Yun Qishen

Chapter 295 The Abyss of the West Sea

Chapter 295 The Abyss of the West Sea (24)
(God's perspective)
In the dark space within the West Sea, the woman opened her slender eyes, and she woke up from her dream.This dream has haunted her since that day.

Even though her fish tail has completely disappeared now, the traces left by the injury have been engraved on the coccyx along with the faded tail.

From that day on, as long as she sleeps, she will repeat the tragedy at that time. Once she wakes up, she will keep thinking about what kind of monster she is.

She is a fish, she was a fish!

is she human?not human!

What the heck is that...

Tears looked at her body without even a single scale representing a fish, and the fish tail that was not completely degenerated at the beginning - such a strange shape!So ugly!
She is not human at all! ! !

I don't know how many times I have shed tears. Under the magical waters of the West Sea, the tears turned into pearls the moment they left her.

"You tell me...what the hell am I!"

She didn't know how many times she looked at the man's skull that was perfectly preserved by her.

"Tell me! I am so ugly, why should you save me!!!"

Tears are not convinced, she is not convinced!

Why only she and Qi became like this, she wants the same kind, and he wants those so-called human beings to pay for the men.

When Lei thought about it, the flute above the sea suddenly changed its pitch. The original flute could restrict Lei from swimming to the shore, but the current flute lacked that kind of mana.

Those non-human and non-fish monsters still couldn't swim beyond the West Sea, and they were all trapped in the West Sea.

Tears collected the man's skull and swam to the coast.


Weeping on the coast of the West Sea hugged Mo Langqin and gave him a kiss.

The explanation of the kiss was also told to Mo Langqin when he told the story later.

"When my sister and I were playing along the west coast, we were just sneaking around. Although you ordinary people look similar to us, they don't have the same tail as us. My sister and I had to entertain at the bottom of a sea..."

Mo Langqin was wiping his mouth with makeup remover while listening to the weeping and talking about things further.

At that time, there were very few fishermen in the West Sea, and it seemed that there was only one village that went crazy because of tears.

There is a sea end in the West Sea, where there is a cave, and inside the cave is a scene that neither tears nor weeps have ever seen in the deep sea.

There are many strange plants in it, they don't know what they are.

After they asked the deep sea fish, they realized that those were trees and flowers...

The cave was very beautiful, and the two sisters could step on the moss and walk to the shore without any worries.

The sisters sang and played in the water in the cave.

Suddenly a child appeared in the cave one day.

The tears and weeping at that time were frightened and hurriedly hid in the sea water.

Who knew that the boy went all the way to the deep sea.

Tears and weeping were meant to run away, until the boy fell into the West Sea without struggling at all.

Tears instinctively wanted to push the boy out of her territory.

The palm of tears really pushed the boy back to the shore.

The boy didn't move after that.

"Sister... He looks a lot like us, but he doesn't have a tail..." Tears climbed behind the stone and looked at the boy.

"I heard Mingyu said that the things on it will die, so he won't die." Qi Qi gathered up his courage and touched the boy with his hand.

"Who knows... My sister is too scary, let's go back..." Lei tugged at the tail that had not faded away.

At this moment, there was a loud noise from the other side of the cave, and they seemed to be calling their names.

"Something is coming!" Qi suddenly startled and pulled the boy back into the sea.

"Sister, why did you pull him here too!"

Tears were momentarily nervous.

"Ah! How could I... What can I do with this... If we send him up again, we will definitely be found out. What a terrible sister!"

Weeping nervously, he let go, and the boy floated upwards.

"Not good!" Tears had to pull the boy back again, "Let's go to Mingyu to discuss it first!"

In this way, the two sisters took the boy to the West Sea to seek the help of the deep sea fish.

"You two are ridiculous."

After the deep sea fish said a word, he gave tears a bead.

"Just let this boy eat these beads and let him live, let him go back to shore."

The two sisters took the boy to the shore following the instructions of the deep sea fish.

There was no one on the shore, so tears placed the boy on a random shore.

Lei accidentally touched the sand without water when she put the boy on the shore, and the sudden pain made her subconsciously drop the boy and jump back into the sea.

"Sister Beads! Beads!" Weeping approached tears.

Tears just remembered that the beads have not been eaten by this child yet.

Tears had to go up and pick up the beads and stuff them into the boy's mouth.

After blocking for a long time, the boy's mouth was not opened.Or maybe tears are not used to these hands at all, and there is no time to use them in the West Sea.

"Sister, why don't you feed it with your mouth! Chew it up for him to eat." Weeping behind tears, she came up with an idea.

"So be it……"

It was the first time that tears kissed ordinary people on land, and it felt very special.

The beads given by the deep-sea fish were completely eaten by the boy.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

The boy coughed suddenly, and the sea water poured out of the boy's mouth.

Tears and tears fled back to the West Sea in fright.

From that day onwards, the two sisters no longer appeared in the cave.

After a long time, the tears were caught by the fishermen.

Tears at that time made men obsessed with him because of their naturally charming physique.As long as she sees the face of tears, she doesn't care about her strange body at all.

Women are also jealous of this monster because of the bewitching instinct of tears, and they are even more out of control when they find out that the flesh and blood of tears can cure diseases.

And the person who will not be bewitched is the person who has been kissed by tears or tears.

At that time, the man's head was cut off by crazy fishermen and dropped into the West Sea.

Tears sacrificed their lives to bring the man's head back to the West Sea.

"Then what's with your abilities? And these fish monsters..."

What Mo Langqin learned was that after being kissed by them, he would not be bewitched, but he didn't feel bewitched when he saw this woman for the first time. Could it be because of the sound of the flute?

"My sister and I's abilities come from the abyss."

"Abyss?" Mo Langqin fell into deep thought, since the next stop must be the abyss... There is one more thing to confirm before that.

"Stand out your arm." Mo Langqin continued.

Weeping, he stretched out his arm obediently, "Are you looking for something?"

Mo Langqin didn't speak, he scanned the weeping arm with the ring on his hand.

"Immortal... immortality... longevity..."

Mo Langqin couldn't bear to look at the information reflected by the ring, and then he gave up the scan, "Your experiment was successful after all... Guanyou Taoist..."

 That's right, it's not a mermaid, it's not a murloc, it's a monster!Just explain it!

(End of this chapter)

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