Yun Qishen

Chapter 488 Turning All Beings Upside Down ~ Chapter Vivian Taki

Chapter 488: Upside Down All Beings ~ Taki Yunhua Chapter (6)
(God's perspective)
In the following year, Zhanhunxi ascended to the position of the devil general with his own strength.

As soon as this person ascends to a high position, things will come quickly, and if there is no problem, someone will help you find something.

There is a demon general who is too afraid of killing his soul, and always feels that this demon general who knows magic will definitely threaten his current glory and wealth.

He sent someone to investigate everything about Zhanhunxi carefully.

Finally, let him find out the existence of Taki Yunhua.

"This child..." The devil general looked proud, "I see how proud this guy can be! This child can kill him! Come and catch that girl!"

Even his subordinates set off for the village of Zhanhunxi.

Taki Yunhua, who was two years old at the time, could already walk on the ground, and the old woman took turns taking care of her with the villagers for a year.

"This child is really beautiful. It's been like this since I was a child. Is it worth it when I'm older?"

"Yeah, Yunhua, come and let the aunts hug."

Taki Yunhua's delicate little face looked at the two women over there, and then she walked towards them step by step.

Looking at the envy of the big men here from a distance, they also wanted to hug the child Yunhua.

But those women are not easy to deal with...

Taki Yunhua was picked up by the woman and pinched her cheek. The women were happy for a while.

Then Taki Yunhua looked at the group of men, her eyes made them feel so happy!

This is only a two-year-old child, and she has such a peerless appearance. When the child here grows up, the world here in Xinjiang may be in chaos for her.

Although people thought so, but before Taki Yunhua grew up, a group of people were killed in one night.

The group threatened to ask the villagers to hand over Taki Yunhua, otherwise they would stab other villagers with knives.

"What child did you say? We don't have one here! If you dare to touch us, Soul Chopping Demon will not spare you!"

The quick-tempered boy protested.

As a result, the armed man kicked the young man to the ground with a violent kick.

Then he drew his sword and put it across the lad's neck.

"Zhanhunxi? What kind of shit is he! Wait, it won't take long for his head to be hanged at the head of your village! Hahaha!"

The man laughed smugly. Just when he signaled his subordinates to search one by one, a cold voice came from behind him.

"Whose head do you think will be hanged at the head of the village?"

Zhanhunxi came back with a lot of food in his hand.

He originally thought of rushing back to the village to see Taki Yunhua at night, thinking about finally going back to bring her some delicious food, but when he was collecting food, he was almost caught by the enemy and went back to work.

Then he escaped overnight... No, he came back.

Just when he felt curious when he saw a large group of people around the entrance of the village, someone said that his head was hung at the head of the village...

"Of course it's the so-called demon general who cuts the soul...xi."

The man turned his head and saw that it was Zhanhunxi, the momentum just now disappeared, and he was so frightened that he sat directly on the ground.

" are you here! You should be..."

"What should I do? Are you in military uniform? Whose subordinate are you? What are you doing here!"

The more Zhanhunxi thought about it, the more wrong it became, and the expression of Qiu Xiang just now was not quite right, did something really happen.

"Come on! Otherwise, your head will be hanging at the head of the village in the next instant, and I will make the villagers salivate at you every day!"

"The devil will spare your life! I said! I said!" The frightened man said everything.

The other soldiers who came with him were also controlled by Zhanhunxi.

"My master heard from others that the wicked couple (the former Demon King and his wife) was rescued by Zhanhunxi Mo, who had the intention of rebelling, and also hid the son of the wicked! That's why we sent us to bring the child with him. Go." The man begged for mercy, "I have already said what my subordinates should say, and I also asked the devil to spare my subordinates!"

Zhanhunxi sighed, he raised his hands and dropped his hands, ending this person's life without mercy.

In addition to those who came with him, Zhanhunxi was solved without blood in an instant.

"He has already begged for mercy, why do you want to kill him?" the villager who didn't understand asked.

Zhanhunxi looked at the corpse on the ground and sighed again, "Saying out the purpose of his master so easily is a form of betrayal. If he can betray his master, he will naturally betray me. I spare him just to keep him for the future. Take a bite back. As long as you kill him, it will be good for him and me."

This year, Zhanhunxi, who was originally hearty and cherished life, turned into a cold-blooded warrior.

But cold-blooded warriors also have a gentle side, "please help me, I want to bury them well."

The villagers also helped Zhanhunxi to bury his body.

Unexpectedly, just when Zhanhunxi was about to pick up the corpse in front of him, a pair of immature hands tugged at the corner of his clothes.

As soon as Zhanhunxi turned around, he met a young and delicate face.

Those twinkling eyes were looking at him.

Zhanhunxi's first reaction was, "It's night here, isn't the child sleeping? Mother-in-law! Mother-in-law! How can Yunhua run out at night!"

The old woman also squeezed through the crowd and came over, "This child is not sleeping for some reason these past few nights, and when I heard your voice here, I broke my hand. I tried so hard to find... I'm exhausted to death as an old bone. "

Zhanhunxi heard what the old woman said and looked back at Taki Yunhua.

Taki Yunhua opened her arms and said a word in a milky voice.


Zhanhunxi's heart was about to melt, he would never let this child get hurt, and he would never let her be like her parents.

In this world of Jiangbang, he Zhanhunxi wants to kill the child in front of him!

After discussion, Zhanhunxi decided to take Taki Yunhua to the military camp.

"How can you take Yunhua to such a place? Do you men know how to take care of children? This is a girl, don't let her learn to fight and kill like you!"

The old woman and the women in the village were reluctant and unwilling.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of her, and I will never let her learn to fight and kill. I am afraid that someone will trouble you when she is here. Besides, it will be safer for her to follow me. Thank you for this year."

Zhanhunxi bowed to the old woman, and the old woman waved her hand.

The women also looked at each other in dismay, and finally gave in.

"Don't worry! We can also protect the village!"

"Yes, how can you always worry about us as a child!"

"That's right! If they dare to come again, we will go and fight!"

The men in the village also had momentum.

But Zhanhunxi did not agree with them.

"I will strengthen personnel care here and send a signal if something happens."

Everyone nodded understandingly.

Just like that, Zhanhunxi took Taki Yunhua back to the military camp.

Qiu Xiangjian Zhanhunxi came back and hurried over to explain the matter to him.

The Demon Lord summoned him and asked Zhanhunxi to go to Demon King City to ask for his guilt.

(End of this chapter)

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