Yun Qishen

Chapter 388 The Qi of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 388 The Qi of Heaven and Earth (8)
(God's perspective)
"... At that time, I didn't know how happy I was when I saw the impatient look of the old man in Lingjing Dao. At that time, no one knew what to do with electricity spells. At that time, there were no disciples in Jingling Mountain who could use lightning and other spells, even the old man. Not even himself. At that time, it should be the happiest time in case. After that, he has been chasing his shadow in the ideal of Senior Brother Chengxu. "

Ji Qi was smiling, but then his expression became serious, "His thunder and lightning properties should also have evolved from the fire phoenix technique. I remember that he suffered a lot back then, since everyone knew that he could thunder and lightning. After the spell, he was scarred from exercising his body every day."

"Did you not meet after that?" Yun Qi looked into Mo Qi's eyes deeply, the evil red under his eyes was still so charming.

"Intersection? After that, the old man put me in Lingyao Pavilion and asked Gu Choumian to take care of me. Except for the consultation time, I have been practicing my luck." Ye Qi suddenly remembered another thing, "When I was locked up. , I heard Mian Mian say it. In case the fire was too violent to burn the companions when they went out to perform the task, the lightning was too strong and the target was almost pressed directly under the rolling stone hillside."

"His fiery temper may also be influenced by some spell elements."

The corners of Yun Qishen's mouth were relieved, and he recalled the days in Jingling Mountain before, and he was really happy at that time.

But now, it's all gone...and people are not complete.

"In case there are eleven brothers in his family, their Shi family is a nouveau riche. He did have some oolong things when he was a child. But in case his parents were very kind to him, I honestly envied him when I was a child." Qi touched Yun Qishen's head with his hand, "The past is over, if you miss it, why bother?"

"You understand that people will only constantly make themselves sad, so that they can feel alive, right?" Yun Qishen pushed away Mo Qi's hand with his hand.

"People say the same thing, but sometimes they're not the same. Saying that God is fair, he is indeed fair. Saying that God is not fair, it is indeed unfair." Ji Qi turned sad and smiled, "When life is alive, don't you just want to Are you fighting with God?"

"Hahahaha. You are right, life is good! Struggle is interesting, rest when you are tired, and have someone by your side to accompany you until you grow old, and eat all over the world." Yun Qishen's mood also became better.

"Then it's a deep mistake." Yan Qi narrowed her eyes and smiled.

"Huh? Where did I go wrong?"

Yun Qishen didn't understand, he was right.

"There will be no one else by your side except me to accompany you to old age~"

"Hey hey... a little numb..." Yun Qishen subconsciously crossed his hands on his chest.

At this time, in the event of a sudden painful tossing and turning, Yun Qishen and Ye Qi also cast spells to stabilize the sealing spell set by Jiang Lin.

Both of them felt that there was a force in Wanyi's body that was repelling Jiang Lin's mana.

"This..." Qi Qi has another feeling, "It's deep, do you feel that this feeling of repelling Jiang Lin's magic is sucking the black energy of the two of us?"

"I feel this way... I'll talk to Jiang Lin when she comes back. Now, let's stabilize the situation first." Yun Qishen thought that it might be because of the magic weapon, so he would absorb the devil's black qi.

"it is good!"

The two increased their mana output and quickly stabilized the situation.

After casting the spell, Yun Qi deeply relaxed and sighed.

"It's all this time, has no one come back yet?"

After Yun Qishen finished saying this, the sound of the door opening came from outside.

"Little Wang! Where are my slippers!!!"

Jiang Lin roared, it seemed that she was not very happy.

Yun Qishen and Ye Qi also went out to see the situation.

It doesn't matter if you go out, besides Jiang Lin and Dr. Yun, an acquaintance also appeared.

In just an instant, the Huajian in the hands of Ye Qi and Yun Qishen directly handed the person's neck.

Yun Qishen even wanted to pierce his throat further, but Jiang Lin was so angry that she didn't even look for the slippers.

"Stop!!! Put it all down!"

"But this man is!"

"I know it! So let it go!"


"I'll take care of you! I told you to put it down and put it down! Otherwise, get out of here!"


Seeing that Yun Qishen and Jiang Lin were about to quarrel, Ye Qi quickly retracted his sword and pulled Yun Qishen aside.

Jiang Lin shook her hand and went directly into the room to check the situation.

Yun Shang was taken aback by Yun Qishen's reaction and tone of voice. He was really not like him, he had changed a lot.

Duan Xi walked over to Ye Qi and Yun Qishen without saying a word.

"Nie Qi! Him!"

"I know, but now is not the time..."

"He shouldn't live, he should die in the abyss!"

"It's deep..."

Yun Qishen looked at Ye Qi's slightly wrinkled brows, he sighed and had no choice but to turn the black sword into black air.

Duan Xiwu walked around the room at will, and then he felt a familiar magic power in the refrigerator.

Just as Duan Xiwu was about to approach the refrigerator, Jiang Lin came out of the room.

"Has the mana in this kid's body been violent?"

As soon as Jiang Lin came out, she walked towards Yun Qishen and Ye Qi.

"It broke out once." Ji Qi opened his mouth to answer, Yun Qishen turned his head away unhappily.

"Any other findings?"

Hearing Jiang Lin's question, Yan Qi glanced at Yun Qishen, then turned around and said to Jiang Lin, "Qi Shen and I both found that while we were protecting the spell seal you cast, in case the berserk in our body ran away. Mana is sucking the black energy of both of us."

"Black gas..." Jiang Lin nodded, and then he saw that Duan Xiwu didn't want to open the floor of the refrigerator.

"and many more!"

Jiang Lin was not polite at all, she turned a hammer in her hand and smashed it at Duan Xiwu.

Duan Xiwu turned around gorgeously, and with a wave of his hand, the hammer turned back into smoke.

"Jiang Lin, you have such a big temper." Duan Xiwu had no choice but to stand by the refrigerator.

Jiang Lin grabbed Duan Xiwu's collar in the past, "If you [beep-] move around, I'll cut your [beep--] Even if you don't die, I'll make you ashamed of living!"

"You know, now is not the time, isn't it? Even if you want me to die, you still have to ask me for help." Duan Xi pulled Jiang Lin's hand away indifferently.

Jiang Lin angrily threw her fist at one side of the wall.


A hole was immediately opened in that wall, so that a repair spell could be set up in the house, otherwise the house would have been destroyed many times.

"Don't be angry, let's proceed quickly." Yun Shang appeared at this time to stop the quarrel between Jiang Lin and Duan Xiwu.

"It's deep, go to two glasses of water."

Yun Shang said it very succinctly, and Yun Shang was stunned after speaking.

Over there, Yun Qishen also had a reflex nerve, so he stood up to pour water, and only noticed the abnormality after taking two steps.

Yun Qishen also met Yun Shang's eyes.

 Me: Make a noise!Fight!

  Cloud: Those who provoke others to fight!Stick to death!

  Me: do you want to be so cruel? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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