Yun Qishen

Chapter 330 The Bitter Dream of the Abyss

Chapter 330 The Bitter Dream of the Abyss (9)
(God's perspective)
Tears came to the abyss again, this time she led a group of non-fish and non-human monsters.

Tears began to sing, and the enchanting song sent the monsters rushing into the abyss.

"The so-called life sacrifice is to throw those humans who have turned into monsters into the abyss, or sacrifices with powerful mana, which can be people or objects."

At the same time, the other side was crying and explaining the story to Mo Langqin.

"Then do you know why the monster in the abyss let you two sisters come out, and let you help it unlock the seal?"

Mo Langqin used the ring to record the crying words, not only can it be sorted out after the event, but it seems that after sorting it, he can also sell a book for money.

"I don't know. We are only responsible for releasing it. Before getting the power, I heard that the monster seems to be looking for its own body."

Find the body... mana and sacrifice.

Mo Langqin continued to sort out his thoughts.

"In this way, in the abyss, I thought that it might just be the mana awakened in the middle, and the mana here may retain the memory of the ancient things...that is to say..."

Mo Langqin looked at the alcoholic old man, and the alcoholic old man thought again.

"That is to say, this monster existed when the vortex was formed, and he was waiting for his body to return... in order to destroy the world again."

The alcoholic old man said what Mo Langqin was going to say next.

"What are you talking about..."

This time it was weeping and I don't know what they were talking about.

"Really, you two sisters were sold and you have to pay for the number..." Mo Langqin understood something incredible.

No matter what the hell, dealing with Taoist Guanyou is not as serious as what Mo Langqin discovered now.

"Looks like I'm really going to stop your sister soon!"

It was rare for Mo Langqin to speak in a serious and serious manner, "Drinker, please go and tell the Spiritual Realm Dao, I will find her sister with Qi."

"Hehe, you slick businessman doesn't even have any mana, don't be brave."

"Trust me, some things have been caused by me in the past few years, and I have to solve them myself."

The alcoholic old man didn't believe Mo Langqin at first, but seeing Mo Langqin's serious appearance and firm eyes, the alcoholic old man nodded.

"It's just how can I find the spiritual realm..."

Mo Langqin has no choice but to recite the spell to summon the Spirit Realm Dao. Although this is equivalent to losing to the Spirit Realm Dao twice, he must do this now. If he loses, he will lose...

After the vortex was formed, Mo Langqin walked away with Qiu quickly. He took off the ring on Qiu's body, the ring glowed, and he disappeared immediately.

The alcoholic old man thought that the Spirit Realm Dao would come out from the enchantment side, but there was no movement for a long time.The alcoholic old man had to wear himself into the whirlpool.

On the other side, the Taoist Guanyou who blew away Yun Qishen and Lai A attacked the Spirit Realm again.

"No one can save you this time, Spirit Realm!"

The multi-headed and multi-armed lacquer monster waved towards the spiritual realm.

The gust of wind blew away the surrounding sea water again, and the ghostly laughing people in the hands of the Taoist Guanyou also attacked the currently unarmed spiritual realm along with Qiye's arm.

The moment he touched the Spirit Realm Dao, a black vortex suddenly appeared, and the power of the vortex first directly cut off Qiye's arm.

The alcoholic old man also happened to come out of the whirlpool.

You Mingxiao approached, and the swiping sound directly penetrated the alcoholic old man's body.

The other arms of the lacquer monster also followed through the alcoholic old man's body.

"The old man... It's really not the right time to come..."

White smoke began to drift from the place where the alcoholic old man was penetrated.

The Taoist Guanyou was a little surprised, "I thought it was Mo Langqin's conscience, but I didn't expect you to be an alcoholic...or should I call you by another name—"

The alcoholic old man was surrounded by white smoke, and then he roared.

The surrounding white smoke was instantly blown away, and the alcoholic old man became an uncle.His penetrated body also instantly recovered.

The pale hair also turned dark, and the body went from scrawny to muscular.

"The last god of war of the devil - the drunkard swallows the sky."

"Haha, it's really insulting to say this name from your mouth. Fortunately, this old man abandoned this name long ago."

"It seems useless to talk too much!"

The Taoist Guanyou waved his hand, and the ghostly laughing people flew back to the Taoist Guanyou's hand.

The lacquer monster expanded his chest and roared, and he was like a giant gorilla half beating his chest with his arms.

Immediately afterwards, the lacquer monster moved into action and spit out strange light in the direction of the alcoholic uncle.

The alcoholic uncle leaned slightly closer to the spiritual realm with his hind legs.

"Take care of yourself!"


Before Spirit Realm Dao could react, Uncle Drunk grabbed Spirit Realm Dao's clothes and threw them far away.

For the first time in his life, the Spirit Realm Dao was thrown into the air, and he was in a very bad mood.

The light from the lacquer tree hit the alcoholic uncle, but an unbelievable thing happened.

Uncle Drunk waved his hand, and the light was divided into several beams and bounced back.

The spectator Daoist used magic to block the beams that came back.

Some of the remaining beams still hit the lacquer monster, and those beams penetrated the lacquer monster and set off huge waves in the ocean behind it.

Yun Qishen rushed towards the original place at a high speed, but on the way he noticed a familiar figure smashing towards him.


Yun Qishen, who had just caught up, was taken back by the Spirit Realm Dao that flew over.

Lai A just caught up, and it blocked Yun Qishen and Lingjing Dao with his body.

"I'm going to kill them both!!"

Lingjing Dao gritted his teeth, he was bound to kill these two immortal guys.

two?What did bro say?But why did my brother get blown over?

Yun Qishen used the technique of peeping his heart to look into the distance.

That is……

In Yun Qi's deep eyes, the figure of the alcoholic uncle appeared.

That "thinking of the year" is still there.

"Let's go there quickly." Lai A put the Spiritual Realm Dao into his mouth, "You should take care of it in Benlong's mouth first."

"Let's go!"

Yun Qishen jumped on Lai A's head and grabbed its dragon horn, and Lai A also flew forward quickly.

"Sure enough, all that don't die are monsters."

The Taoist Guanyou calmly touched the blade of the ghostly smile with his hand.

"Hmph, it's the outside that the old man turns into a monster, and what you already need is a monster from head to toe."

The face under the mask of Taoist Guanyou showed a wry smile, "What's wrong with monsters? You should cherish the immortality that others don't have, and your alcoholic behavior is laughing at those short-lived people."

"An old man is an old man, and he will never care what others think."


Guanyou Daoist swung his sword, and the lacquer tree monster attacked the drunkard with his hands again.

The alcoholic uncle also rushed over, and he hugged the fingers of the lacquer tree monster.


In just three seconds, the huge lacquer monster made Uncle Drunk fall over his shoulders.

 Showdown between monsters!
(End of this chapter)

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