Yun Qishen

Chapter 326 The Bitter Dream of the Abyss

Chapter 326 The Bitter Dream of the Abyss (5)
(God's perspective)
The disciples of the Immortal Sword Sect in Jingling Mountain Dao Sect finally ushered in the moment of liberation, but they will never forget the horror of being dominated by Mi Zixin in this life.

Mi Zixin tried his best to control the coldness in Taki Yunhua's belly, and with the help of Daoist Xuyun, Taki Yunhua was able to recover quickly from the trauma she suffered.

"Xuyun, you have worked hard."

Daoist Xu Qing stepped forward and handed Daoist Xu Yun a handkerchief.

"It's Liuying who worked hard."

Daoist Xuyun passed the handkerchief to Mi Zixin after changing hands.

Mi Zixin took out a handkerchief from his arms and wiped the sweat from his forehead, "The third brother is also tired, and the younger brother has something to ask."

"Junior brother, but it's okay to say."

Daoist Xu Yun withdrew the hand that had passed the handkerchief.

"She needs self-cultivation. It's best to have a girl by her side to take care of her. I know that Third Senior Brother attaches great importance to his apprentice. At this time..."

"Junior brother, it's not that I don't agree with Xiaoshao coming to help, it's just that she hasn't been in a particularly stable mood recently, so it's not appropriate for her to take care of me..."

Before Mi Zixin finished speaking, Daoist Xuyun refused.

"That's better than us men."

After Mi Zixin said this sentence, no one objected.

"Third Senior Brother and Junior Brother, although I am a doctor, I can't always be by the side of the female family member. Besides, this female family member is still..."

"Brother, I understand all these brothers... I'm just worried..."

Daoist Xuyun was afraid that Xiaoshao would be haunted by demons again, which would not be good for Long Yunhua.

"We all understand that the third junior brother has a crush on his disciple, but if you keep restricting her, her situation will not get better."

Daoist Chengxu leaned over and patted Daoist Xuyun on the shoulder, "Our existence is to push these children at their critical moment, not to restrict them all the time."

"Yeah, Xu Yun, Xiaoshao is a strong girl. If she doesn't exercise, it will definitely be bad for her in the future. Isn't the elder brother's family working hard to be so capable? So why don't you let her work hard? Maybe What about alleviating her demons?"

Daoist Xuqing persuaded Daoist Xuyun, he didn't know that when he mentioned what happened, Daoist Chengxu expressed his worry for a moment.

It was just such a moment that Mi Zixin saw everything in his eyes, even though he told him that his life was not in danger.He wants to take advantage of Taoist leader or care about the choice in case.

"Forget it, I'll bring her here. But once she has a situation, I will take her away."

"Third Senior Brother, please trouble me."

Mi Zixin bowed to Taoist Xuyun to express his gratitude, and Taoist Xuyun turned around and walked towards Xuyun Palace.

Mi Zixin planned to take good care of Taki Yunhua before the white dragon came back, and he also hoped that Xiaoshao would not make any mistakes.

It's just why there is no news about that white dragon... Could something have changed?
"Spiritual Realm Dao—Spiritual Realm Dao—be careful..."

The priests of Mizixin believed that he had woken up when they heard Taki Yunhua's sudden sound, so Mizixin also rushed forward to make a diagnosis.

"The cold is normal, she's just having a nightmare."

Mizixin's conclusion is reassuring.

Taoist Master Chengxu heard Taki Yunhua calling Lingjingdao's name, he understood this feeling.

He worships his master, and he has only admired his master since he was a child.As a result, when he saw Wanyi later, he felt that he was very similar to his master. At first, he really thought that Wanyi was a copy of Lingjing Dao.In the end, he discovered that his love for his apprentices was different from his worship of his master Lingjingdao.

Taki Yunhua in front of him really admires the Dao of the Spiritual Realm from the bottom of his heart, this feeling is different from but similar to his concern for what happens.

In case the kid really wants him to be safe.

"It's been a long time, where are Liu Yun and the second senior brother?"

As soon as Daoist Xuqing spoke, he broke Daoist Chengxu's thoughts.

"If the fourth senior brother didn't mention the junior brother, I would have forgotten to mention it. I don't know about the second senior brother. Liu Yun suffered burns from pure fire. He should be treated by Yun Qiqing now."

"Pure fire's burn? Why didn't I hear Liu Yun mention it before? Was it last night?" Daoist Chengxu suddenly thought, "Pure fire's injury will leave breath."

"Brother, do you want to use those weak breaths to recover the pure's too difficult here, not to mention that Liuyun's injury is healed now."

Daoist Xu Qing who was at the side didn't think of anything, and Mi Zixin snatched all his words.However, Xu Qing had indeed heard what they said about refining the breath of pure fire. He heard that it took ten years for the powerful Immortal Dao to refine from breath into pure fire, which was indeed very difficult.

"The coldness in the body can't be controlled much with our mana, only pure fire can limit it for a long time, I just want to..."

"It's a good thing that senior brother wants to help, but it's too troublesome. I will find a way to deal with pure fire."

Mi Zixin bowed to Taoist Master Chengxu to express his gratitude, and Taoist Master Chengxu stopped talking.

Not long after, Daoist Xuyun brought Wen Xiaoshao to Lingyao Pavilion.

"The disciple has met the uncle, the fourth uncle and the sixth uncle."

Xiaoshao saluted politely.

Now that Mi Zixin saw Xiaoshao again, he could see that the child's expression and salute had lost the original innocence.

The inner demon is really unpredictable. It can make a strong person and destroy a strong person in an instant.

"Master Uncle will trouble Xiaoshao in the next few days. If you have anything to do, come to Master Uncle and Senior Uncle as soon as possible."

Mi Zixin gently stretched out his hand towards Wen Xiaoshao.

Wen Xiaoshao, who was not afraid of others at all, is now hiding behind Daoist Xuyun, holding on to the clothes of Daoist Xuyun, not daring to approach Mi Zixin.

Mi Zixin also slowly approached her, "Can I entrust it to you, Xiaoshao?"

Xiaoshao half-resisted and stretched out her hand towards Mizixin, and it took a while for her hand to grab Mizixinshou.

"Xiaoshao will work hard, and will never worry the uncles and uncles again."

Mi Zixin touched Xiaoshao's head with his hand, "I believe in you, good boy."

Wen Xiaoshao's heart warmed, Master Liuying is really a gentle person.

At the same time, in the West Sea, even with the deep help of Lai Along, it still didn't cause much harm to Taoist Guan You.

The Spiritual Realm Dao froze the wound, although the blood was no longer lost, but the physical strength was getting weaker and weaker.

"It turns out that my brother is also tired sometimes."

The black thread in Yun Qishen's hand blocked the sword move of Taoist Guan You.

"I'm human too, okay! People are always tired!"

Obviously exhausted, but still have the strength to speak in such an irritable tone, it really deserves to be a Taoist in the Spiritual Realm.

"Then what is the one that doesn't get tired?"

Even if Yun Qishen cooperates with Leah's attack, he can't get close to Taoist Guan You.

"The one in front..."

Lingjing Dao inserted the fairy sword into the ground, and the ground was once again frozen.

"...It's just that it's not a person."

A good one is not human.

Yun Qishen really wanted to say admiration, but a burst of blue sword energy moved towards them.

"I wanted you to die decently after we got acquainted, but now you really pissed me off." The blue sword energy returned to Taoist Guan You after a week, and the sword energy turned back to Netherworld to laugh at the common people, " Let your deaths witness the horror of angering the Taoists!"

(End of this chapter)

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