Yun Qishen

Chapter 304 Chapter 303

Chapter 304 Chapter 33 West Sea Abyss ([-])
(God's perspective)
The topic suddenly turned to Taki Yunhua, which made Lingjing Dao feel some strange emotions.

It has been a long time since he went to see Taki Yunhua, and now she is still pregnant with his child... Yuqing should go see her too, but if he sees it, he will be entangled by her again, so he doesn't want to see her .

"Master, I am also concerned. You have been here for 300 years. She, Taki Yunhua, has been chasing you for ten years and waiting for you for 100 years! Don't you think you are too scumbag, ignoring others for 100 years?" Don't worry, if you came out and took the girl's blood, don't tell me, you don't care about her, tell me how sorry you are for her girl." Mo Langqin folded his hands on his chest.

"Girls? Yes, you call the [-]-year-old girls here."

Spirit Realm snorted coldly.

"Age is not a problem. People are good-looking. Others can't catch up. You are a straight man."

Mo Langqin's joking words made Lingjing Dao more determined not to look at Taki Yunhua.

"Because of age, she and I are not from the same world after all. The flow of time is different. I can't give her permanent happiness. It is better to have long pain than short pain, and let her live happily alone."

Lingjing Dao walked towards the South Bank, "If we can't give you happiness, why are we still struggling with each other? She is a strong woman, and I believe she will be happier by herself than thinking about me all the time."

"Straight man theory! Why don't you marry him?" Mo Langqin had no choice but to follow Lingjing Road to the south bank.

"Hmph, why don't you marry him. If I hadn't let go of the burdens that bound me at that moment, I wouldn't have made this mistake."

After the Spirit Realm Dao finished speaking, Mo Langqin stopped talking, and the two walked towards the south bank.

At the same time, at the Liuyin Peak of Jingling Mountain.

The woman in red lies crying in the arms of a white dragon.

"Guang, am I ugly now?"

Taki Yunhua touched her bulging belly, her eyes were red and swollen, and tears flowed out of her mouth.

Light has been watching Taki Yunhua cry for a month here, and she has been persuading her not to cry, otherwise it will be bad for the fetus.

"How can our family Yunhua be ugly? Didn't you say that even if you become ugly, it's okay? Why do you ask that now?"

Light rubbed his head against Taki Yunhua, and Taki Yunhua's hand touched the dragon's horn on the bald head.

"Because he hasn't come to see me for three months because of the spiritual realm. Did I go too far that time, or did I treat him too fiercely? Or does he hate the way I am now? Why should I get pregnant, okay? It's uncomfortable, my body is too weak compared to before, I can't even get out of Liu Yinfeng's enchantment... I just want to see him, even if it's just a glance... I also want to see him..."

Is this still the majestic Demon Queen?Her strength and strength are simply not worth mentioning in the face of her love.

Love can accomplish a lot and destroy a lot at the same time.

"Xiaoguang, I want to see him, I want to see Lingjingdao, can you take me out? I don't want to stay here anymore, I want to see him!"

Taki Yunhua has made this request a lot this month. She wants to leave and leave Liu Yinfeng to see Lingjing Dao.

Three months ago, Lai A and Hikaru discussed not to let Taki Yunhua leave Liuyinfeng casually, because everything from the outside world will not pollute this place and there will be no disasters.

Guang is not willing to break the agreement between it and Lai, but it is also distressed to see Taki Yunhua like this.

Taki Yunhua touched her belly and wept. She was pregnant and couldn't wear the red dress she wore before. The red dress on her body was only changed from other clothes, which made Taki Yunhua feel very uncomfortable.

Light was very embarrassed at this time. On the one hand, it was Taki Yunhua's request, and on the other hand, it was a promise with Lai.

Light also burst into tears, and the golden tears turned into golden jade and fell to the ground.

"Go! I'll take you to see the spiritual realm!"

After a while, Light decided that as long as Taki Yunhua was happy, she would not be hurt if she had it, as long as she came back as soon as possible after seeing the spiritual realm.

Taki Yunhua was happy in her heart, but her tears couldn't stop, she stretched out her hand to embrace the dragon head of light, "Thank you, light."

Light took Taki Yunhua directly to the Immortal Sword Sect Master Hall.

Daoist Chengxu was the first to discover Bai Longguang's figure.

It was already late at night, and Daoist Chengxu had just finished his work in the temple and was about to go to bed.

Daoist Chengxu felt a demonic aura attacking him. He thought it would be the demon dragon Laia, but it turned out to be another dragon.

It went in the direction of the main hall, is it looking for a master?

Daoist Chengxu also walked towards the main hall.

Light stopped on the open space in front of the main hall. It lowered its head and let Taki Yunhua come down. After Taki Yunhua carefully came down from its head, the light also turned into a human shape.

Taki Yunhua couldn't wait to run to the door of the hall. She tried to push it open, but the door of the hall seemed to be enchanted by the spiritual realm and couldn't be pushed at all.

"Spiritual Realm Dao! Open the door! Come and see me! Even just a glance! Spiritual Realm Dao!"

Taki Yunhua was in a hurry for a while, and she was so weak that she couldn't use the technique of peeping at the heart. She couldn't be sure whether the Spiritual Realm Dao was in the temple, whether he was not there or didn't want to pay attention to her if he didn't respond.

"Spiritual Realm Road!"

Taki Yunhua's voice was hoarse, but there was still no movement in the hall.

"...Master, he shouldn't be here."

Master Chengxu came over and watched Taki Yunhua hurriedly knocking on the door, unable to speak for a while.

This is the first time that Daoist Chengxu has seen the face of the former queen of this demon clan.

She is immortal like her master.

The person the master mentioned inadvertently back then, the master also said that he could not give her happiness.

Not long ago, the master said that there is no immortality in the world, and some are just different times.

When Taki Yunhua heard what Cheng Xu said, she put down a stone in her heart. It was just that the Spiritual Realm Dao was not there. He was busy so he didn't come to see her. The Spiritual Realm Dao didn't hate her anymore.

Taki Yunhua walked quickly to Cheng Xu, her abdomen suddenly hurt but that couldn't stop the joy in her heart, "Where did he go? Do you know? Tell me now!"

"I don't know either." Cheng Xu looked at Taki Yunhua up close for the first time, even if her eyes were red from crying, it would not affect her peerless appearance at all.

Daoist Chengxu was a little stunned, and he also wondered why the master didn't accept Taki Yunhua?
Taki Yunhua listened to Cheng Xu's words as if she had lost some support, and she fell to the ground weakly.


Light quickly ran over to help Taki Yunhua, she touched Taki Yunhua's hand, it was cold.Shaking Taki Yunhua also did not respond.

"Quickly take her to the Immortal Medicine Sect."

Daoist Chengxu also panicked for a while.

"Okay!" Guang had no choice but to pick up Taki Yunhua and follow Daoist Chengxu to the Immortal Medicine Sect.

When Daoist Chengxu found Mi Zixin, Mi Zixin was discussing Lingyuan with Yun Chengyue and Yun Qiqing.

"Liu Ying! Come on!"

Master Chengxu pushed open the door and entered, followed by the light holding Taki Yunhua.

In just a few minutes, Taki Yunhua's face was already bloodless white.

 Me: My goddess~ Persevere!
(End of this chapter)

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