Yun Qishen

Chapter 424 Breaking the Abyss

Chapter 424 Breaking the Abyss (13)
(God's perspective)
Yun Qishen pushed Mo Qi's shoulder with his hand, if he didn't let go, he would have difficulty breathing, and he had to suffocate here!

Ye Qi's mouth left Yun Qishen, and he looked at Yun Qishen affectionately.

"I'm disgusting, I'm a different person! You let me go!"

"Don't let it go." Saying that, Ye Qi leaned towards Yun Qishen's neck. "There is no reflection at first glance."

Yun Qishen supported Mo Qi's chin with his hand, and pushed forward, "You can do it! I'm not wrong! Reflect on the ghost! What the hell do you care about! Stay away from me!"

"Because you cried."

"I want you to take care of it!"

"I look sad..."


Yun Qishen couldn't hold back the tears that kept coming out of his eyes for a while, he retracted the hand holding the chin up to cover his face, and then he slid down and sat on the ground.

He curled up and covered his face tightly with his hands.

Ye Qi also squatted down with Yun Qishen, and he buried Yun Qishen's head in his arms.

"If you want to cry, no one will see you in my arms." Ye Qi said seriously.

"...Go away...who wants to be in your arms...crying..." Although he didn't want to admit his cowardice, in fact he couldn't help crying.

What a shit substitute!
Everything is calculated!
Go to him meow!
Yun Qishen really wanted to shout out like this, but even if he said it like this, it wouldn't change the fact, it was just that it was very painful to cut him off like this.

With Ye Qi, he couldn't get rid of him at all. In the end, his decision was nothing.

I want to leave him, in order to let him take the path of life that Ling Yaoqing calculated?
Yun Qishen felt that he was too insignificant, he couldn't change anything, he should become stronger, and he had to become an existence that could break all calculations and providence in order to better protect Mo Qi.

But now, all thoughts have turned into silent cries.

Yun Qishen clutched at Qi's clothes and cried hysterically.

Stress can really overwhelm a person.

Just when Yun Qishen was crying, Ling Yaoqing's words suddenly appeared in his mind.

[If you can't make up your mind to leave him, then cut off your relationship in the abyss and return everything to his original master. 】

The sudden headache, coupled with the lack of oxygen, made Yun Qishen groggy.

Ji Qi felt that Yun Qishen in his arms was no longer grabbing his clothes, so he glanced at Yun Qishen with concern.

Yun Qishen half-squinted his eyes, his hand slipped from Ji Qi's shoulder, "Let me sleep for a while..."

Ye Qi hugged Yun Qishen, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly again.Then Ye Qi changed his sitting position and let Yun Qi rest on his lap.

"Why can't you be honest, obviously as long as you are honest once, you won't be afraid of everything... No difficulties will hinder you..."

Wei Qi fiddled with the hair in front of Yun Qishen's forehead, "You clearly told me not to care about other people's opinions, why do you want others to limit yourself now..."

Ye Qi just held Yun Qishen in his arms and spent the night under the protection of black qi.

It was just like the night when Ye Qi had just recovered his memory, but at that time it was just that Ye Qi was lying on Yun Qishen's lap.

"It seems... I'm still too indulgent to you..." Yan Qi wiped away the tears on Yun Qishen's face with his hands, and he also began to calculate in his heart, he planned to let any guy who dared to provoke Yun Qishen get what he deserved 's retribution.


At this time at Jiang Lin's house, Xiao Wang was pacing back and forth, and he was still babbling.

"It's all this time! The two underage children are still outside and haven't come back! Ah!!"

"What are you in a hurry for? One of them is already an adult at 23!"

"But the body is 18!! In case... in case they..." Xiao Wang began to blush as he spoke.

Jiang Lin slammed it over, "Thinking dirty! What are you thinking! Impossible!"

Lai A couldn't fall asleep even after being harassed by Xiao Wang, and Mo Lin Mo Yu was tired from playing games and fell asleep.

In case he couldn't fall asleep, he hid behind the door and listened to the conversation outside.

"I can't believe Yun Qishen, but Ye Qi... Maybe it's already done." Lai A felt that Ye Qi was also someone brought out by the spiritual realm.

Back then, the Way of the Spiritual Realm took away Taki Yunhua from Laiata's hands...

"Grandpa believes in your evil! No wait! I'm going to see the divine beasts tomorrow, so I'm going to bed!"

With Kuang's voice, Jiang Lin closed the door and went to sleep.

Xiao Wang was still walking around with broken thoughts.

Laia looks at the World Channel of the game on the computer.

【World】【Flash of Shadow】: You are the same!All of you are the same!
[World] [The King of Stealing Dragon II]: (spit fragrance)
[World] [Sovereignty in Hand]: WC, there is a kind of fragrance, why are you afraid of losing!Our female cousin is not something you small characters can say casually!
Then a large group of people started talking.

Lai'a didn't see what it's called... Liang Kang... It should be this name.

It's a miracle that Liang Kang didn't hunt him down, and then Lai A saw Liang Kang's name on the World Channel.

However, this Liang Kang seems to be trying to persuade him to fight, not like the person who chased after him as soon as he went online...

At this time, the World Channel announced the news of the rare limited-time boss.

Laia happened to pick up a leak, and the coordinates were very close to him.

Someone on World Channel discovered the appearance of this mysterious god [Sweet and Sour Tenderloin].

[World] [Unknown Little Person]: That person is here!he came!He came with his dragon!The dragon jade is about to drop again!
【World】【Flash of Shadow】: What! 【Sweet and Sour Pork】!No, I want to win glory for our Ming Kui! !Next fight!After you beat the boss, keep hitting you!

[World] [Sovereignty in Hand]: After defeating the boss, continue to fight you!

[World] [Dragon Stealing King II]: Don't fight the boss if you have one!A group (mouth fragrant)!

When a group of players arrived at the boss's coordinates, [Sweet and Sour Tenderloin] had been hit by a series of critical hits and was full of boss hatred.

Then a full-level Mingkui character, ID Sombra's flash jumped up to burst the boss.

As a result, a skill of [Sweet and Sour Tenderloin] bounced him off.

A stunned person did not wake up.

The Time Lapse World Channel will soon have another notification.

【World】Congratulations to the player in District [-] 【Sweet and Sour Tenderloin】for obtaining the rare equipment Dragon Jade.The full service Dragon Master class will get the Dragon Jade blessing package!
Laia tapped the keyboard and went offline, "It's simple, I have to find a more difficult game to play..."

Also on the Game World channel…

[World] [Flash of Shadows]: I'm going to hunt down this guy too!I will only eat sweet and sour tenderloin from tomorrow! !
[World] [Sovereignty in hand]: Don't you think he's really a cow?
[World] [Shadow's Flash]: I won't say if you are a bully, that Wang Er who stole a dragon, let's go on! !

[World] [Sovereignty in hand]: WC, are you afraid!
[World] [Dragon Stealing King Er]: You are afraid!A bunch of brothers! (in the fragrance...)
(End of this chapter)

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