Yun Qishen

Chapter 327 The Bitter Dream of the Abyss

Chapter 327 The Bitter Dream of the Abyss (6)
(God's perspective)
The Taoist Guanyou attacked the weak points of Yun Qishen and Lingjing Dao with the immortal sword combined with the sword move.

Because of the Cold Insect Gu, the Spirit Realm Dao will definitely gather a lot of mana for protection. Although the hands and feet are difficult to attack, the maintenance of mana will be the weakest.

Besides, Yun Qishen's body was blocked by black silk, and the distribution of demonic energy was relatively weak, but he was too concerned about the attacking style in front of him, and his defense against the sky and the ground was relatively weak.

However, the defects of their sky have been resolved by this black dragon.

In this way, the underground is nothing but the best choice... take advantage of the unexpected, and save your life.

The sword qi smashed down from the front and the front like a torrential rain.

Lai'a mainly resisted the sword qi in the air, and the sword qi coming from the front was trapped and resolved by Yun Qishen with black silk.

Spirit Realm Dao seized the opportunity to attack Taoist Guanyou.

The cold air gradually approached the Taoist Guanyou, and the Taoist Guanyou stepped back.

Just as Spirit Realm Dao was about to pursue the victory, Yun Qishen from the rear shouted loudly.

"Brother! Be careful going underground!"

As soon as Yun Qishen finished speaking, a blue sword formation poured out from the ground.

Spirit Realm Dao retreated with a sideways combined with the technique of the sword.

It's really a little careless, and can't be emotional.

After returning to a safe place, Lingjing Dao began to analyze.

Daoist Guanyou's attack pinpointed my weakness in Tong Yun Qishen. It seems that this time, in addition to underestimating this immortal Guanyou Daoist, I also underestimated this Yun Qishen.

Originally thought it was the ability to peek at the heart, but Yun Qishen did not use the technique of peeping the heart.

"Hehe, you really amazed me here, but you're just a guy who borrows your body to change your soul. Did your little success just make you swell? Kill me if you really have the ability, otherwise..."

Watching the seal in the hands of the Taoist priest, purple vortexes began to appear in the four directions.

This is!

Yun Qishen frowned, he patted Lai'a's body and communicated through the technique of peeping.

[Brother Long, go to the sky, keep flying and don't stop. 】

Leah flew into the sky without answering.

"Hmph, very clever..."

The Taoist Guanyou waved his hand and came with a black and red arm from the depths of the vortex in the four directions.

This is the arm of the lacquer monster!
Yun Qishen watched as those arms came out of the vortex and grabbed Laia, who was flying into the sky.

Although Laia struggled to fly up, she also took away a lot of arm attacks.

Until a huge arm suddenly emerged from the vortex, the blood-red arm grabbed Laia's body.

Yun Qishen acted to help Lai A, but his momentary negligence gave Taoist Guanyou an opportunity.

For a while, he only looked at Lai A and ignored his feet, Yun Qishen couldn't move, and the immortal sword of the spiritual realm flew over and inserted it under Yun Qishen's feet to resolve it.

Yun Qishen jumped over to help Lai Ah, and the Taoist Guanyou also rushed over, and the ghost smiled at Yun Qishen's neck.

Spirit Realm Dao also rushed over to block the attack of the Taoist watcher with his body.

"Don't you understand that you are outnumbered!"

Spirit Realm Dao blocked with mana, but the impact of Daoist Guanyou's sword qi broke his hand instantly.

"You two are nothing to be afraid of!"

The Taoist Guanyou had no choice but to watch Yun Qishen walk up quickly with Qiye's arm.

The black threads spread out in the air and were pulled tight in an instant, and the arms of the lacquer monsters fell into pieces and fell from the sky.

After the arm that grabbed Lai'a's tail was chopped up, Lai'a turned to face the ground and spit purple fire.

The Taoist Guanyou wanted to dodge, but the Taoist Spirit Realm restrained him with force.

"Heh, you stop me with mana, you won't have any extra mana to protect your heart, and you are getting more and more stupid in the spiritual realm."

When the Spirit Realm Dao cut off his hand, he was forced to use mana to connect the action.

"You are so stupid! You immortal!!!"

Spirit Realm Dao gathered all the mana in the air on his left foot, and he laboriously kicked the Taoist Guanyou.


Taoist Guanyou didn't expect it. He wanted to act defensively, but was caught by Lingjing Dao's other hand to break the protective spell. Immediately after Lingjingdao kicked, Daoist Guanyou was severely injured.

The rib of the Taoist Guanyou was kicked by the Spirit Realm Dao, and the impact kicked him from the sky to the ground.

Taoist Guanyou spit out blood, most of the blood was stained on the inside of the mask, and the rest overflowed from the gaps in the mask.

The Spirit Realm Dao fell from the sky for a while because of the loss of mana.

The fragments of Qi Xie's arm wrapped in purple flames fell from the sky along with the spiritual realm.

Yun Qishen stepped on the debris that fell from the air and moved towards the spiritual realm to support him.

Lai took one step ahead of him to catch the Spirit Realm Dao.

"Brother! Are you alright!"

Yun Qishen quickly used the healing spell to restore the arm of the spiritual realm.

"It's okay, shit! Do I look like I'm okay!"

The pain that made him unbearable came from the heart of Lingjing Dao, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

Yun Qi took a deep jump. In his opinion, there is no extra internal injury in the spiritual realm, and it is impossible to spit out so much blood at once.

"Cold air attacking the heart?! The stinky boy comes down in the spiritual realm, and Benlong is here to help him!"

Lai A quickly reached the ground, and Yun Qishen followed Lai A's words and placed the Spirit Realm Road properly.

Lai A spit out purple fire to surround the Spirit Realm Dao, and Yun Qi took a deep peek into Lai A's heart to know that the Spirit Realm Dao contained cold insect Gu.The colder this kind of Gu is, the more painful it will be for the person in the middle of the gu, and it is extremely cold.

No wonder the frontier Lingshan barrier was destroyed, brother, he wrapped himself like a ball.

Lai'a's purple fire relieved the pain of the spiritual realm.

"Looks like you were..."

Lai A wanted to say that the Spirit Realm Dao could not use his mana for a while, but was stopped by the Spirit Realm Dao.

"It'll be fine in a while."

The Spiritual Realm Dao also meditates and performs exercises.

"Hum, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"

The Taoist Guanyou touched his face and laughed wildly.

The laughter made one's heart tremble when he heard it, and Yun Qishen and Lai A also looked away from the Spiritual Realm Dao and turned to the Taoist Guanyou.

The black robe slipped off the body of the Taoist Guanyou, who was a person who was not very strong.

That figure made Yun Qi's mind reflect a person, but he couldn't think of who it was for a while.

The surrounding whirlpools began to merge, and a huge whirlpool appeared behind the Taoist watcher.

After the Taoist watcher laughed wildly, he began to chant an unknown spell.

"Yun Qishen be careful-"

Without warning, Laia was knocked back dozens of miles by a mana in the vortex.

Even if Yun Qishen subconsciously defended, the huge wind and waves also blew him away.

The attack seemed to avoid the Spirit Realm Dao, who frowned and suppressed the chill in his heart.

After the Taoist Guanyou chanted the incantation, he moved towards the spiritual realm and had a past.

Following the action of the Spirit Realm Dao, a multi-headed, multi-handed lacquer monster appeared in the huge vortex.

The difference between this monster and the lacquer tree monster that Yun Qishen and the others met before is that the monster summoned by Taoist Guanyou is now ten or even a hundred times stronger than before.

 A whole chapter is playing~
(End of this chapter)

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