Yun Qishen

Chapter 366 The Bitter Dream of the Abyss

Chapter 366 The Bitter Dream of the Abyss (45)
(God's perspective)
"this is for you……"

Li Ren opened his hand, and the blue gem appeared in front of the princess.

The princess didn't say anything. She felt who this gem was, and she took it from Li Ren excitedly.

The princess grabbed the gem and put it on her chest, father... I have disappointed you.

Li Ren didn't want to look any further and left.

In the entire palace, only the princess was left alone.

The people who survived the ancient proud country didn't mean to blame the princess, they didn't mean to hate the country, and they didn't even know that the monster that destroyed the country would be the general Zhu Ming.

The princess also understands that it is not the way for her to be depressed like this all the time, and this time she can step out of the palace without being sneaky.

The building of Gu Aoguo was restored to its original state by the warlocks of the sacrificial building within a few days. The princess thought that the people who survived Guaoguo would be as depressed as she was, and even hated her for this.

The princess walked alone through the bustling street. It used to be bustling with traffic, but now...

Suddenly a piece of cheerful music entered the ears of the princess.

The princess remembered the dancing figure in the music, and she eagerly ran over to find the music.

The red dancing figure made the princess almost unable to control her voice.


The dancer turned around and revealed her true face, which shattered the princess's illusion.

The red-clothed dancer was surrounded by a group of people who were admiring her dancing. Although those people were not particularly happy, they were not sad and depressed either.

The arrival of the princess shocked a person who was fortunate enough to see the princess's true face.

"Princess...Princess! The people have seen Her Royal Highness!"

"What?! Her Royal Highness!"

After one person exclaimed, everyone who followed him exclaimed.

"People, see Your Highness the Princess!"

Together with the dancing girl in red, everyone saluted the princess.

The princess didn't flatten them, she asked curiously, "Why are you still so happy?"

Everyone heard this sentence and couldn't help but panic. At this time, there really shouldn't be a smile on the corners of their mouths. So many people have died, and the king also...

"His Royal Highness forgive me! The people..."

"Answer me, why are you happy?"

"It's the people's fault, it's the people who made the dancers dance for everyone... It's all the people's fault, the punishment is..."

"What this princess is asking is why you are so happy!"

The one who had seen the princess didn't know what to say. It seemed that the princess didn't mean to forgive them.

Who would have thought that the dancing girl couldn't stand the princess's condescending feeling, and she spoke up because of her natural temper.

"We are naturally sad when the dead are dead! There are my family members! My sisters! But the dead are gone, and we can't save the dead even if we are sad! Those who survive must live! If you are not happy What is the difference between a living heart and a dead person! My dead family will not want me to wash my face in tears every day! If the princess thinks I have offended you, then the princess will take me to see my dead sisters!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and they didn't object or agree.

Seeing their silence, the princess understood that they all agreed with the dancer's words, but they didn't dare to speak.

"Let's all get up, this princess doesn't mean to blame you..."

The princess stepped forward to help the dancer, "You are right, if the living are not happy, then what is the difference between the dead and the dead, and the dead don't want their relatives to live in pain all the time..."

"Your Highness..."

The dancer looked at the princess' mouth slightly raised, and the dancer felt for a while that what she said just now was a bit too much...

"Can you... can you let this princess dance? The dance just now was really nice."

The princess smiled at the dancer. When Luaner wanted the princess to learn to dance, she didn't have the heart to learn how to dance, no matter how hard she was. Now she really proposed it by herself... and at this time, Luaner... is no longer there.

"Here... I also hope that the princess will not dislike the dance that the dancers here can't get on the stage."

The princess nodded to the dancer, and they danced.

The people who were watching the dance were no longer nervous afterward, and they also became more cheerful.

While mourning the sad deceased, you must also let yourself live. Sadness and lowness cannot solve anything.

The next day the princess came to look for the dancer with a drawing of dancing steps.

"These are... it must be good to dance... The person who can do this kind of dance moves must be a person who is obsessed with dance?"

The dancer was amazed after reading the drawings.

"This is a dance performed by this princess' friend...but she..."

"Sorry...for mentioning your sadness..."

The dancing girl apologized, and the princess hurriedly stopped her.

"It doesn't matter... This princess just wanted you to dance and show me... I just learned that I don't know anything about this... My princess just... don't laugh!"

The princess was a little embarrassed to say, and the dancer laughed at the side.

"Please forgive me, Your Highness, the people just think that the princess is very cute... The people will be very happy to think of you as a friend."

After the dancer finished speaking, the figure of Chaos appeared in the princess's mind and overlapped with the dancer.

That's right... she would laugh like that too...

"The people may not be able to dance this dance as gracefully as your friend, but the people will try their best to restore your friend's heart for you."

The dancer stood up, and she started to dance a few steps away from the princess.

Li Ren originally intended to find the princess to discuss the attack of the ghost country, but he didn't see anyone in Wangcheng, and he found that the magic bead was placed on the table in the room.

Where has she gone?

Li Ren took the magic bead to search, and after some searching, he found the figure of the princess in the alley outside the king city.

He followed the princess and saw the dancer in red. At first glance, he almost mistaken the dancer as a mess, but at another glance, he knew that he was mistaken.

He heard the conversation between the dancer and the princess very clearly, and then Li Ren watched curiously when the dancer started dancing.

The dancer did not fully express the dance steps and dances left by Luaner, but she was also amazing.

The princess was dazzled by the graceful and gorgeous dance of the dancer, and she couldn't help shedding tears again.

The dance that Luaner wanted Zhu Ming to see before she died. If there is an afterlife, I really hope she can dance for Zhu Ming all the time.

After Li Ren was surprised, he turned around and wiped the tears that hadn't fallen with his cuff.

Now is not the time to be sad... Gu Aoguo's safety is of the utmost importance.

It seems that this is not a good time to discuss with her.

Li Ren took the magic bead and left without looking back.

The dancer is also addicted to dancing such beautiful steps. She has some regrets after dancing. She really wants to dance again, adding music and so on.That would definitely be more amazing.

The princess also wiped away her tears and praised the dancing girl for her good and beautiful dancing.

At this time, the dancer suddenly thought, "Your Highness, why don't we make up a story and let this dance be passed down forever, in case, one day later, someone knows how wonderful it is that we made up a story to compose dance steps here. "

"So... this suggestion is good or not, but what kind of story can move people?" The princess didn't know how to make it up.

The dancing girl spoke again after a moment, "When the people jumped up, they felt like they were performing for their lover, but that lover was blocked and couldn't be seen with me. There was sadness and joy... It's better to make up a kind of person. What Xian misses!"

Immortals love each other, but the pain of not being able to meet...

The princess also suddenly had a flash of inspiration, she wanted to let the feelings of Luaner for Zhuming spread for thousands of years.

"Then what is the name of this story?" the dancer asked her after reading the princess' story.

The princess smiled gently, "Let's call it "The Story of Finding Immortals in the Mountain"."

 Me: Jing Ye that Chen said ~ but asked who the moon is drinking for ~

  Yun: Stop singing, make noise!
  Evil: I want to see the devil dance~

  Yun: Women's clothing is impossible! ! !Never again in this life! !

  Me: (waiting for the fragrance)
(End of this chapter)

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