Yun Qishen

Chapter 426 Breaking the Abyss

Chapter 426 Breaking the Abyss (15)
(God's perspective)
【who are you? 】

[I...I think I'm not human anymore...]

【Why do you say that? 】

[Because people can go to the end of their lives, but I have no way.I want to die. 】

Facing the woman in the purple dress in front of him, the young alcoholic persuaded him well.

"Well, why do you have to seek death? Isn't there a lot of things you can do in life? You just need to find what you want to do."

The woman in purple put her head away from the alcoholic, "You don't know, the pain of eternal life. You don't know, my pain."

"Of course, I wouldn't understand your pain if it wasn't for you. I haven't experienced longevity, so I don't understand what you mean by longevity... I, I'll be satisfied with wine and a good-looking daughter-in-law in this life."

Back then, alcoholics were young and free-spirited.

"You can be easily satisfied...I won't stay in one place for long, I'll be leaving here soon."

The woman in purple surrounded herself with mana, which was also healing her injured legs.

An alcoholic who dies alone in the wilderness is only alive because of the woman's treatment.

"Are you looking for something?" The young alcoholic grilled a few fish and sat beside the woman.

"Looking... I was originally looking for my sister's whereabouts, but now I don't seem to have to worry about it."

"Oh? Your sister? Does she look as good-looking as you?"

"You! What nonsense are you talking about! You haven't seen me before!"

The woman touched the veil on her face in a panic and spoke to the alcoholic angrily.

"You're not happy to praise you for your good looks. I'll marry a good-looking wife like you in the future!" The drunkard drank wine with a wine gourd, and passed a bunch of grilled fish to the woman by the way.

The woman turned her face away shyly, "You are really strange, you don't like someone well, you have to like me like this..."

"It is my ideal to have wine and a beautiful daughter-in-law." The drunkard took a bite of the grilled fish, "It's getting late and I should go back to the village. I'll bring you some clothes tomorrow. Your clothes have never been seen before. It's been three days since your day."

"Thank you." After the woman thanked shyly, the alcoholic left.

The next day, the alcoholic came to see her with the woman's clothes as promised.

"You don't know, the aunt who gave me clothes in the village also said that I married a daughter-in-law outside and didn't show them to the villagers. Hahaha." The alcoholic suddenly remembered that he came at a price for these clothes.

"It seems that I can't accompany you today. The aunt who gave the clothes asked me to go to the next village to help her get something back."

When the drunkard was about to leave, the woman grabbed the corner of his clothes.

"Can you stay with me today?"

That was the woman's first and last plea.

"No, didn't I say that I'm going to the next village to buy things... I'll be back with you soon!" The alcoholic didn't care about the woman's demeanor and left.

Later, the lacquer monster appeared in the sky, and it wanted to destroy everything.

No one was spared in the alcoholic village, and the alcoholic came back to witness a disaster here.

When the drunkard was stunned, Qiye attacked and pierced the drunkard's body.

Death should be an instant infection around.

The woman in purple came over with her injured foot.

"Why are you so stupid...why don't you listen to me..."

The woman held the alcoholic face and chanted the spell.

The alcoholic's body gradually recovered, and his life gradually recovered.

When the drunkard opened his eyes again, he saw only a faint purple figure.

【Now you can live forever... No one in the world can hurt you... This is my reward for you... But I can't be by your side... 】

The figure of the woman disappeared from the sight of the drunkard.

More than that, everything familiar to alcoholics, except women, was gone.

The lacquer monster is fighting with a black dragon.

Then a beautiful girl in red appeared beside the black dragon.

This girl in red was Taki Yunhua at that time.

After hundreds of years, the alcoholic finally understood what the woman said about eternal pain.

The alcoholic looked for any way to kill his own life, but none of them died.

The alcoholic wondered why that woman gave him eternal life.

That woman is obviously someone who wants to ruin everything.

The drunkard asked the purple-robed woman a question, "What do you want most?"

"I want nothing more than death, but I want someone to stop me and my prophecy."

The look of the woman in the purple clothes and her words were always lingering in the drunkard's mind.

"So, drunkard, do you mean that Ling Yaoqing wants people to stop her from rebuilding Gu Ao Kingdom?"

Duan Xiwu thought this conclusion was the most unlikely.

But Spirit Realm Dao doesn't think so, "If that's the case, then who will stop her? When will it stop? What we lack is the understanding of her calculations. Now that we know that her goal is evil, let's start with Ye Qi starts."

"Although Tu'er may be just a pretense, we can't let him out of our sight. As for how to kill Ling Yaoqing..." Taki Yunhua was displeased when she mentioned Ling Yaoqing.

"This matter... Leave it to the old man..." The drunk old man spoke slowly.

"Drinker, you don't have to..."

"Yunhua don't have to worry about the old man, the old man must have a break with her."

Taki Yunhua looked at the alcoholic old man worriedly, but the alcoholic old man just smiled and patted Taki Yunhua's head.

Thinking back to when Taki Yunhua had just met the alcoholic old man.

At that time, Taki Yunhua let Lai A take her around all day long. She was just a little saint at that time, and she had nothing to do with him, because Lai A's relationship with the guardian did not know the danger outside.

That day, the urushi monster suddenly appeared. It was the first time that Taki Yunhua saw such a huge monster other than the two dragons, Laia and Light.

But the monster here is different from Laia and the others. It has no consciousness. It only destroys everywhere. It eats the life of the dead to survive.

Laia and Qiye fought fiercely, and the surrounding villages were destroyed by the Qiye monster early.

After a fierce battle, the lacquer monster disappeared and Laia was injured.

That's when Taki Yunhua discovered the alcoholic, the only one who survived this fierce battle.

Taki Yunhua asked Lai A to take the drunkard back to Xinjiang.

After that, the alcoholic became a resident of Xinjiang, but the devils in Xinjiang did not welcome him very much.

As a saint, Taki Yunhua also has no position or power to help him.

But every time Taki Yunhua went to find an alcoholic, he would always gently touch Taki Yunhua's head with his big hand.

Tell her a lot of ordinary people's stories.

For Taki Yunhua, before she met the Spiritual Realm Dao, the old drunkard was her favorite elder.

(End of this chapter)

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