Yun Qishen

Chapter 364 The Bitter Dream of the Abyss

Chapter 364 Bitter Dreams in the Abyss (43) (Climax abuse! Be careful!)
(God's perspective)
Luaner thought that Zhu Ming had regained consciousness, but she thought that the monster had changed back to Zhu Ming and was protecting her.

As a result, the hand that blocked the rubble for her wanted to slap her to death.

Luan'er's intuition told her to run, but she didn't want to leave... Because Zhu Ming would not treat her like this... Zhu Ming would not hurt her...

Ran'er ran quickly towards Wangcheng, running on both legs until he was completely unconscious and kept running towards the front.

The monster got up and attacked the chaos again.

Luan'er finally ran into the royal city safely. There was no sign of being destroyed by monsters inside the royal city, but most of the soldiers died.

Luaner ignored this, even though it was scary and distressing here.But now the chaos is full of thoughts, she wants to wake up Zhu Ming, so that Zhu Ming will come back!

Luan'er approached collapse and came under the willow tree. When she saw the tall and straight willow tree, she couldn't help but feel a kind of stability in her heart, and her legs also slumped down at this time.

Luan'er had to crawl over, and the moment she hugged the tree trunk was the most reassuring moment.

But as a result, the monster stepped into the palace, and the monster's hand swept lightly and broke the thick and reassuring willow tree.


"Candle Ming!!!"

Ran'er's voice was buried by the monster's roar, and then the monster's fingers were about to stab at Ran'er.

At this moment, Li Ren used a body-piercing spell to appear in front of Luan'er, and the princess rushed to Luan'er and hugged her.

The princess covered Luan'er's eyes, and her tears flowed out.

"Chao'er, it will all pass, don't look at anything now!"

"Princess...let me go...ran'er hasn't..."

Ran'er struggled not to want to be covered by her eyes, but the princess forced her not to let go.

"Lan'er!" The princess scolded with a crying voice, and the chaos stopped struggling for a moment, but then she broke free of the princess' shackles and faced her.

Li Ren also used magic to resist the monster's attack at this time.


The sound of the monster's fingers hitting the barrier of the enchantment spread all over the place.

"This is an order!"

The princess didn't know what expression to use to face the chaos, she should have reprimanded severely, because crying suddenly became less majestic.

"Only this time...Princess..." Lan'er stood up with the broken trunk.

"Princess... only this time is the time to disobey your orders!"

Luan'er turned to the princess and snatched the jade pendant from the princess' waist.

Luan'er grabbed the jade pendant and rushed to Li Ren again. Li Ren turned around and dodged at the moment when he used the jade pendant to attach to the barrier of the barrier.

At this time, the monster attacked with its claws again, and Li Ren's enchantment also emitted a strong light.

The swipe happened quickly, and a lot of things happened.

Let's be together forever!

Ran'er grabbed the jade pendant and made his last wish, and then the monster's fingers pierced through the body of Ran'er.

The strong light dissipated, and both Li Ren and the princess saw all this in their eyes.

"What..." Li couldn't bear to see him turn his head to restart the barrier defense.


The princess wanted to rush over but was stopped by Li Ren.

"Let me go! Ran'er! Raner her! Raner..." The princess's tears burst, and her beautiful voice suddenly became hoarse. She struggled to rush over, but Li Ren still cruelly stopped her. she.

"'t mind me..."

There is still a trace of aura in the chaos, and the jade pendant in her hand emits a purple light.

The Holy Monarch of the Snake is transmitting the spiritual energy to Luaner through the jade pendant, allowing her to survive for a while and realizing the wish she has always wanted to achieve.

"Ran'er..." The princess trembled, she pulled Li Ren's clothes and slumped on the ground.

"Hey... Zhu Ming... look at me..."

Ran'er's weak voice made the monster look down at her with concern.


Sure enough, she still yelled at her, but this time Chaos didn't panic, she touched the monster's finger with her hand.

"Remember what I... said... to dance my latest dance for you?"

Although Luan'er had aura to continue her life, blood still spurted out from her because of the pressure.

"I just finished it a few days have to watch the chaos dance..."

She raised her hand weakly, and her red sleeves danced with the wind...

Her movement only took three seconds, and her arm quickly relaxed and fell down, and the jade pendant that she was holding tightly in her hand also slipped away from her hand.

"Zhu Ming...ran' it beautiful..."

Luan'er's head was also lowered, and the princess below was already sobbing.

The monster's hand reached back again, this time with the corpse of Chaos.

Li Ren frowned and planned how to deal with the monster's next round of attacks.

As a result, the monster broke off the finger that pierced the chaos, and then it held the chaos in the palms of both hands.

The monster's tears also flowed out, drop by drop on the ground, becoming a large pond.

[Li me with force...let me leave with her...we will be together forever. 】

"Zhu Ming, to be honest brother, I envy you... You have the ability to protect the person you like, but I can't protect the person I love, nor my family..."

[But now you, Li Ren can kill me and protect the entire continent. 】

Li Ren gritted his teeth, "Brother, do you want to be so cruel to leave me alone..."

[Then you are so cruel to let Luaner helpless in a strange place alone?I'm going to accompany her, and you, Li Ren, won't be alone... Brother, you have to face your own feelings... Come on... destroy me...]

Li Ren looked at the motionless monster, and he shouted to use a spell.

Soon, dark vortexes appeared around, and many black arms stretched out from these vortexes to grab the monster's body.

Li Ren then used other spells to disassemble the monster's body and limbs.

He used the spells taught by the high priest Ling Yaoqing to the extreme.

Several different fires appeared in front of the monster.

When Zhu Ming was still conscious, what he saw was the torn apart body of the monster thrown into the fire.

When Zhu Ming's consciousness recovered again, Luan'er was lying in his arms.

"Zhu Ming...Is the chaos beautiful?"

Zhu Ming gently fiddled with the hair in his ears.

"Crazy, it's beautiful."

"Zhu Ming... so warm..."

"Well... I'm also very warm with you by my side..."

"Candle Ming?"

"I am here……"


Li Ren watched the abyss enchantment seal the monster's soul, and the separated bodies of the monster became magic weapons.

There is a special existence in the magic weapon, and that existence is the magic bead in the future.

The princess was the first to pick up the magic bead, and she smiled forcefully.

"They're still...they both have been..."

This incident left an existence deeper than the abyss in the heart of the princess.

 Yun: Immortal love is all about to die?

  Me: I've seen too many puppet shows, tragedy...

  Yun: You dare to give me tragedy!

  Me: I... try? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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