you..." The woman expressed her gratitude, but Mo Langqin heard it was far-fetched.

"I hope you can tell me as much as possible about what happened here in the West Sea, and about you and your sister." Mo Langqin couldn't wait, he had to stop the spectators from destroying this space as soon as possible.

The woman held Mo Langqin's face with her hands.

"What? Men and women can't accept..."

The woman's face came close to Mo Langqin and even kissed it.

The woman finally understood how her sister liked that person at the beginning, and love should occupy the other person's everything.


Women don't have names at all, that's when they were given a name by someone after they were born.

The elder sister cried, and the younger sister cried.

A hundred years ago, they were just two small fish in the West Sea.

Hundreds of years ago, the two of them ingested a strange elixir by mistake, and as a result, they fell asleep for hundreds of years.

Until 100 years ago, tears and tears woke up.

The first thing they found when they woke up was that they had grown hands and feet.

Originally, the days in the West Sea were carefree, and the two sisters also liked to go to the shallow sea to play.Until suddenly one day my sister, who was originally playing in the West Sea, was caught by a fisherman by coincidence.

Because the beauty of tears confused the fisherman, the fisherman went to the shore with tears.

"It hurts...let me go back, okay...I don't want to be here..."

No matter how the tears begged the fisherman, they were not willing to put them back.

At that time, the tail of the tear fish had not completely faded away, and the tears brought to the shore were viewed as an aberration.

But because of the beauty of tears, all men became obsessed.

The men fought for tears, and the man who got the tears cut off the legs of the tears in order to prevent the tears from leaving, but cut off the fish tail of the tears in one fell swoop.

When the fishermen were arguing, the only man who was not bewitched by the beauty of tears stole the tears.

The man hid the tears at home temporarily, and he promised that the tears would be sent back to the West Sea.

The women are jealous of Tear's beauty, and one of them, an aunt, discovers that a fish tail cut off by her husband can cure a disease.

At that time, the old lady just wanted to eat the chopped fish in anger, but she only ate a small part of it and cured the disease that had plagued her for many years.

In this way, tears in their eyes became something that should not exist.

Men are for her beauty, while women are for her flesh and blood that can heal.

"I also have a younger sister. I'm worried that she will be caught by them if she keeps looking for me. Can you tell her not to swim too shallowly."

Tears told the man so.

The man agreed and told sobbing as promised.

"What's your name?"

The man's gentle attitude and this gentle tone made Tears very fond of him.

"I don't have a name..."

Tears were even shy, and she stammered to speak.

"Seeing that you love tears so much, why don't you just call them tears." The man's hearty laughter was deeply imprinted in Lei's mind, "I saw your sister, she always sobbed when she cried, so just cry."

Only that time, the only time when tears laughed happily, and the last time.

But the good times didn't last long. The man originally planned to go back to the West Sea with tears, but the villagers discovered it.

People chased the man with weapons, and the man ran with tears in pain from the burns all over his body.

The men and tears were about to reach the coast of the West Sea, but they were greeted by more violent fishermen.

Tears can't go back, and she will become the bargaining chip for those men, and the target for those women to hurt.

The man shielded his tears with his body as he endured the beatings and injuries of the fishermen.

"Let me down, I don't want you to be hurt! Let me down!" She couldn't bear to watch the man suffer, she was willing to sacrifice herself and not want the man to be hurt.

"I promised have to keep your word!" The man ran to the West Sea with tears in his eyes.

As long as you touch the water, you only need to touch the water to be free!
There was blood on the man's body, and he finally came to the shore with tears.

The villagers also caught up with the man, who threw out the tears with the greatest strength.

Tears fell on the sand, and the man lost his support and strength and fell on the sand bank.

"Quick! Leave now!!"

The man yelled at the tears.

Tears remained in tears, crawling to the edge of the ocean with the scorching pain.

Just a little bit, just met, just a little bit! !

Just then the fishermen arrived, and they harpooned Tear's ankle.

The villagers control the man.

"You said you were confused! For such a monster!"

The women all watched the excitement from a distance, and the men began to walk towards tears.

The man lay on the ground and roared with all his strength. When people were surprised, the man broke through control and threw himself into tears.

The man frightened the fishermen around Tears away with harpoons, he pulled the harpoons from Tears' ankles, and then he pushed Tears into the sea.

The man backed away in tears but the fishermen became angry with those harpoons attacking the man.

Tears swam in the West Sea, watching the sea water that was stained by the man's blood, crying all the time.

"Hurry up and swim!! Don't look back!! Swim!!"

The man shouted loudly while blocking the pursuit of the fishermen.

Everyone watched the tears go away, and their anger was ignited.

The man looked at the tears and left the sudden slack to give a man an opportunity to take advantage.

Tears looking back for the last time was indeed the most terrifying thing.

What she saw was the man's head falling from the air in the deep sea, and the man's body fell on the shore.

Red instantly rendered the entire West Sea.

(End of this chapter)

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