Yun Qishen

Chapter 395 The Qi of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 395 The Qi of Heaven and Earth (15)
(God's perspective)
Taki Yunhua was sitting in the car on Lingjing Road, and they were on their way back to Ling's house.

"Have you figured out how to deal with it? Jiang Lin looks anxious."

Taki Yunhua sat in the co-pilot, holding the Coke puppet that Ye Qi gave her while looking at the perfect profile of Lingjing Dao.

"It's not a solution, it's just speeding up the plan."

The corners of Spirit Realm's mouth rose slightly, and Taki Yunhua saw the former Spirit Realm from his slight expression.

"I just like you here a little~" Taki Yunhua smiled at Lingjing Road, "Jiang Lin, she is fierce to everyone on the surface, but she is the person who can't bear losing her friendship the most. She will ruin her life sooner or later. "

Taki Yunhua thought to herself that the Spiritual Realm Dao is still as ambitious and strategic as it was a hundred years ago.As expected of her Taki Yunhua's man.

"People always have to learn to bear it, but they will never know how to bear it until they experience it once."

As soon as he turned the steering wheel, the car disappeared around the corner.

At the same time, in Jiang Lin's house, everyone temporarily suppressed the matter of Lai's video.

"Usually this kind of thing comes from Xiao Wang, I can't do this kind of thing!"

Jiang Lin said and hit enter, and then the new video was released.

Laia and Yun Qishen added the technique of peeping to the heart in the video, in order to make those who saw the video lose their memory of the video of Laian.

Yunshang has also added an unguided autonomous search system to the video currently released by Jiang Lin. After the video is released, this video will search for the way of the previous video of Laia, and then automatically appear on the platform of the broadcast channel and even the instrument. By the way, you can also find out where the video was originally released.

It has not been 10 minutes since Jiang Lin's video was released, and the new video has already taken over half of the Internet, and Yun Shang also found out the location where Lai'a's video was released.

"This place is..."

Yun Shang was a little surprised when he saw the displayed location, but then he became calm.

"here it is……"

Yun Qishen hurriedly leaned over to take a look, and he frowned and didn't speak.

"It seems that the other party is very smart, knowing that we will track his location. Without direct evidence, we can't determine the person."

Duan Xiwu rubbed his chin with his hand and then smiled.

"What evidence do you want! It must be from Sheng Huang's Flying Birds. They set the location at Dr. Yun's house so despicably! It's so deceiving!" Jiang Lin was angry, "Grandpa, if I see them, I will slap a child!"

Ye Qi watched Yun Shang fiddle with the computer, and he began to learn.

Yun Qishen also temporarily restrained some emotions, and he tried his best to communicate with Yun Shang calmly.

"If the location is there, what is the release video equipment."

"The TV at home." Yun Shang also replied calmly.

"It seems that someone connected the device to the front and then sent it online..." Yun Qishen frowned and looked at Jiang Lin, "Now we are not quite sure whether it is the video released by Flying Bird Shenghuang, if we are preconceived, we may Ignore some clues."

"This brat is right. Benlong's affairs will be handled by Benlong, and you should concentrate on dealing with some roast pigeon group."

"Brother Long, that is the flying bird Sheng Huang..."

"Isn't that just roasting pigeons? Don't question Ben Long!"

Yun Qishen smiled and said nothing.

After Xie Qi finished learning some skills, he joined Jiang Lin and the others in their discussion. "Just now, the old man (Spiritual Realm Dao) said he would help. As far as I know him, the news will come soon. Our action will start an hour after the news. The old man never waits for anyone. Those senior brothers who didn't catch up at the beginning all skipped bungee jumping~"

"Bungee jumping? Heh, Lingjingdao has that strange taste, tying a rope on a cliff to play bungee jumping." Jiang Lin did not deny the plan, what he denied was Lingjingdao's character and his interests.

"As far as I know, he won't act today, and there will be a lot of action arrangements. If he prepares suddenly, he will have to wait until tomorrow night. If the old man had planned earlier and made his plan ahead of time, he should have acted tomorrow morning. ." Ji Qi recalled the time when he and Lingjing Dao went down the mountain to complete the task.

"In this case, I will take care of Mo Yu and rest tonight, and then I will find a way to break into the Flying Bird Shenghuang Research Institute tomorrow."

Yun Shang realized that he might be tracked back by the other party, and he quickly shut down the computer.

"Just listen to Dr. Yun." Jiang Lin turned her head and went to take care of Mo Yu and the emergency.

Lai'a didn't participate in Yun Qishen's plan, so he planned to go to Dr. Yun's house at night to find some clues.

Yun Shang looked at the time, "It's really getting late, since you're going to investigate, why don't we go back together."

Laia also nodded and turned into a human figure, but it turned out to be incredible.

"Brother Long... The appearance here is too big and does not match your tall and mighty image!"

Yunqi made a deep rant.

"The mana of this dragon is reduced, and it is easier to maintain the mana operation when the body becomes smaller."

Lai A swaggered towards the door, "Why are you still standing there, let's go!"

The voice hasn't changed, but the emotional male anchor's voice is too dramatic...

Yun Qishen raised his eyebrows in embarrassment, and then he met Yun Shang's worried eyes.

I'm sorry... these three words have already reached Yun Qi's deep throat, and he may be able to resolve the embarrassment just by saying it.

But Yun Qishen could only watch Yun Shang and Lai A leave, and then didn't say a word.

Before leaving, Laia glanced at Yun Qishen, and he used the technique of peeping to talk with Yun Qishen.

[As a demon monarch, strong strength, and single-mindedness of monarch and minister are one thing.You should also have the courage to take responsibility. 】

Yun Qishen nodded towards Lai A without replying to him.

Ji Qi came over and patted him on the shoulder, giving Yun Qishen an affirmation.

"There will be opportunities in the future."

"Thank you, Ye Qi."

Yun Qishen touched Ye Qi's hand on his shoulder with his hand, and nodded towards Ye Qi.

clap clap-

Duan Xi applauded for no reason.

"It's really a drama full of friendship and family. Ben Dao can't help but admire it."

Yun Qishen and Ji Qi looked at him annoyed when they heard Duan Xiwu say this.

"What? Are you two upset?"

Duan Xi smiled.

"Don't speak in that tone and expression. You didn't..."

"No qualifications? This is my face and my body. I'm still me, but I'm not the fourth disciple of the Immortal Medicine Sect as you think." Duan Xiwu grabbed Yun Qishen's words.

"Don't you feel guilty? To everyone, even the second division..." Yun Qi clenched his fists deeply and trembled.

"Guilty? Why should I feel guilty? You tell me Yun Qishen. If it were you, when you were saving your most important person, you had to exchange someone else's life. Would you change it? You are killing you Will you feel guilty again after you think the person should be killed?" Duan Xiwu approached Yun Qishen with a gloomy expression on his face.

Ye Qi quickly stood in front of Yun Qishen to prevent Duan Xi from harming him.

"I will feel guilty for killing them, but I will not regret the fact that I killed them."

Yun Qi deeply pressed Ye Qi to protect his arm and did not confront Duan Xi.

 Me: Regret means you shouldn't do that, not necessarily guilt.

  Guilt is feeling sorry for someone else, but maybe not regretting it if there was no other way.

  Yun: Look what you asked me to say!
(End of this chapter)

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