Yun Qishen

Chapter 375

Chapter 375 Getting along in this world (6)
(God's perspective)
"Isn't that person in case? He didn't even change his clothes."

Yun Qishen pointed at the person over there who was being grabbed by the collar.

Ye Qi also took Yun Qishen and walked over together.

The bald-headed messenger gave his subordinates a wink when he saw Ye Qi and Yun Qishen walking towards them.

The man under his command loosened his collar and pushed him, "Go shopping!"

If he turned around and was about to leave, Yun Qishen went over and grabbed his arm.

If you look back at Yun Qishen, this person... he doesn't know him.

Yun Qishen didn't speak. He even wondered if this person was in an emergency. His heart was blank, and it was impossible for him to be bullied by others.

"Are you here for trouble?"

The bald head looked around, and many people had already cast their gazes.

"This eldest brother is joking, we're here to find someone."

Yun Qishen pulled Wan Wan and smiled at his bald head.

"Looking for someone?" The bald head glanced at Mo Qi, looking at what to do, "You know this kid, I thought this kid was just pretending to be stupid, since you know each other, it's easy to say. People can take it away, he broke it. Something has to lose money."

"What did he break?" Qi Qi said very calmly, and he did look like an elder for a while.

Even though this kid is younger than Wan, but if these juniors from Jingling Mountain are involved, he, the seventh uncle, is really in charge.

Usually, if there is no need for others to worry, just in case of that sex, who would dare to bully him.

just now……

Yun Qishen looked back to see what if, what happened to this guy?I don't even recognize Ye Qi anymore.

"Of course it broke our boss' car!" a younger brother said, "He suddenly fell from the sky and hit the roof of my boss' car!"

"As a result, this kid played stupid for us. He didn't lose money, and he couldn't ask why." Another younger brother also said, "If it weren't for our boss's mercy, your friend would have just gotten into the game."

"If it's not normal, you should call the police..."

"how much is it?"

Before Yun Qishen finished speaking, he asked the bald head.

It was only then that Yun Qishen remembered that they didn't have an ID card, so it would be troublesome to find out.

"Looking at how powerful the little brother was just now, I think the little brother must not be short of money. My car is not expensive. Seeing as you are still a child, it is better to let this kid's family pay for it. I don't want much, just 30. "

Looking at the face of the bald head's asking price, Yun Qishen couldn't help frowning.

Isn't this obvious extortion?what a car!There is no shadow in your memory!Since you have a luxury car to drive, why don't you play with small steel balls to get rich!
"Then can we take a look at the car you crashed? It's better to tell his family when you go back." Yun Qishen said to the group of people.

"Men's talk has nothing to do with girls." A younger brother teased.

Yun Qishen clenched his teeth and leaned forward, "See clearly that I'm a man!!"

"Oh? I can't see it!"
Since this society can't beat people casually, it's full of words that need to be beaten.

Yun Qishen doesn't want to be angry with this kind of person either, it's useless to say anything to this kind of person, so he has to beat him up, and he won't be beaten here... It's really embarrassing...

In case there are doubts in his heart, but he intuitively told him that now is not the time to ask questions.

Ye Qi glanced at Yun Qishen, and then he looked at the game console on the side.

"How about this, we will give you the 30, how about we play a game before?" Ei Qi looked at the bald head provocatively, "I think you are also a strong veteran, if you win that game If you win, I will double it for you, and I will give you 60 at once. If we lose, we will lose money after we see the car that my friend smashed. What do you think is what you say?"

"Hahahaha, don't be kidding, do you have a mine at home? Just 60 yuan, you are afraid that you will make those poor people jealous. If I don't want to play, I want the 30 yuan!"

The bald head thinks he can't be tricked, save the nonsense.

"Are you afraid?"

Evil Qi was even more mocking, "A mere 30 yuan can make you so persistent? You don't even want the chance to double your money. You are a coward and have no one to take responsibility. The thing about the car breaking down is probably fake."

"Little brother, talk to the elders with respect!" The bald head was a little angry.

"Oh? I'm never polite to a coward unless you take my challenge."

"Okay, I took it!" The bald head turned his eyes, "Before the competition, you need to write it clearly in black and white!"

The bald head thought to himself at this time, when Lao Tzu loses, if you tear this thing up and don't admit it, you can't help Lao Tzu.

Yun Qishen ghostwritten a note in black and white and a bald man.

He clearly knew that the 30 yuan was fake, but he didn't know what Evil Qi was thinking.Forget it, it's a slap in the face.

Yun Qi took a deep sigh and pulled Wan Yan to the side to watch the match between Qi Qi and the bald head.

The test is very simple, just grab the doll machine.

With a bald head leaning on a doll machine, he looked at Mo Qi with a look of contempt.

"You kids here are suitable for playing this..."

The bald head then picked up the electronic gun, "In this way, I will kill five monsters, and the little brother will also catch five dolls. The time is 5 minutes, what do you think?"

Calculating with a bald head, he can't let others see that he is despicable. The time is the same. This machine only produces five monsters in 5 minutes, but the claw machine's grapple is...

"Little brother is amazing, it's definitely not difficult for you here."

The bald head said there, his little brothers laughing.

What an era this is, how can there be such a despicable person.

Yun Qishen frowned, watching the bald head shoot the game monster with an electron gun with ease.

Ye Qi put in a coin here.

The bald head over there quickly killed four monsters, and the Qi Qi here still found nothing.

Yun Qishen was not in a hurry, he believed that Qi Qi could do it.

"Little girl, I think you should just call your mother and send money."

Yun Qishen glared at the nonsense little brother angrily, "Shut up!"

"Oh yo, I'm angry! Little sissy brother." This little brother's words became more and more ugly.

Yun Qi clenched his fists deeply, but was too embarrassed to hit him.

"The last one! Boss! Hurry up!"

A little brother cheered in front of the bald head.

Ye Qi also put in a coin here.

The onlookers not far away were watching Ye Qi's performance, hoping that he would win and teach this bald head a lesson.

Ye Qi lived up to expectations and caught six at a time, one more than he expected.

The last shot of the bald head over there missed.

"Damn it!" The bald head threw the electron gun angrily, and when he looked back, he was smug.

The younger brother next to Yun Qishen saw that the situation was not right, and quickly tore off the documents in his hand.

Yun Qishen grabbed the hand that the younger brother wanted to move with one hand, and he exerted a little force, "There must be limits to despicableness, I have endured you for a long time!"

"It hurts, you dead shemale, why are you so strong!"

"If you talk about Lao Tzu, I'll turn them into eunuchs!"

Yun Qishen snatched the data from the bald-headed younger brother's hand, and the bald-headed younger brother also grabbed his injured hand and backed away.

"A coward who goes back on his word?" The female watch on Xie Qi's side smiled.

The bald head understands that the next thing cannot be talked about in public.

"Are you cowards, come out with me." The bald-headed little brother walked out of the game hall.

Ye Qi and Yun Qishen followed Wan Yi with them.

(End of this chapter)

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