Yun Qishen

Chapter 306 Chapter 305

Chapter 306 Chapter 35 The Abyss of the West Sea ([-])
(God's perspective)
Yun Qishen rushed to the north shore of the West Sea and saw Ye Qi surrounded the fish monsters with black energy. Ye Qi's spells couldn't hurt those fish monsters at all, so he could only trap these monsters by the sea as much as possible.

"Evil Qi!"

Yun Qishen rushed over and used black energy to help Ye Qi.

"It looks like it's done over there? The devil came to see me, the little Taoist priest, I'm really happy~"

"Don't be rude at this time, the Spirit Realm said to drive these fish monsters back to the West Sea."

After listening to Yun Qishen's words, Ye Qi felt a little distressed for a while, "It's not like I won't drive them back, the devil ~ little Taoist priest, if they don't go back, do you want to kill them all?"

As soon as Yun Qishen heard that he was killed, he remembered the question that the Spiritual Realm Dao had just asked him to think about, whether to kill or stay is a question.

"It seems that you are being embarrassed by the old man? Don't worry about what he says, just follow your own heart~ No matter what kind of little Taoist you choose, I will always support you~"

Ye Qi turned his head to look at Yun Qishen and smiled as he pushed aside the dark clouds and saw the sunlight.

"Is it time to laugh!"

Yun Qishen poked Mo Qi's forehead with his finger.

"Doesn't the monarch like to laugh at the little Taoist priest?"

Hearing Ye Qi's question, Yun Qishen raised his eyes to look at Ye Qi's face, his blue eyes and the evil red under his eyes made Yun Qishen's heart throb.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! I love him so much! I'll see you laughing enough after I've dealt with Xihai!"

Yun Qishen was really embarrassed to stare at Ye Qi's face again, he turned his head away, and his unflattering mouth has now changed.

"Okay~" Yan Qi also turned his head to deal with those fish monsters seriously, "How did you solve it? Why don't we solve it like that for the time being?"

"I don't think so. Brother, he used an ice-cold fairy sword to instantly freeze all the fish monsters around. You and I are both fire attributes. If I want to burn it, it will turn into smoke. I said... "

Yun Qishen wanted to say kill these monsters, but he couldn't say it.

"Is the ice cold..." When Ye Qi heard Yun Qishen mention that immortal sword, he remembered the pain of eating cold worm Gu in the spiritual realm and devouring his heart in a cold environment.

There must have been something he could not have foreseen when the old man would draw his sword.

Yun Qishen is also still thinking about killing it... No, no, no, wouldn't this kill the grass?If you don't kill them, how else can you send them away?

Just when Yun Qi was deeply entangled, he found that Qi Qi's black energy was constantly forming ice cubes.

I rely on!Ye Qi, how do you know all kinds of spells?They say you are smart, but genius is different!

Yun Qishen gave up thinking for a moment and looked at Ye Qi, only to see Ye Qi chanting a spell with his eyes closed.

Yun Qishen moved his gaze to the trapped fish monsters, and all the black energy created by Qi Qi turned into ice cubes.

Then Ye Qi remembered the energy gathering he used to see the golden unicorn before.

Originally, it was surprising enough that Ye Qi made the black air freeze, but then Yun Qishen saw what Ye Qi's hands were gathering, and instantly a powerful wave of air was sent out from Ye Qi's hands.


The frozen fish monster on the north shore was blown back to the West Sea by the air waves.

When the air waves separate the waters of the West Sea, they can bottom out.For two seconds, the surrounding sea water gathered and returned to its previous appearance.

"Ha ha……"

Yun Qishen smiled at Ye Qi, this kid is a little hard to mess with, but fortunately he is not an enemy.

"I've used my strength again..." Mo Qi muttered and then smiled at Yun Qishen.

Wei Qi grabbed Yun Qishen's sleeve and led him towards the south bank, "Let's go and see the situation on the golden unicorn side before it's too late."

Yun Qishen followed Ye Qi and took him away before he could react from the surprise just now.

He probably won't even notice that he was sold like this, haha.

At this moment, Qi Qi only felt that it was good to pull Yun Qishen.

On the south bank of the West Sea, the golden unicorns used unicorn fire to restrict the movements of those monsters. As a result, these fish monsters were not afraid of the power of the unicorn fire at all. The golden unicorn had to use magic to change the terrain, thereby slowing their movement speed.

Not long after, Jin Qilin felt a strong chill coming from behind him.

The golden unicorn looked back, and the Dao of the Spiritual Realm was walking towards this side with an immortal sword in hand.

The immortal sword in Lingjing Dao's hand let him insert it into the surface again, and the coast ahead and the sea around the coast froze instantly.

Spirit Realm Dao felt his heart tremble, and he clenched his fists quietly, and with a wave of his hand, the icicles emerged from the ground and trapped those fish monsters.

Spirit Realm Dao then pulled out his sword and swung it back, and the frozen fish monsters all smashed towards the West Sea.

Mo Langqin knew that Spirit Realm Dao had the sequelae of being devoured by cold worms, but he ignored it when he saw that Spirit Realm Dao had no painful expressions.

Everything in front of him happened so fast that Jin Qilin didn't know how to express it, but the Spirit Realm Dao was quite easy.

But with the coldness around it, the golden unicorn also remembered that Lai A had said that there were cold worms in the body of the Spirit Realm Dao.

"Lingjingdao, don't move yet." Jin Qilin approached Lingjingdao, and Lingjingdao looked at Jin Qilin coldly.

"Don't worry, it's just a little cold, I can hold it."

Mo Langqin seems to be Zuo's unfrank character of Lingjing Dao.

"Isn't that still holding up?" Mo Langqin put on Lingjing Dao's shoulder, and instantly his hand became ice cubes.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, the golden unicorn hurriedly spit fire towards the spiritual realm.

The ice on Mo Langqin's hand melted away, but fortunately, he didn't hurt his nerves. In fact, he had the ability to heal himself.

The temperature of the unicorn fire made the Spirit Realm Dao feel a little more comfortable, and the pain in his heart was relieved.

"The cold worm Gu can't be eradicated, and your future children may also be affected, you know, Spirit Realm Dao."

The golden unicorn specially strengthened the power of the unicorn fire to suppress the cold worm Gu on the spiritual realm.

The future generations may also be affected, Taki Yunhua, she... No, that child cannot be born.

Lingjing Dao suddenly wanted to go to Liu Yinfeng. He didn't want Taki Yunhua to see his own shadow in that child, and he didn't want that child to suffer from birth.If you can't give happiness, it's good to destroy happiness in the first place.

Mo Langqin also thought of Taki Yunhua when he heard Jin Qilin's words.

Sin!What a crime!There must be something in this world that can stop Cold Insect Gu?It's enough for the spiritual realm to suffer, and she, Taki Yunhua, has no fault and does not need to suffer this kind of pain.

Mo Langqin admitted that he had liked Taki Yunhua before, and he also knew how much Taki Yunhua loved Lingjingdao.This is her cause and effect, and he Mo Langqin can only choose to help them.

After the unicorn fire was extinguished, Yun Qishen and Ye Qi also rushed over.

Ji Qi looked at the Spirit Realm Dao worriedly, and he felt that the Spirit Realm Dao had the mana of the golden unicorn remaining on his body.

Did the golden unicorn use the unicorn fire to suppress the cold worm Gu? That's fine.

"It's a good time for you to come. Let's find a place first and then discuss the matter of dealing with the Taoist Guanyou."

Lingjing Dao's eyes were fixed on Ye Qi's hand holding Yun Qishen, "Nie Qi, come with me first."

(End of this chapter)

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