Yun Qishen

Chapter 428 Breaking the Abyss

Chapter 428 Breaking the Abyss (17)
(God's perspective)
Jiang Lin and Xiao Wang quickly sent Ye Qi to the door of the Spiritual Realm Taoist house and then left.

Ye Qi originally wanted to call Lingjing Dao and let him know that he was here, so he could enter after asking for the password.

As a result, the Spirit Realm Dao had prepared in advance for the drunkard to wait for him outside.

Ye Qi was a little surprised when he saw the drunkard, and then the drunkard pointed upstairs with his hand, "Lingwazi is getting impatient, I'll take you upstairs."

"It's really bothering senior drunkard..." Ye Qi respected his elders as always.

The alcoholic old man also smiled, "Where and where, come out to pick up someone, this is also an eye-opener for the old man, thinking back then..."

"Well~ the people and things here are really novel." Yan Qi interrupted the alcoholic old man's "singing" as before.

The two quickly got on the elevator, and the drunk old man pressed 36 after thinking about it.

"Speaking of which, this place is also Yun Qishen's home."


"Why don't you talk, boy? Did the two of you quarrel?"

At this time, what the drunkard was thinking was that if the two were kept away because of the quarrel, it would save him the trouble of keeping Yun Qishen from getting close to Qi Qi for the time being.

"It's almost... We did have a little thing between us. But the reason why senior suddenly cares about this is..."

Ye Qi felt that it was wrong for the alcoholic old man to ask him this obvious thing, so he looked at the alcoholic with deep meaning.

Although the drunk old man understood what the Spirit Realm Dao had instructed him in advance, in order to give Ye Qi the last chance to be free...

But the alcoholic old man still wanted to tell Mo Qi, and he took the elevator to the floor.

As soon as the elevator door opened, the Spirit Realm Dao appeared in front of the two of them.

The Spirit Realm Dao knew what the alcoholic old man was going to do by looking at the expression on his face.

"It's okay for you to tell him now." Lingjing Dao's cold tone entered Ye Qi's ears.

tell what?
Ye Qi was calm on the surface, but she guessed a lot of things in her heart.

"I can't help you with your affairs for a while. You can talk about it yourself. I'm just an outsider and can't control it. Think back then..."

"Come with me!"

Before the alcoholic old man finished speaking, he turned his head and left a sentence before walking into the room.

Ye Qi nodded and smiled at the alcoholic old man, and then followed the spiritual realm and left.

Taki Yunhua ran out of the house at this time, and she was still pulling Mo Langqin.

Taki Yunhua blew a kiss when she passed by Lingjingdao, "Dear~ I'll be back soon~"

When I suddenly heard the name Spirit Realm Dao here, I was stunned and didn't react.

But Taki Yunhua seemed very happy to pull Mo Langqin towards the alcoholic old man.

"Auntie, can we stop tossing? Young master's stomach can't bear it!" Mo Langqin refused with a face full of refusal.

"I absolutely succeeded this time. I just saw the spiciest and most delicious recipe for Kung Pao Chicken on my phone!"

"You are pregnant, what chili are you eating with such a big belly!"

But Mo Langqin's resistance was of no avail at all, and in the end the alcoholic old man was also dragged to the supermarket to buy food.

Speaking of which, Spirit Realm Dao doesn't live in a house where there are servants at home, so he wants to come out to live.

Taki Yunhua is also a family member who has never seen Spirit Realm Dao once.

Lingjing Dao also didn't want Taki Yunhua to meet those people.

The current Ling's Group is just a small company that the Ling family threw to him when the Ling family came back, and they didn't pay attention to everything about this company.

Taki Yunhua very much yearned for the day when she and Lingjingdao lived alone, so the two of them didn't say anything and just lived here.

Lingjing Dao called Ye Qi to the living room, and they both sat on the sofa calmly.

"Let's talk, as soon as you do this, I'll know it's definitely not a good thing." Ye Qi was prepared, and it was the same for him in Jingling Mountain.

"Leave Yun Qishen recently, don't leave my sight before returning to the abyss."

Spirit Realm Dao is easy to say.

But it wasn't easy for Ye Qi to hear it. Yun Qishen was like that. Now, these guys who usually don't say anything are popping up one by one to separate the two of them.

"I object this time..."

Ye Qi could wait, but he was afraid that Yun Qishen wouldn't be able to wait.

"The objection is invalid. From now on, I won't allow you to leave here. You can't leave." Lingjing Dao raised his eyes to look at Qi Qi, "What happened between you and that guy."

"You said you won't interfere with my business! Then now..."

"I really have nothing to interfere with! Ye Qi! Pay attention to your attitude when you talk to me!"

"..." Ye Qi gritted his teeth and did not speak.

Lingjing Dao didn't quarrel with Ye Qi very loudly, but his serious expression made Ye Qi have to listen to him.

"From childhood to adulthood, I always followed your wishes, including the matter of your own broken foot's spiritual veins when you were young, and I didn't interfere. At that time, as long as you were cured, you could still use your sword, but if you said no, I also followed. You. No matter what you like, I will follow you, because that is your nature. I understand that you are not the kind of casual person, and you have used the greatest courage and energy to be with that guy." Lingjing said As usual, he stretched his brows with his hands, "Now, if you really think about yourself and him, leaving is the best way, if the relationship between you has deteriorated because of separation, then even if you are not happy, I will not Let Yun Qishen get close to you again. You don't have to be an ordinary friend."

"..." Ye Qi just nodded.

"Since you agree, then stay here quietly... By the way, help Yun Hua cook." Lingjing Dao glanced at the kitchen subconsciously.

"I cook? Old man, did you forget that when I was a child, you said that cooking was unpalatable? Do you dislike it..."

Ye Qi restrained the expression of silence just now, and when he heard the spirit realm change the topic, the woman's smile appeared again.

"Those who don't work have no food, do you know that? If you know, clean up the kitchen first!"

After Lingjing Dao finished speaking, he turned on the computer to deal with the company's affairs.

Ye Qi had no choice but to stay in the kitchen and watch the mess.

He remembered that Taki Yunhua was not so active in cooking when he was in Liu Yinfeng.

For the sake of the one you love, people will still be happy to do a lot of things.

As he cleaned up, he thought that maybe he and Yun Qishen also understood each other.

Although Ye Qi didn't know why the Spirit Realm Dao wanted him to stay here, he knew that this decision must have his intentions.

At the same time, Jiang Lin and Xiao Wang came to an old-looking house.

"Linlin... It looks a bit gloomy here... Did those guys really discuss meeting here?" Xiao Wang felt a cold wind blowing around when he got out of the car.

Jiang Lin got out of the car and slammed the door shut.

"It's still a beast! It's not as brave as an orange cat! And don't call me my nickname! Call me grandpa!!"

Saying that, Jiang Lin hit Xiao Wang on the head with her hand.

"Really, it's terrifying to be so tall! Next time, let Grandpa lower your head!" Jiang Lin stabbed her waist angrily.

Xiao Wang bowed his head apologetically and let Jiang Lin hit him again.

At this time, a man in formal clothes appeared from the door of the house.

The man's face was pale, he bowed to Jiang Lin and Xiao Wang, "The two of you have been waiting for a long time, please come here."

Said the man politely took Jiang Lin and Xiao Wang into the old mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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