Yun Qishen

Chapter 423 Breaking the Abyss

Chapter 423 Breaking the Abyss (12)
(God's perspective)
Yun Qishen opened his eyes wide, it was the first time he had seen such a Qi Qi.

Ye Qi grabbed Yun Qishen's hand, and Yun Qishen looked at him in surprise.

Why is he here?How did he find it here?
The doubts in Yunqi's deep heart turned into fear.

Just like when he went to Jiangbang to find some silver bracers for Xie Qi.

The feeling of fear at the beginning was only because I was afraid that I would hurt him, and I had to pay back his favor.

Now... what he Yunqi is deeply afraid of... is the complete loss of Ye Qi, he is afraid that because of his own reasons, he will die as Ling Yaoqing said...

Why did he hide from Qi Qi, and how could he ruin his decision here.

"Go back with me!"

Ye Qi pulled Yun Qishen again, Yun Qishen's gloomy face, he shook Ye Qi's hand.

Everyone watching the show stopped their keyboards and mice and looked here.

what's the situation?
Everyone has a suspicion in their hearts, but this group of people can clearly hear the clear voice of Yun Qishen throwing away the hand of Ji Qi.

"Why should I go back with you! Who are you to me! Why bother with me!"

Yun Qishen took a step back, and he shouted angrily.

Only anger can cover up the fear in his heart, and only anger can keep Mo Qi away from him.

"Anyway, go back with me!"

Ye Qi didn't get angry or laugh, he stretched out his hand towards Yun Qishen again.

Yun Qishen used the chair beside him to block it in a panic, then he picked up the open Coke next to him and threw it at Ye Qi.

Coke splashed on the clothes, and then made a crisp sound on the ground.

Yun Qi took a deep and angry breath, and the eyes of the people around him all focused on him.

What does it feel like... you don't look at me with that kind of eyes... and don't look at him with the eyes of a different kind...

Yun Qishen paid special attention to the eyes around him for a while, just like countless eyes looking at you at the same time in the dark.This kind of stare will make you suffocate with fear, this kind of stare will only force you to death...

Ye Qi squatted down and helped the Coke up and put it away, he sighed and went to pull Yun Qishen's hand again.

"How long do you want to make trouble? What's wrong with you?"

"Go away! You are meowing!!!"

Yun Qishen's sudden shout made Ye Qi's hand stop.

"[Beep—]! Because I'm tired of you!" Yun Qishen roared unforgivingly.

No, I didn't mean that, I just wanted to keep you away from me...

That's fine, so you'll leave...

"You know shit!!" Yun Qi clenched his fists deeply, forgive me... He Qi... I'm here for you to survive...

"You think about it? I just sympathize with you... I sympathize with you... different... different! That's all! I've been with you for a long time! I'm tired! So why do you care if I hide from you! You ask this world, all All creatures exclude dissidents! I also want to make normal friends like normal people! Because no one wants to stay with an alien all the time, be looked down upon by others, and let others talk about it!”

After Yun Qi took a deep breath and shouted, he felt that he had to leave, otherwise if he was seen next, everything he said against his heart would be over...

Yun Qishen turned his head and walked to the counter, and he gave the rest of the money to the owner of the Internet cafe.

The boss also saw that Yun Qishen was unhappy and did not blame him for silently accepting the money.

After everyone watched Yun Qishen leave, they glanced at Mo Qi again, and then they played on the computer again.

The player in the same district who added Yun Qishen before went to the World Channel to speak.

[World] Wang Er who stole the dragon: The important news that I witnessed with my own eyes, the cousin in our district is called a cousin on the Dragon Battle Ranking (—)! 【Attach ID】

[World] Flash of Shadows: What!Who are you!What nonsense!
[World] Sovereignty: Are you looking for a fight? !
[World] Liang Kang: What the hell is going on!cousin!
Liang Kang worried about the private chat with Yun Qishen, but seeing that Yun Qishen's account has been automatically offline due to long-term immobility.

Liang Kang: Cousin, see reply me!What's going on here? 【picture】

Liang Kang: Xiaozhu and Hei Ying quarreled with each other, and the whole server started to explode!
Ye Qi was a little surprised and didn't move for a while, and no one paid him any attention.

Because of what Yun Qishen said just now, the people around him had a sense of distance from Ye Qi.

Yan Qi turned to look at the interface of the computer that Yun Qishen had just used.

He happened to see Liang Kang's private pop-up window.

Liang Kang: Cousin, don't scare me, you are really...

Yan Qi frowned, turned off the computer, and rushed out.

The Internet cafe owner shook his head as he saw Ye Qi running out, took the mop and went there.

The person who broke the news about Yun Qishen in the game world was typing swear words.


Yun Qishen only noticed that it was dark outside when he left the Internet cafe.

Now he just wants to find a place where there is no one to vent his inner grievances, he is about to cry...

"Tell're a man anyway! No matter how much your face looks like a woman, it's not the reason for you to cry! Yun Qishen! You're a meow, cheer up Laozi!!!"

Yun Qishen slapped his face to calm himself down.

Everything I have now is obviously not my own, so why bother!Why even feel all this!Why am I alive, and what is the meaning of my existence...

Just when Yun Qishen thought he had found a quiet place where no one was around, and when he thought he could vent his emotions, there was a wicked voice from behind.

"It's deep!"

Ye Qi hurriedly ran towards him.

Why does he still do this!How can someone like me deserve this!
I said you were an outlier!

"Get away from me! Get out!"

Yun Qishen continued to endure the emotions that were about to erupt and ran forward.

Ye Qi quickly caught up.

"Long legs are amazing! Running fast is amazing! Asshole!"

"It's deep, I know you didn't mean to say that. What the hell are you..."

"How do you know that I don't think so! I'm just annoying you! I just don't want to be with you, can't I!!"

Yun Qishen ran forward with great effort, and then Ye Qi blocked in front of him.

"I know it's not your sincerity."

Yun Qishen looked at Mo Qi and retreated consciously, but when he looked back, he was actually blocked by a cloud of black energy.

This is really annoying!Do you have no mana to bully him now?

"My sincerity! Haha! Who are you! What do you know about me!"

"Then what do you think I am you?"

Yun Qi's eyes widened, the previously suppressed feelings burst out, and tears flowed down the bank.

"I'm so bad, why bother! I said it all, you're annoying! So don't bother me!! I just want to go back to the way I used to be and become a normal person! I don't have mana now, just what I am. Don't worry about it, you go back to your world! I live in my world!"

I'm sorry, I just want you to survive...

The corner of Ye Qi's mouth was slightly raised, and he then leaned towards Yun Qi deeply.

"What are you doing! Stay away from me!"

Yun Qishen felt that his lack of mana was completely incomparable to Ye Qi.

"I just want you to face me and face yourself."

Face it up... There is no face up to this statement in this world...

Yun Qi clenched his fist deeply and didn't say a word.

(End of this chapter)

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