Yun Qishen

Chapter 394 The Qi of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 394 The Qi of Heaven and Earth (14)
(God's perspective)
The black dragon on the video was roaring, and then purple thunders descended from the sky.

Cheng Wu, who was dressed in white, slipped under the video, and the comment area was full of arguments.

Some people also clamored that this is all special effects, and those who believe in real dragons are all fools.

It's become a debate battleground.

Cheng Wu leaned on his head with one hand and closed the video window with the other.

Cheng Wu turned around using the swivel chair, and looked at the people in white behind him who were equipped with instruments.

"I asked you to catch the unicorn, and it turned out to be like this, it's stupid!"

There were two buttons on the arm of the swivel chair Cheng Wu was sitting on, one white and one red.

Cheng Wu slowly pressed the red button, and the people in white with the instruments screamed in pain.

An electronic screen is placed above the people in white clothes, and the data of the people in white clothes and their brain wave fluctuations are displayed on the screen.

The corners of Cheng Wu's mouth twitched slightly, his genius level can already be seen in the data.

"It seems that they really forgot about the image in the video here, but as long as the video just now is implanted in the hippocampus of the brain, under the stimulation of the instrument..." After speaking, Cheng Wu turned around to debug the instrument, and then The white button was pressed.


After the people in white screamed, they quickly stopped struggling.

Cheng Wu also removed the instruments from them.

Among the men in white, the arrogant man before stretched his brows with his hand, "I remember it! That dragon suddenly appeared, and then there was golden light in the dragon's eyes, and after I saw the golden light, nothing happened. understood."

"Sure enough... eyes, golden light... this may be a kind of supernatural brainwashing..." Cheng Wu suddenly remembered when he saw Yun Qishen before, and Yun Qishen's eyes also glowed with golden light at that time... Interesting.

"What about the captured tiger that turned into a human?" Cheng Wu asked.

The man in white at the door responded, "Kirin and the newly captured one are both in Professor Cheng's laboratory."

"Okay, I'll go over here. You can call to let me know. As for you..." Cheng Wu pointed to the tools used for arrest, "Add some rebounding devices to the tools."


The people in white responded quickly and got to work.

Cheng Wu walked towards Professor Cheng's laboratory alone.

Dragon... Qilin... This kind of thing that does not exist, he should not exist... But it is not impossible for this kind of thing to be created in modern science...

The world is too stupid, even...

Cheng Wu opened the door of the laboratory and saw a busy figure debugging the instrument.

This man looked shrewd, with eyes and gray hair, he should be busy.

This person is the maker of Cheng Wu, and also his nominal father, Professor Cheng Xiang.

Cheng Wu's heart was looking at Cheng Xiang like a stupid creature, but on the surface he was pretending to be a machine that obeyed him.

"Cheng Wu, come here and help me turn on the switch over there."

"Yes, father."

Cheng Wu's tone of command is the most annoying. Why should this person call me a genius?Simply stupid!
Cheng Wu approached Dr. Cheng with a smile, and he turned to look at the instrument on Xiao Wang's head.

He understood a lot just by glancing at it, but what he could interpret was not clear.

"See what?"

Professor Cheng Xiang suddenly asked a question at this time, and Cheng Wu almost believed that he had become smart and understood everything.

"No father."

"Sure enough, such a genius..." Professor Cheng Xiang sighed.

Cheng Wu frowned when Professor Cheng Xiang didn't pay attention to him.

Professor Cheng Xiang instructed Cheng Wu to temporarily observe Xiao Wang's experimental data for him. He said he still had some things to deal with and left the laboratory.

Cheng Wu further analyzed Xiao Wang's memory after confirming that Professor Cheng Xiang was gone.

"The art of peeking into the heart... Lai'a Demon Dragon... and that Yun Qishen. Hehe, Demon Lord, what qualifications does he have to be a Demon Lord, that damn failure!" Cheng Wu quickly understood Xiao Wang's purpose .

"It turns out that the search for unicorns is just part of it. They want the air of heaven and earth to open the door to other worlds...and the technique of peeping at the heart...If you can really control people, then if you use it on instruments, you can't control all people. ? In this case... it's not too good..."

Cheng Wu covered his face with his hands, he was afraid that his happy and crazy expression would be caught by the camera in the laboratory.

He pretended to be tired and sat down, then probed Xiao Wang's further brain waves.

Cheng Wu saw a lot, from the birth of this tiger mythical beast named Xiao Wang to its encounter with a girl named Jiang Lin.

In addition to some memories of being beaten every day, a key memory suddenly appeared.

This memory is related to the egg of the snake, but Cheng Wu didn't think it was important at all, so he didn't go into it. What he wanted was the memory of Taki Yunhua.

In Xiao Wang's memory, Taki Yunhua was incredibly beautiful, and Cheng Wu could see how beautiful this Taki Yunhua was by looking at the data.The character in memory is also the type that Cheng Wu admires.

It's a shame that such a perfect Taki Yunhua has fallen in love with the spiritual realm.

Taki Yunhua ruthlessly slaughtered the female disciples of Jingling Mountain for the sake of spiritual realm.

He Cheng Wu wanted this woman, and now his primary purpose is to kill the Spirit Realm Dao.

Then get the eyes of the peeping technique, and control all the people through the instrument, so that this group of human beings will not be as stupid as they are now, but also for their own selfishness.

He Cheng Wu is a man who wants to stand at the top.

The door of the laboratory opened when Cheng Wu was happy, and Cheng Wu looked at the door calmly.

Mo Lin in black appeared at the door.

"It's you, what's the matter?"

After Cheng Wu finished speaking, Mo Lin raised his head and pointed to the instrument in his throat.

"It turns out that the sounder is faulty. Well, come here and I'll show you."

Mo Lin obediently stepped forward and asked Cheng Wu to check the equipment.

At the same time, something happened to Professor Cheng Xiang.

Professor Cheng Xiang suffered a heart attack. Fortunately, a staff member of the research institute found it and sent him to the hospital in time.

I heard that Dr. Cheng Xiang was going to take out the special medicine for heart disease from his arms, but he took out a golden pendant.

On the pendant is a photo of a child, who is said to be the dead son of Professor Cheng Xiang.

Professor Cheng Xiang has been holding on to the pendant, and will not let go even if he is in a coma.

Cheng Wu, who heard Professor Cheng Xiang's accident, pretended to be anxious and rushed to the hospital.

Mo Lin touched the sound generator on his neck, ""

He practiced vocalization first, and then he paused time to remove the device that bound him.

Then Mo Lin walked out of the laboratory without hesitation.

 Me: what is this called?The chain counts in the count, and the dolls continue to be nested!

(End of this chapter)

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