Yun Qishen

Chapter 427 Breaking the Abyss

Chapter 427 Breaking the Abyss (16)
(God's perspective)
The next morning, Yun Qishen and Ye Qi came back.

However, looking at the expressions of the two of them, they didn't seem very happy. Yun Qishen still closed his room as soon as he came back with a straight face.

Lai A curiously came over and put a hand on Ye Qi's shoulder, "No?"

"No." Ye Qi answered with certainty.

Lai A is a little suspicious, is Qi Qi really raised in the spiritual realm?
"I said it's not coming back! You've been worried all night, now you can rest assured."

Jiang Lin came out with the toothbrush in her mouth and patted Xiao Wang on the shoulder, "Wait a minute, go out with me to see those mythical beasts collecting the energy of heaven and earth, as for you guys, just stay at home, it's best not to go anywhere, let me save some Heart!"

Jiang Lin took the toothbrush and pointed at Ye Qi and went back to brush her teeth, and Ye Qi nodded.

"Just come back, it's really not safe here at night. There's no adults around to watch..."

"Xiao Wang, hurry up breakfast!" Jiang Lin roared again.

Xiao Wang also went back to continue making breakfast.

Ye Qi looked at Lai A, "I want to ask you a favor."

Laia seemed to be able to guess the reason.

"Leave it to Benlong." Lai A even used the technique of peeping into Yun Qi's deep heart.

"He is very upset now. Although he has no mana now, there is a trace of mana in his mind that restricts Benlong's prying. This feeling is like the heart of the little girl who delivered the letter before..." Lai took back his power , "According to Benlong, Yun Qishen must have something to do with Ling Yaoqing."

"I also thought of this... but now I don't want to be too far away from him." Qi Qi looked at Yun Qishen's room, "I will return the person who made him suffer because of it."

At this time, Mo Lin Mo Yu rubbed his eyes and came out.

"Good morning!" Mo Yu greeted politely, and Lai A happily rubbed Mo Yu and Mo Lin's hair with her paws.

Lai A simply wanted to stay away from Ye Qi for the time being, but Ye Qi's expression for a moment reminded Lai A of what Taki Yunhua looked like when she saw the Spirit Realm Dao poisoning...

At this moment, Ye Qi's cell phone rang, and it was from the Spiritual Realm Dao.

"Let Jiang Lin bring you here now!" If the tone of Lingjing Dao's order hadn't been for Mo Qi, who had followed him since childhood, he would have been very angry when he heard it.


"Neiqi, you know that there is no room for negligence in my dictionary!" Lingjing said and hung up the phone.

Ye Qi had no choice but to give up the thoughts in her heart to convey the words of the spiritual realm to Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin replied without saying anything else.

All started their busyness.

Yun Qishen sat alone on the ground against the door in the room.

He didn't know how long he went on like this until someone knocked on his door.

"That...I have something I want to talk to you about..." A voice came from outside the door.

Yun Qishen also opened the door and let him into the room.

"What's the matter?" Yun Qishen cheered himself up, it's best not to bring his emotions to such unrelated people in case.

"I just think we're in a similar situation now." Wan opened his hands, "because we're all out of mana, right? Besides... I think you need someone to accompany you to talk now."

"I think you want to find someone to talk to..." Yun Qi sighed deeply. His behavior doesn't make people worry, it seems that he still provokes unrelated people...

"Well... that's true. Because you were the only one who came to talk to me since I woke up, and Jiang Lin and the others were just checking my body. So..." In case he kept rubbing his hands, he looked A little uneasy going up.

"So?" Yun Qishen still wasn't quite used to such a situation.

"So I hope that if you have any difficulties, you can tell me. Although I can't help you, you will feel better if you say it." If you clench your hands, you will bravely say it.

Seeing how hard she was working so hard, Yun Qi deeply despised herself more and more in her heart.

Would it feel better just to say it...

Although Yun Qishen really thought so, but he still couldn't say a word, from the embarrassment of one person to the embarrassment of two people.

In the end, in case of breaking the embarrassment, in case of sighing.

"Actually, I was suddenly electrocuted yesterday after Jiang Lin and the others checked me out."

"Electric shock?" Yun Qishen was intrigued by this statement.

"I don't know very well, I just touched the wire near the socket and I was electrocuted." If he touched his hand, "then I have some people's names and things in my mind."

"What do you remember?" Yun Qi was deeply concerned about the recovery situation in case.

"Chen Yueluo, Gu Choumian, and...a tattoo of a's just a fragment, I don't know the rest." Wan Yi smiled, "Who are they? I think they seem to be very important to me. of……"

"They are your brothers and sisters, and they are also my brothers. Your relationship is also very good. There were rumors that you and Chen Yueluo..." Yun Qishen realized that he had said too much.

"What's wrong with us?" In case he didn't understand, he was very concerned about what Yun Qishen said. To put it bluntly, this is part of his memory.

"Uh...that's it, you have eleven brothers on top of you." Yun Qishen had to start from the beginning just in case there was no misunderstanding.He thought that Duan Xiwu had told him this.

"Eleven brothers!" In case he was a little surprised, isn't his brother a bit too many?
"Don't be surprised, then listen to me. Your family wanted a daughter very much, but everything was ready and you were born accidentally, so they named you in case, and by the way, your family name Shi." Yun Qishen continued.

Wan nodded and then wondered, "So what does this have to do with me and Chen Yueluo?"

"I'm not very clear about this matter, but it is said that you and Chen Yueluo were the dolls appointed in the mother's womb. But in the end, both of them gave birth to boys. So it's just like a joke in the door. It is passed down among the disciples."

After listening to Yun Qi's deep words, he would no longer be curious, but he was not as irritable as before when he heard this.

"Is that so... ah... my head!"

Wan nodded and then a mana current appeared around his head, which stimulated Wan Wan's brain for a moment and caused labor pains.

Yun Qishen also stepped forward to check in a panic, and the mana current also attacked the hand that Yun Qishen was about to reach.

"My head...Chen Yueluo...Destroy the door...Chengxu...Master! Master!!!"

In case of a loud shout, the thunder and lightning mana exploded outwards, and the electricity was instantly cut off for ten miles around.

Then Lai'a and Mo Yu's angry curses spread into Yun Qishen's room because of the power outage and the loss of good equipment.

"In case! Are you alright!" Yun Qishen grabbed the case with his burnt hand.

Yun Qishen originally wanted to use the healing technique to treat the emergency, but the next moment he remembered that he had no mana now.

At this time, if the surrounding area starts to erupt from time to time, lightning mana will erupt.

"'s okay...why am I here? Where is this place?"

Yun Qishen was taken aback by the words of what if, and then he understood what he looked like.

He thought that the electric shock just now would make Wanyi lose his memory again, but it turned out that Shi Wanyi, who had completely recovered his memory, came back after the mana electric shock.

(End of this chapter)

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