Yun Qishen

Chapter 374

Chapter 374 Getting along in this world (5)
(God's perspective)
Xiao Wang sent the sloppy uncle home. Despite the vicissitudes of the sloppy uncle's appearance, the appearance of the home is quite relaxed.

"Oh, that's right. I didn't bring you any gifts for my visit today. I have some snacks I bought recently. I hope you can bring it back, little brother Wang."

The sloppy uncle quickly found two boxes of beautifully packaged dim sum.

"That's nice here..."

After Xiao Wang finished speaking, the two boxes of snacks were still placed in his hands.

"And... can this be handed over to the young man named Qishen for me?" The sloppy uncle handed over another box of white puzzles.

"This is no problem... It's just that you clearly saw it, Doctor, why didn't you..."

Xiao Wang had a hearty conversation with the sloppy uncle.

The sloppy uncle scratched at his messy hair, "A child needs face when he is older. As his father, if he rashly recognizes him, I'm afraid he will lose face. How can I say, I have not been with this child for five or six years. meet."

The sloppy uncle suddenly asked Xiao Wang again, "When did you know that I was his father? I never revealed my identity from beginning to end. I also understand the fact that you lied about his deep friend before."

"Because you know, you have doubts about us. We do the same to you." Xiao Wang recalled what happened in the hospital before, "When we notified his family to go to the hospital, we only notified his mother. You, we begin to doubt your purpose and identity."

"So that's how it is..." Uncle Sloppy nodded.

After that, Xiao Wang said goodbye to the sloppy uncle and drove back.

When he got home, Xiao Wang only saw a Jiang Lin sleeping on the sofa, so he put down his things and found a blanket to cover Jiang Lin.

Ugh?Where did those two treasures go after such a short time?
Xiao Wang looked around, but there was no atmosphere of Yun Qishen and Qi Qi around.

"The room was quite clean."

Xiao Wang felt that he couldn't relax.

At the same time, Yun Qishen and Ye Qi were walking around aimlessly.

This is also a chance for Yan Qi to get familiar with this world.

Taking this opportunity, Yun Qishen also wanted to relax himself.

Yun Qishen also brought Ye Qi to the nearby game hall.

Ye Qi looked at the round iron block in his hand in a daze, and Yun Qishen came over with two small baskets on the side.

"What's here?"

"It's called game currency, like this..." Yun Qishen took a game currency and threw it into the game machine.

The game console made a sound, and Yan Qi looked at these with bright eyes.

"It looks really interesting. I was lucky enough to see it before but didn't have a chance to play."

Ye Qi looked at the ten game coins in his hand, "Is it not enough?"

"Hee hee, look at it!"

Yun Qishen pulled Mo Qi and leaned to the side of a game console. There were quite a lot of people there, and they were all onlookers.

Yun Qishen sat down to the side, he took out a game coin, "Now let you witness what a game coin killer is!"

clap clap-

The person next door has dropped a lot of game coins.

Ye Qi watched the corner of his mouth rise, and the female watch appeared with a smile.

Here, Yun Qishen had already put in nine pieces but had no response at all.

"Can you do it! If you can't, let the little girl go! And the game coin killer!"

As soon as there were more people watching, one of them appeared out of nowhere, and when he caught Yun Qishen, he laughed.

little girl?
Such an annoying name.

"You're the little girl! I'm upright and manly, big man!!!"

Yun Qishen threw his last game coin into it.

Then, with a clattering sound, the game coins inside fell one after another.

"Ha ha!"

Yun Qishen also deliberately looked at the person who mocked him.

The onlookers also looked at Yun Qishen, this guy is really good, only ten coins will be rebates.

"Admiration, you bull!"

The person who had just ridiculed Yun Qishen gave Yun Qishen a thumbs up, then turned his head and left.


Yun Qishen turned around and collected the game coins.

Ye Qi had an urge to go and play.

Yun Qishen also saw Ye Qi's eager smile, so he asked Ye Qi to go to the one next to him to try it.

"Why not yours?" Ji Qi asked.

"Then why...the one here shouldn't be able to drop anything. It's called shifting positions."

Yun Qishen's mood became very good at this time.

"But isn't it still there? Don't you clean it up?" The soul of Qi Qi asked.

The people around couldn't help laughing. Is this person stupid? Everyone understands that it's impossible.

"Hahaha, do you think it's possible?"

Yun Qishen didn't care what those people said, he just wanted to be slapped in the face.

"I don't know, but I can try."

Ye Qi and Yun Qishen quickly exchanged positions.

Empty the game currency, this is simply a big joke, this kind of thing relies on the failure of others to achieve a small success of one person.

After the accumulation of other people's game coins is a coincidence, it can only be rebates when it is sent into the soul.

The people around were looking at it curiously, and some were joking.

While playing, he smiled and ignored Yun Qishen and the two of them.

Ye Qi looked ahead with the game coins in his hand, while Yun Qishen guided him.

"Remember to find the weaker space ahead to put the game coins."

"Yeah." Yan Qi responded and put it in without following Yun Qishen's suggestion.

The people here waiting to see the joke then quickly slapped their faces.

clap la la...

The game coins inside were almost impossible to operate and fell one by one.



"Wow! Niu [beep-]"

"It's just magical!"

The joke that never believed, turned into surprise and praise.

This incident was immediately passed on to the shop owner, who pushed aside the crowd and came to Yun Qishen and Ye Qi.

"You two come with me."

Ye Qi and Yun Qishen glanced at each other and left with the shop owner.

After some explanation and inspection by the shop owner, it was confirmed that Yun Qishen and Ye Qi did not manipulate the machine.

But the boss still didn't believe it, he had to do it once before he believed it.

"Okay." Ye Qi agreed very readily.

The boss's expression was not very good.

What Yun Qishen wanted to see was to slap his face, so he didn't set an example and watched Ye Qi perform.

A group of people gathered around Ye Qi and waited with bated breath, Ye Qi easily tossed the game coins.

It boiled again and again.

The boss was completely uncomfortable. "Why are you so powerful? I think I'm going to lose today."

"Don't worry, boss, we are here to play, we will never change game coins, you can rest assured." Yun Qishen said.

The owner of the shop also believed that.

Ye Qi's two feats made everyone in the game hall start to pay attention to these two people.

Several of them were also eyeing the two of them.

"Hey! That silly boy! Where's our drink! Didn't you buy it!"

A bald head yelled at a short man in front of him, and several people around the bald head stepped forward and grabbed the short man's collar.

The short man was wearing a long-sleeved costume, and the blue and white clothes were somewhat familiar.

Yun Qishen noticed the noise here and looked over, only to see a familiar face.

Yun Qi pulled Mo Qi deeply, and he pointed at the short man with the collar pulled, "Isn't that just in case!"

 Me: Don't hurt money and hurt yourself for the game.

  Cloud: I won't hurt money.

  Evil: Move all!

(End of this chapter)

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