Yun Qishen

Chapter 303 Chapter 302

Chapter 303 Chapter 32 The Abyss of the West Sea ([-])
(God's perspective)
"What! Are you going to give the mermaid to Taoist Guanyou!?"

Mo Langqin couldn't believe his ears. How could someone who is so considerate of the overall situation come up with such a plan.

"Spiritual Realm Dao, you are not playing with fire anymore, you are playing with nuclear bombs!"

Mo Langqin hurriedly pulled towards Lingjingdao's clothes, and Lingjingdao glanced at him with disgust.

Those eyes were not only disgusting, but also had a very cold killing intent.

Mo Langqin had no choice but to withdraw his hand quickly.

"Brother, there must be some other way, let us guess."

Yunqi knows well and does not touch the clothes of the spiritual realm. If this one is torn and dirty, he will blame me. That is the money for the defeat indemnity and the three long gowns... Then he will pay the entire border to him. It's not enough... Well, it would be great if the money from the dance of Kawon Kuni could be taken away, and I, Yun Qishen, would be a billionaire.

"Let's talk after everyone arrives. Now you can drive all these monsters into the West Sea!" Spirit Realm Dao snapped and untied the surrounding enchantment.

Because the freezing air of the Immortal Sword of the Spirit Realm made these fish monsters move slowly, but some of them still insisted on attacking Yun Qishen and the three of them.

"Why not kill them?"

Yun Qishen didn't quite understand it. Obviously these monsters caused such a big mess, why should they let them go.

"Should I praise your actions now, or your brains?" Lingjing Road impatiently stretched his brows with his hands, "If your clan might turn into these monsters, would you have the heart to do it?"


It's hard for Yun Qishen to answer this question. If there really is a demon who has become like this, and he chooses not to kill, isn't this hypocrisy?Isn't that a kind of selfish kindness?But if you choose to kill, it is indeed too ruthless to kill.

"Think about it now. What kind of leader do you want to be? If it is your relatives and friends who become monsters, can you still say the word 'kill' so calmly."

The Spirit Realm Road passed by Yun Qishen and approached the large group of monsters that were about to attack.

"If it were you, brother, how would you choose?"

Yun Qi looked deeply at Lingjing Dao's cold and handsome face.

"Making a choice? Oh, you still don't know anything until now. The so-called choices, aren't people always making choices? Everyone has different choices for everyone. You want to ask me about my choice? Just when you ask me The moment your choice will be, your choice is destined to be closer to mine."

The fairy sword in Spirit Realm Dao's hand was inserted into the ground by him, and the fish monster on the coast was bounced into the air by the icicle and froze.

"I won't move closer to your choice, I'm just curious..."

Yun Qishen heard Lingjing Dao say this, and he did have a little bit of desire to use Lingjing Dao's decision as a reference.

Mo Langqin came over and patted Yun Qishen's shoulder, "You can only make your own choice, don't worry."

"Do not touch me!"

Yun Qi moved his shoulders and shook off Mo Langqin's hand.

"Hmph... curious."

It only took three seconds to draw the sword and retract the sword in the spiritual realm, and the icicles supporting the monsters were broken, and the frozen fish monsters were also smashed into the west sea water.

"Curiosity killed the cat, don't you understand?" Lingjing Road turned around and walked back, "Instead of spending time here thinking about things curiously, you might as well help the child now, since the north and south sides of the strait have not been completely cleared up here. solve……"

Yun Qishen ran towards the north shore without hearing the words of the Spirit Realm Dao.

"This kid... tsk tsk." Mo Langqin wanted to put the miniature microphone inside the ring, but he found that the ring was missing.

Still crying... Now I can confirm her position.

Mo Langqin shifted his gaze from his hands to the Spirit Realm Dao, and he was also curious about what the Spirit Realm Dao thought.

Only now, as Lingjing Dao said, is not the time to be curious.As long as it can effectively make the Taoist watchers stop this kind of thing that will destroy the space.

"Shit, how much do you know?"

When Lingjing Dao saw that Yun Qishen hadn't finished listening to him, he was naturally a little angry, and he turned his head to look at Mo Langqin suppressed.

"Know? Know what?"

"The matter of the expansion of the abyss, and the matter of this continent."

Mo Langqin thought that he had long understood that sooner or later he would be caught by the Spiritual Realm Dao and forced to question him about the world, but he never thought that he would summon him out by himself...

"My lord, I can only say that the lord knows very little about this ancient proud continent, or maybe the lord remembered it before, maybe the lord also lost his memory?"

Mo Langqin was telling the truth, but when he heard the Spiritual Realm Dao, he felt like he was farting.

Mo Langqin saw that Lingjing Dao couldn't hold back his anger and hurriedly explained further, "My lord, I really don't know... That's right! Young master, I can tell you about the expansion of the abyss, Master Lingjing Dao, please forgive me. It's a small one, do it! Give me some face."

The spiritual realm had to be suppressed again, Mo Langqin was no longer vague, he tightened his mind.

"I have noticed the abyss since I came to this world. In fact, it has been expanding continuously, and then it has suddenly accelerated its expansion speed recently. I have always heard that the abyss will make any creature go back and forth. The incredible power of the person inside. That's how the two merman got their power."

Mo Langqin pursed his lips, and he looked away from the spiritual realm, "I'm sorry... I involved you back then."

"Is there something wrong with my ears, and you still apologize. That's really a fish that can be drowned by water."


Mo Langqin thought it would be good if he could apologize to you, and he still put on that mighty face, ah!Unpleasant.

"What else? Our bet, as long as I catch you, tell me how to go back. Now that you call me to surrender, it's time to tell me how to go back."

Mo Langqin didn't dare to speak after listening to Spirit Realm Dao, not because he didn't know, but because the way back was already...

"Why do you want to break the contract?"

Spirit Realm Road raises his arms and can beat people at any time.

"No! No! No!"

Mo Langqin hurriedly denied that if he told him now that he couldn't go back, then the Spiritual Realm Dao would not be able to release all the anger he had just received on him.

Mo Langqin's eyes twitched, "If you go back to your fangirl, what about Taki Yunhua? Can you bear it? I heard that both of you have already..."

"Is it okay to mention her? Do you want to die faster?"

Lingjing Dao stepped forward and wanted to grab Mo Langqin's collar, but it turned out to be a diving suit... ah~

The Spirit Realm had no choice but to withdraw his hand again.

Mo Langqin had known Spirit Realm Dao for so many years, and he had noticed just now that he must be pulling his collar again.

I'm so glad I'm wearing a diving suit 2333
(End of this chapter)

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