Yun Qishen

Chapter 329 The Bitter Dream of the Abyss

Chapter 329 The Bitter Dream of the Abyss (8)
(God's perspective)
On a coast of the West Sea, Mo Langqin walked around in disbelief. He looked even more anxious, as if he was waiting for something to come.

In the spare ring, there is still a piece of western style clothes. Although Mo Langqin doesn't really want to wear the same clothes, he really can't stand it if he doesn't change the diving suit on him.

Although his mission was to defect and go back, he did not have a clear position for the Taoist spectator, but the position of weeping was zigzagging back towards the West Sea.

Mo Langqin looked at the position reflected by the ring, why did he run from the north to the east again... These places...

Mo Langqin pointed to the sobbing cursor and thought for a while, why are some places rich in wine...

Could it be that the murloc became a drunken fish in the West Sea?

Daoist Guanyou doesn't look like someone who can run there. He should come back to the West Sea and take away another mermaid...

not good!This location is getting closer!

Mo Langqin wanted to hide and look at the situation, but he turned around and ran and put on a man.

"How can the road be so wide and bumped into people!"

Mo Langqin touched his forehead and complained, and the person who collided with him also complained for a while.

"Old man, I can't stand such a bump when I'm too old. I'm afraid I'll break my bones. I think I was strong back then, and I fought [-] enemy troops in one night..."

Mo Langqin raised his head and looked at the old man who was knocked down by him. He knew...a hundred years ago, he seemed to have seen this old man with Taoist Guanyou...No, the young master still owes him away.

Mo Langqin stopped complaining, he stood up and ran in the opposite direction.

Before he ran a few steps, he felt his shoulders being pressed by a force.

Looking back, it was the wrinkled hands of the alcoholic old man.

"Where do you want to go? Why don't you apologize when you bump into someone, do you know how to respect the old man..."

The alcoholic old man smelled of alcohol, he grabbed Mo Langqin's shoulder and dragged him to his side.

Mo Langqin cleverly covered his face with the veil on his clothes.

"Oh! I'm very sorry... I have bad eyes, I didn't see it! I'm very sorry."

Mo Langqin spoke in a strange accent, and the alcoholic old man had a headache when he heard it.The hand strength also suddenly increased.

"It hurts..." Mo Langqin couldn't help but say.

"You... have we met somewhere? It seems that the old man was in Jiangbang back then..."

"Wood! Wood! Wood! We've never met before! You Mai will pull me."

Mo Langqin wanted to break free, but the alcoholic old man's hand was even harder, and then he let go.

"So, maybe the old man is confused and thinks you are the one who sold fake wine to the old man..."

What kind of fake wine... It's just Erguotou mixed with water... How is it called wine if it is not mixed with water!

Mo Langqin explained in his heart, of course he did not dare to say this.

"The old man takes care, the villain will not accompany you..."

Mo Langqin took two steps back, just started to escape, and was caught by the alcoholic old man.

He won't see through it, he just said that he recognized the wrong person, he shouldn't change his mind so quickly...

"Then can you tell this old man, there is a place in the West Sea where you can go directly to the fortress. I think that the old man was fortunate enough to visit once... Alas~ If you are a foreigner, you must not know."

The alcoholic old man took out a bead from his arms. After the bead became bigger, a fish appeared inside, and the fish was wearing a ring.

This ring is... Is this fish crying? !
But how can he be with this alcoholic old man... Could it be that he joins forces with Taoist Guanyou... This is difficult to deal with... The two immortal bodies can't fight at all...

Mo Langqin held his breath and shook his head.

"Oh~ it seems that I really don't know."

It was not difficult for the alcoholic old man to embarrass Mo Langqin. After he let go, Mo Langqin walked away quickly.

"Mo Langqin!"

The sobbing fish suddenly opened its mouth, but Mo Langqin was a clever one who was frightened.

"Mo Langqin? A very familiar name, not the one who bought me the fake wine back then..."

Sharp eyes pierced Mo Langqin's back.

Mo Langqin started to run, the drunk old man stepped forward, stretched his legs, Mo Langqin immediately fell a dog and gnawed the mud.

"Hehe, old man, see where you can go! Pay for the wine! Quickly pay! Think back then..."

"Bah." Mo Langqin spat out the sand in his mouth, and got up with his hands on his back.

"What are you paying for! The young master also bought drinks!"

"What kind of drink is your drink?"

The drunk old man helped Mo Langqin, he grabbed Mo Langqin's collar and lifted it up for him.

"You said that you are an old man who looks thin and scrawny, how can you be so strong..." Mo Langqin struggled again and couldn't break free.

The ordinary old man must be angry when he hears that his life is going to die soon, but the alcoholic old man does have an inexplicable joy when he hears it.

"Don't fight, it's the most important thing to stop my sister now!"

The cry that turned into a fish stopped the alcoholic old man's waist.

The drunk old man put Mo Langqin down again.

"Speaking of stopping, what are we going to stop her? The previous meeting with your sister was just a voice to confuse and weaken the ability to steal other people's power. If you stop, just limit her..."


Before Mo Langqin finished crying, he denied it.

"Sister, although she has been doing a lot of strange things for that man, we have a mission to come back from the abyss... I don't know why I didn't remember it until just now, our purpose is to use the life sacrifice mana to open the abyss barrier, and then release that When a monster comes, I think even I remember it now, and she will definitely remember my sister..."

"So in order to stop her sister, we must first go to the deep sea fortress to find something important to her sister."

The alcoholic old man also answered from the side.

important stuff?
"What is so important that your sister hides him in the deep sea fortress?"

Weeping swam a few times in the beads, "It's a skull, it's the man's head."

"Is that the man you said was for the man your sister was beheaded in the end?"

What Mo Langqin knew was the version that weeping told him.

"Actually, it's not like this..." Weeping swam faster and more irregularly.

Seeing this, the alcoholic old man quickly stabilized his weeping with mana.

"What's going on here?"

Mo Langqin looked at the sobbing appearance, and felt a trace of unbearable heart in his heart.

"This little fish has been controlled by the deep-sea ghost fish. I think that when the old man happened to meet the deep-sea ghost fish and asked him to control the dream for me, the result... Well, forget it, the old man has completely destroyed this child's dream. ."

The alcoholic old man withdrew his mana, and his crying calmed down.

"No, now the dream control technique is not on the deep sea fish, but the elder sister who got this kind of power. Until now, she is still immersed in the beautiful dream she made."

With a sigh, "that man didn't help my sister at all back then, it was just my sister's wishful thinking."

(End of this chapter)

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