Yun Qishen

Chapter 389 The Qi of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 389 The Qi of Heaven and Earth (9)
(God's perspective)
"Although it's been so many years, I still can't forget some habits..."

"I don't want to hear this, when did you find out..."

Yun Shang and Yun Qishen were talking outside, and Qi Qi wanted to follow him out, but was ordered to watch Duan Xi without any harm in case.

Yun Qishen's face was gloomy, like the tranquility before the storm.

"I was suspicious the first time I saw you...then I heard the green-haired child call your name."

Yun Shang thinks that he can only be honest with the child Yun Qishen.

"Why are you so sure, I'm already like this! Why do you still recognize me! You are trying to laugh at me, laughing at me that I clearly recognized you, but don't have the face to face you! Laughing at me is still a fool child!"

Yun Qi clenched his fists deeply, "It's clear that I know I'm your son, but looking at that motionless body is sad! I'm stupid! I'm stupid! I'm a coward! I'm useless! I didn't realize your ideal! "

"It's deep..."

"Don't call me! What the hell am I to you! I don't give you my body now, and I don't even know if I'm still your son!" Yun Qishen suppressed his anger, "In the In your eyes, am I your son, or a stranger, or even just an experimental guinea pig!!"

"I'm sorry..." Yun Shang apologized for what happened before.

Yun Qi gritted his teeth deeply, "Does apology work? Can apology clear up the estrangement? The truth is in front of you! Take a good look! Now what is in front of you! It's a failure made by you!!"

Yun Shang stubbornly looked at Yun Qishen, and he knew that calling out his name just now would turn into this result.

"It's deep, listen to me."

"Why should I listen, then tell me the truth! Tell me with your scientific ideas! Am I a failure!! You won't lie, you are an experimental machine without emotion! Say it! Speak up! Let me give up on you completely!"

Yun Qi's eyes were involuntarily shedding tears, he longed for his father to say that he was not a failure, but in fact he was indeed a failure.

Yun Shang understood that even if he lied and said that Yun Qishen was successful, Yun Qishen would not believe it, he would only believe that Yun Shang was perfunctory.

"You are indeed a failure." Yun Shang could only tell the truth.

"Look... Sure enough, you never regarded me as your son, never! So, what qualifications do I have to be the son of your great scientist! I am a failure, so I don't deserve it!!!"

The conversation failed, Yun Qishen turned his head and ran away.

Yun Shang watched him go away, and an uncle who watched the conversation between father and son not far away stepped forward.

The uncle approached Yun Shang, "Don't be angry, child, especially when girls are always rebellious."

"That's a boy." Yun Shang answered the kind uncle honestly.

The kind uncle has opened up a new aesthetic a little. Are all the little boys so delicate now?

Yun Qi's head ran wildly, and he didn't even know where he came to.

Now he just wants to be alone on the side and quietly, not wanting to see anyone, not wanting to say anything.

He didn't want to be so embarrassed, he wanted to confess everything, he wanted to reconcile with his father at this time, but emotionally he forgot everything...

Obviously, there is still a happy family time when I was a child in my memory.Nothing is different now.

Yun Qishen walked around aimlessly, watching people come and go.

Time passed by in this view.

Yun Qishen's stomach sent out a distress signal, and he sighed, "Let's find a place to eat first."

But there is no place to eat around... Where did I go...

While walking, Yun Qishen found a fast food restaurant.

Yun Qi pushed the door deep and entered, and several young ladies around began to stare at him.

"I seem to have seen that person somewhere..." A young lady opened a video and handed it to the young lady opposite her.

That video is the video of Yun Qishen arguing with the woman in the mall before.

"Hey~ it's a man~" The young lady opposite said with disgust, "I don't like this."

"But don't you think he looks good?" Another young lady was sweet.

"I don't think it's not a costume drama to have such long hair. It's so hot! I can't appreciate it." After that, the cold young lady took a bite of the meal she ordered.

Yun Qi gave them a deep look, and the sweet little sister also smiled at Yun Qi Shen.

"What would the beauty want?"

"My man."

"Ah... I'm sorry, sir, what do you want?"

"Um... Package C."

"Okay, wait a moment there."

Yun Qishen took the number plate and left and sat down.

After a while, when Yun Qishen went to get his meal, he found that the young lady who had praised him for being good-looking had been staring at him.

Then the young lady stood up and approached Yun Qishen, "Excuse me, little brother, can you take a picture with me?"

"This..." Yun Qishen wanted to refuse.

But the lady asked him again.

"OK then."

"Thank you!"

The young lady happily took a few pictures with Yun Qishen.

"Little brother, can I tweet?" The little sister seemed to want to share it.

Yun Qishen also disagreed with this, "Yes."

"Thank you so much, little brother. I'll invite my little brother to have a cup of milk tea."

"Don't spend any money."

"That's really troublesome little brother."

The lady happily took the phone and left.

Yun Qishen also eats with peace of mind.

After finishing eating, Yun Qishen didn't know where to go after he walked out of the fast food restaurant.

He really didn't want to go back to where he was ashamed to see Yun Shang...

"That guy must be worried." Yun Qi sighed deeply.

"of course!"

At this moment, Qi Qi appeared aside.

"No..." Yun Qishen was at a loss for words, "Why are you here?"

"Why can't I come and pick you up?" Qi Qi looked a little angry.

"Uh... No... I mean how did you know I was here and didn't track the breath of spells..." Yun Qi deeply felt that no spells were being applied to him.

Ye Qi approached Yun Qishen and took out his mobile phone. He aimed the screen of his mobile phone at Yun Qishen. On the screen was the group photo of the young lady and Yun Qishen just now.


Yun Qishen snatched Yan Qi's mobile phone, liked and forwarded at a glance...

Whoops!Dad, is this going to be famous!
"You are still wondering here, what happened to this child?"

"It's just a lovely young lady. I didn't expect her to be so's scary..." Yun Qishen looked at the data on his phone and kept admiring.

Ye Qi smacked his lips and pulled Yun Qishen to the side.

"Hey! Ye Qi, what are you doing in such a hurry! Where are you going! Hey!" Yun Qishen felt that Ye Qi was walking a little too fast, and then a possibility flashed in his mind, "You kid won't be jealous... Haha! please this..."

Ye Qi pulled Yun Qishen violently, and then Yun Qishen saw an enlarged face approaching him.

That attractive evil red was only five centimeters away from him.

 I:? ? ?what happened?
  Evil: (,, ω,,) ~
(End of this chapter)

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