Yun Qishen

Chapter 365 The Bitter Dream of the Abyss

Chapter 365 The Bitter Dream of the Abyss (44)
(God's perspective)
Zhu Ming and Luan'er are no longer there, and all they have left behind is a magic bead that has both of their feelings.

Li Ren and the high priest are recovering what was destroyed by the monster.

I heard from the high priest that the abyss enchantment will not disappear once it is used. Only the mana stronger than the abyss enchantment can separate it, but it cannot be completely eliminated.

"I have been trying, because the existence of the abyss barrier is very dangerous. I can't guarantee that some day in the next few thousand years, if my barrier strength weakens, it will not be able to support the expansion of this barrier."

Ling Yaoqing and Li Ren looked at the black vortex and talked.

Li Ren frowned, "Then you shouldn't have taught me this spell back then."

"But this is the only way to eliminate the monster, because although the monster's consciousness is separated from the body, the consciousness will never be destroyed, and now only the abyss enchantment can control it. And... …”


Li Ren looked at the high priest Ling Yaoqing, Ling Yaoqing sighed, "Or just like before, it will always exist in the host body, forever and ever, even if the host body dies, the monster's consciousness will parasitize in the most familiar human body. …”

"In the beginning, the Yaosi Pavilion should not have created this kind of monster. Now the people in the Yaosi Pavilion are dead, and the only way to kill the monster no longer exists." Li Ren put away his mana and walked to the side. He attached his hand to the broken willow tree, "Maybe in the future... our descendants will be able to find a way to kill this monster completely."

"It's not impossible... I figured out a very scary thing before... I need to find someone to deal with it myself."

"What's the matter?"

"About thousands of years from now."

Li Ren was very puzzled when he heard Ling Yaoqing's words, but then he thought that this high priest was so unpredictable.

The elixir of immortality had been stolen. According to the high priest's calculations, it would be an eternal star. There was no direction in good times and bad. Next to the eternal star, there was a small star that was clear and faintly glowing.

As for the king of Guao Kingdom, Li Ren later found him when he was sorting out the ruins of the royal city.The king was holding an empty box and his heart was pierced.This should have been told to the princess, but the princess has not left the room prepared for her since yesterday, holding the magic bead.

Li Ren hated the king so much, but... it's all over... even if he wants to cut the king into pieces, it's useless, and the dead won't come back...

Li Ren used magic to refine the body of King Gu Ao into a blue gem.

How can a person who has done so many excessive things be able to refine such a clear color...

Li Ren held the blue gem in his hand, but the pent-up anger in his heart couldn't be vented. He couldn't hate a dead person. This was what General Li taught him.

As a man, he couldn't target the enemy's daughter. The only thing he hated the princess was the fact that the princess left the waitress. The rest of him never hated her.

The warlocks in the sacrificial building used the same technique as Li Ren to refine the dead into crystal clear gems.

"General! The bones of those people have been placed... Next..."

The warlocks appeared in front of Li Ren with a few carts of gems.

Li Ren was stunned when he looked at the many cars with different shapes of gems. If he had hesitated at the time, would they have been in a few more cars now...


A warlock is also full of sadness, and there are even the relatives of this little warlock among those gems.

"Come with me……"

The princess appeared at the entrance of the palace with Ling Yaoqing holding the magic bead.

"I have seen the princess, I have seen the high priest!"

The warlocks saluted, and after the princess nodded, the high priest Ling Yaoqing signaled the warlocks to be flat.

The princess walked towards the restored throne, and Li Ren stepped aside to make way for her.

The high priest followed the princess towards that direction.

The princess touched the throne with her hands. She imagined that her father was sitting on the throne, and those big hands gently touched the princess's head when she was a child.

"let's start……"

The princess put her hand on the handle next to the throne, and Ling Yaoqing was also casting a spell at this time.

The surrounding things also changed, and the ground shook with it.

Then the foundation of the entire palace sank.


As soon as it passed, everyone's eyes widened, and they looked around, the prosperous treasures, the rich and noble decorations... The royal city of the ancient proud country was not so dazzling and prosperous.

"here it is……"

Some warlocks were fascinated by the rare treasures around them. Li Ren also looked around curiously. In his impression, he had never seen this place before. Is it still in the ancient proud country?
The attitude of the high priest Ling Yaoqing was the same as usual, which proved that she knew the existence of this place.

The princess is the key to opening this place, so the princess must know that this place brought everyone here.

"This is the secret room of the Ancient Ao King City. This is the most luxurious place in the Ancient Ao Kingdom. All the rare and precious treasures of the entire continent are gathered here. It also includes these life gems that you have refined..." The princess stepped off the throne. The high priest followed, "It's the people of my ancient proud country who died, no matter whether they were rich or poor before they died, this princess wants them to live a better life after they die. So let all the secret treasures of ancient proud country become them. ——The funeral objects of the people of the ancient proud country! Let them feel good about being the citizens of the ancient proud country."

Everyone was neither sad nor happy, and they all indifferently placed the carload of gems where they should have been placed.

After all the gems were placed, the high priest took out the giant sword refined with monsters. She engraved the names of all the dead on the giant sword with magic power, and then she placed the giant sword in the middle of the treasure.

After the last worship was done, everyone left.

Ling Yaoqing sealed this place with magic.

"As long as this sword is not drawn, this place will be fine. I think Gu Aoguo will survive the disaster in the future..."

Ling Yaoqing said goodbye to the princess and left. Since then, neither the person who worshipped the building nor the princess nor Li Ren have seen Ling Yaoqing again.

Gu Aoguo is gradually recovering in the national conditions, and variables have also rushed over.

The so-called catastrophe began.

The relationship between Gu Aoguo and the ghost country fell through, and the ghost country also quickly got the fact that Guaoguo was destroyed by monsters.

They waited for the opportunity. After Gu Aoguo subdued the monsters, they could send troops to take down the so-called powerful Guaoguo in one fell swoop and become the only strong man in this continent.

The matter of the monster attacking Gu Ao Nation also spread to the ears of the monster family. They discussed joining other races that were once oppressed by Gu Ao Nation to join the Ghost Nation, and they wanted to annihilate Gu Ao Nation in one fell swoop.

In order to obtain information about Gu Aoguo, Li Ren alone blocked the thousands of ghost country troops.

At that time, the ghost clan couldn't help but admire Li Ren, and he also learned about the secret treasure of Gu Aoguo from the information he got.

Gui Zhang grinned wildly, rubbing his chin with his hand, "The country belongs to the ghost, and the money and people also belong to the ghost!"

 Cloud: What about me!people! !

  Me: coming soon! !
(End of this chapter)

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