Yun Qishen

Chapter 489 Turning All Beings Upside Down ~ Chapter Vivian Taki

Chapter 489: Upside Down All Beings ~ Taki Yunhua Chapter (7)
(God's perspective)
"Zhanhunxi...My beloved general, do you know the purpose of this monarch calling you here?"

Zhanhunxi knelt down and saluted, he couldn't look up at the man on the throne.

A group of powerful demon envoys gathered by this Demon Lord guarded Demon King City, in order to kill Zhanhunxi on the spot once he made a move.

For this devil, a loyal person is inevitable, what he needs is a dog, and he can't bite his master.

"I don't know, please ask the devil to make it clear!"

Zhanhunxi guessed that [-]% of it was because of Taki Yunhua.

"Someone told me that you used magic to save those two sinners. I think about it, the hurricane that night was [-]% similar to your magic. , for sure."

Here, the devil is putting pressure on Zhanhunxi.

But Zhanhunxi was not affected, "The devil has nothing to say if he thinks of his minister so much, and the minister can be sure that it is definitely not what the minister did."

"Oh? But I don't believe you, love will tell you, what method will I use to get you to gain my trust?"

Zhanhunxi's eyes shifted slightly to see the complacent demon general.

"Ai general? Didn't you hear me talking? I am asking you! Answer me quickly!"

Zhanhunxi could only bite the bullet and said, "This minister is not wrong, the minister will be punished for neglecting the devil. Right now, the southwestern clan is still fighting against our army, and there can be no one to command the battlefield! I hope that the devil will lead the way!"

"Okay! This is your attitude towards this monarch!" The monarch hesitated for a moment here. He doesn't know much about magic, so let this kid be the one to take this battlefield adventure.

"This gentleman thinks of your outstanding military exploits, so put the matter on hold first, and you go back to your army to help me annex those tribes. But before you go back, you still have to be punished. I think you have had enough of the crime of gun branding, why don't you do this? Change it to something else..."

Here, the devil clapped his hands, and a few people came up and took Zhanhunxi away.

The whistleblower demon general saw Zhanhunxi leaving before approaching the demon lord here.

"Why did the Demon Lord spare the rebellion here?"

"Stupid! Such a good dog, just let me kill him with a sentence or two from you. Do you want me in this border country! You can't even sit as a demon general!"

"But, let him be like this..."

"When the time comes, I will naturally have an idea, and you and I will sit back and relax."

"The devil is brilliant!"

One likes to flatter, the other likes to listen. It's that simple.

Three days later, Zhanhunxi returned to the barracks.

I don't know if I don't go back, the barracks was bombed, and everyone had dark circles under their eyes.

" are finally back!"

A soldier guarding the gate fell.


Zhanhunxi was puzzled, what's going on here...


Another soldier exclaimed, and in the next instant another lay down...

Again and again, again and again.

There's a lot of stuff in the door!

What spell is it in?
Zhanhunxi checked for them, no...that's weird.

When Zhanhunxi returned to his main tent, he understood.

It's only three days, these three days, these big men can't do anything about a little girl doll.

Seeing Zhanhunxi coming back, his hostility thanked God and thanked Zhanhunxi's family.

A snot and a tear rushed towards Zhanhunxi.

"You said, is it easy for me, brother? This girl is harder to serve than that kid in my family! It's not easy to take care of children!"

Zhanhunxi thought, that's how I came here back then, and indeed I can understand...

Zhanhunxi thinks he can understand that the child here must be crying heartbreakingly, and he has to take care of her to eat, drink, and sleep.

But actually Zhanhunxi couldn't understand what was really happening.

She Taki Yunhua, still a two-year-old baby, likes to play with the thorny meteor hammer all day long.She didn't let go, and she was still shaking...


Zhanhunxi thinks that he must be dreaming... The women in Jiangbang can't be underestimated and say that they are just superficial...

This strength...

In the end, Zhanhunxi took the weapon from Taki Yunhua's hand and put it away.

According to Chou Xiang, the children here didn't quarrel to eat or go to the toilet for three days.

Zhanhunxi couldn't explain this phenomenon. The old woman also said before that Taki Yunhua had not closed her eyes for two consecutive days.

This kid is weird.

Although Zhanhunxi thought so, but the next moment when she looked at Taki Yunhua, she was attracted by her small face.

"Our family Yunhua is not strange at all!"

Zhanhunxi happily hugged Taki Yunhua in his arms and held it high.

Qiu Xiang found that Zhanhunxi's actions were not quite right.

"Then what did the devil punish you for this time? I don't think it's a gun brand..."

"Ah, this, he changed the way of playing, a guy who is greedy for life and fear of death. It's nothing, just peeling off the skin, why is it a big problem."

"Hey~ it's not a big deal. It hurts to think about it. You must have not taken medicine."

Qiu Xiang was a little worried about Chopping Soul. Every time he came back from Demon King City, there was festering flesh on his back, and it would not heal for more than ten days.

The speed of recovery of the devil's pain is fast, and he can't stand repeated tossing.

"It's fine, it'll be fine in a few days!"

"No, I'll get the medicine, you're ready to wait!"

Qiu Xiang turned his head and left the tent.

Zhanhunxi also took off the armor, and the flesh and clothes on his back stuck...

"This... ah, it's a little troublesome..."

Taki Yunhua looked at Zhanhunxi curiously, Zhanhunxi even smiled, "This is not for children to watch!"

"No..." Kotaki Yunhua said.

Zhanhunxi is curious, what else is this little boy going to say?
"No pain……"

Don't be too happy with this feeling.

Zhanhunxi was touched, he was the first person in history to tell himself that he didn't feel pain... even though he was just a two-year-old babbling.

When Qiu Xiang came back, he saw Zhanhunxi crying.

"Here...what's the matter here? The sun has gone to send relatives in all directions? Why are you crying!"

Zhanhunxi woke up his nose and wiped his tears, but he couldn't stop it. He shouted at Qiu Xiang, "My family Yunhua, he is so cute!!!"

Qiu Xiang was about to complain about "go away".

For the next year, Zhanhunxi took Taki Yunhua with him.

Here I have also learned to cook and female red in a year.

The brothers in the barracks really admired him more and more.

Not only did Zhanhunxi arrive at Wanjun alone, but he could also take care of children, cook and sew clothes.

Who can't love?
Zhanhunxi complained to Taki Yunhua more than once, "I'm in your hands in this life, and I don't want to do laundry and cooking for you in my next life."

But Taki Yunhua didn't understand at all, she only looked at Zhanhunxi with her little face, and Zhanhunxi would be very happy as long as she saw the shadow of Taki Yunhua.

In this life, I am content with you.

Going back to the present, Zhanhunxi couldn't help but regret after recalling some things from the past.

The child he raised so hard was finally folded into the hands of the Spirit Realm Dao.

Not reconciled! !
(End of this chapter)

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