Yun Qishen

Chapter 305 Chapter 304

Chapter 305 Chapter 34 The Abyss of the West Sea ([-])
(God's perspective)
Mi Zixin was already surprised to see Daoist Chengxu coming to him in a panic, and then he saw Taki Yunhua, whose face was bloodless, either surprised or frightened.

Mi Zixin put Taki Yunhua on the bed, and after Yun Qiqing was left in the room, he drove everyone out of Lingyao Pavilion.

After talking with Daoist Cheng Yun, Jiang Qing went back to the Xiancao Garden. He studied pharmacology. It was late at night when he took a break. During the training, he also discovered something about those fish monsters.

Thinking that the master should still be discussing Lingyuan with Yun Qiqing and the others... It should be possible to find him now.

Jiang Qing left Xiancao Garden and came to Lingyao Pavilion, where he saw Yun Chengyue, Daoist Chengxu and a white-haired woman waiting outside.

"Junior nephew has seen Master"

Jiang Qing stepped forward and happened to turn around to find him.

Jiang Qing saluted quickly, and he was also curious why they were all outside.

"Jiang Qing, go in and help your master."

Daoist Chengxu didn't say anything to greet Jiang Qing and directly pushed Jiang Qing to Lingyao Pavilion.

Jiang Qing was pushed into Lingyao Pavilion by Daoist Chengxu, and Jiang Qing who entered was even more confused.

"Jiang Qing! Help Qiqing to get the three grams in the third drawer in the second row on the left of the third floor of the cabinet."

Mi Zixin has used his black bone fan to heal Taki Yunhua again.

Jiang Qing rushed to the medicine cabinet in the corner of Lingyao Pavilion in a conditioned reflex. He quickly took out the medicinal materials instructed by Mi Zixin. Jiang Qing placed the medicinal materials on the small scale, exactly three grams.

"Count six drawers and two grams to the right on the upper floor on the right!"

Mi Zixin could not leave Taki Yunhua for half a step, the fan bones of the black bone fan again channeled the blood for Taki Yunhua, Mi Zixin kept his eyes on the flow of Taki Yunhua's blood with the observation technique and the healing technique, and the beads of sweat on his forehead. It ran across his face and dripped onto his collar.

Yun Qiqing was counting the compartments of the medicine cabinet.

"Three...four...found it!"

Yun Qiqing was also very anxious because of Mi Zixin's anxious mood.

Just when Yun Qiqing wanted to reach out to wipe the drawer of the medicine cabinet, Jiang Qing first opened the drawer and took out the medicinal materials, no more or no less than two grams.


Yun Qiqing suddenly felt that he couldn't help with some things, why did Mi Zixin leave him behind?
Jiang Qing also noticed that Yun Qiqing took his hand back, with an unwilling expression on his face.

"Junior Brother... Can I trouble you to crush these medicinal materials for a while? Otherwise, it will be troublesome if there are too many medicinal materials..."

Jiang Qing gave Yun Qiqing the medicinal materials he weighed.

Yun Qiqing thought that Jiang Qing was sympathizing with him when he took the medicinal materials, but he didn't see Jiang Qing's expression as mocking and sympathizing with him.

"Come on! Next three, sixty-four grams! Left four, second two grams!" Jiang Qing suddenly shivered when Mi Zixin spoke in a loud voice in a hurry.

Are you going to start again?
Yun Qiqing didn't understand why Jiang Qing's sudden expression was so terrifying, as if he had eaten Mi Zixin's meal.



A piece of black fan bone flew over from behind Yun Qiqing and flew over his face, and then stuck it abruptly on top of the cabinet.

Jiang Qing happened to dodge but was also quite frightened.

"Don't hurry up!!"



Jiang Qing and Yun Qiqing immediately acted.

The anxious Mi Zixin is really scary.

In Yun Qiqing's heart, what was scary was not Mi Zixin but the black bone fan in Mi Zixin's hand.

At the beginning, I was greeted by fans a lot...

Light waited anxiously outside, waiting for them to say that Taki Yunhua was fine.

Yun Chengyue looked at the closed door and worried about Yun Qiqing.

Daoist Chengxu approached Yun Chengyue and wanted to ask what would happen.


Yun Chengyue reacted and hurriedly turned around to salute Chengxu, "I have seen Master Uncle."

"Excuse me, I want to ask you, in case he..."

Daoist Chengxu noticed that there was a trace of trouble on Yun Chengyue's face after he mentioned the event.

"Go back to Uncle, in case the senior brother is still in a coma, what you have ordered to senior brother Chou Mian has been completed."

"Is that so..."

Master Chengxu's hand approached the immortal sword around his waist and held the hilt.

Just when Daoist Chengxu wanted to ask about Ye Qi, there was an impatient roar from Lingyao Pavilion.

"Jiang Qing! Strong Heart Grass!"


The door of Lingyao Pavilion was pushed open by Jiang Qing after Mi Zixin roared.

Everyone present saw Jiang Qing scrambling away to get the herb.

Yun Qiqing closed the door of Lingyao Pavilion again after Jiang Qing left.

"The problem of Liuying still can't be corrected... Sigh~" Daoist Master Chengxu knew that Mi Zixin said that his strength was serious.

But it is very strange if it is just a symptom of pregnancy, how can it become so serious?
And going to get the strong heart grass in the middle of the night will definitely alarm the people in the individual halls.

Jiang Qing came back soon, and as Daoist Chengxu thought, along with Jiang Qing, Daoist Liu Yun, Murong Danran.

"Liuyun." Daoist Chengxu looked at Murong Danran approaching before greeting him.

"Senior Brother." Murong Danran saluted the Taoist Master Chengxu after watching Jiang Qing hurriedly entered Lingyao Pavilion.

"Be quick on your hands and feet!"

Mi Zixin's roar was even more urgent.


Murong Dan raised her eyebrows, "Liu Ying must be a difficult patient..."

"It's the queen of the devil."

Daoist Chengxu told Murong Danran about his encounter with Taki Yunhua in the main hall and what happened after that.

"So that's the case. Master, where did he go, brother, do you really not know?"

Murong Danran nodded.

Yun Chengyue, who was on the side, looked at Murong Dan, but he stopped talking, whether he would come forward to say hello.

"I only feel the spiritual power of the master's summoning technique. He should have gone out, but how would I know where he went. Alas~ this time..." Cheng Xu said with a long sigh.

"Knowing where the master is, it's really good for your eldest disciple to do a good job. Every time I look for you, I just need to ask him to know where you are. Speaking of which, your disciple..." Murong Dan Ran looked at Daoist Chengxu's brows slightly wrinkled and stopped asking about the emergency, "Master, there must be an urgent matter when traveling late at night."

"Thinking about it..." Daoist Chengxu moved his gaze to the closed door of Lingyao Pavilion again.

Murong Danran ignored Daoist Chengxu and turned his head to meet Yun Chengyue's gaze.

"Uncle... Teacher..."

Yun Chengyue saw Murong Danran looking at him, but he didn't know what to call him for a while, whether to call him master or uncle.

"You don't have to call me uncle in private, and you can call me master in front of the brothers and sisters at other times."

After listening to Murong Danran's words, Yun Chengyue was even more at a loss.

When he saw Murong Danran before, he was always hostile to his eyes. It was the first time he had seen Yun Chengyue with such a gentle Murong Danran. Maybe Qi Qing he also noticed the change in Murong Danran.

Yun Chengyue pursed her lips and called out, "Uncle."

(End of this chapter)

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