Yun Qishen

Chapter 497

Chapter 497 Rebirth of the Phoenix (4)
(God's perspective)
"What! You are gone! What to do then!"

In case of yelling, he really cares about it.

"Is there really none?" In case he didn't believe it, he couldn't believe it.

"Is this still fake? If I were still there, I would have eaten bibimbap."

Spicy is essential for Yun Qishen.

"I didn't do much at that time, and most of them were kept in Jingling Mountain. Besides, when you came to the Immortal Medicine Sect to make trouble, wasn't it because of this?"

"Am I making trouble? I'm fighting for my junior brother."

In case you deny Yun Qishen's words.

"No, you're making trouble." Yun Qishen thought he was right anyway.

"In case you are making trouble, the devil is right, I agree with the little Taoist~" Ye Qi must be on Yun Qishen's side.

I have to...these two sing and reconcile, in case they can't deal with each other.

"Since there isn't, then Mo Lin and I will try to find a way." In case he turned his head and wanted to leave.

Yan Qi wrapped his arms around Wanyu's neck and pulled him back, "Don't worry about it, nephew, just in case your seventh uncle, I have a solution~"

"You have a way? What way!" In case he broke free from the hug of Qi Qi.

Ye Qi also stretched out his hand to cast a summoning technique, and then a turtle appeared in Ye Qi's hand.

This is……

Yun Qishen still thinks, oh!I remembered!This is the legendary turtle named Jin Hua!See you for the first time!

"Isn't this the divine beast that Master gave to Uncle Seven? Can it help me?"

In case he didn't know, he only knew that Jin Hua's egg was a good medicine pill, and it could ward off evil spirits.

"You wait..." Ji Qi took a small golden pill out of his pocket.

"How can you have it! No! Don't you have it here!" Yun Qishen looked at Mo Qi and complained.

"Here is the first one made by the devil, and I have kept it well for the little Taoist~"

" did you make the first one I made..."

"Seventh Master Uncle, what the hell are you doing!" In case, he looked at Ye Qi's movements with concern.

Ye Qi let the Jinhua Turtle swallow the golden pill.

"Oh my God! You want to eat spicy turtle soup at night! Is there any problem with giving it that!" Yun Qi thought deeply that the thing he made couldn't be swallowed directly.

After a few seconds, the Jinhua turtle began to respond, and it retracted its head and limbs into the turtle shell.

Ye Qi also put it on the table, and then some golden medicinal pills came out of Jin Hua's tortoise shell.

Yun Qishen picked up an elixir to check it out of curiosity, and it was exactly the same as what he made.

"Jinhua produced eggs that can exorcise evil spirits and ward off evil, and also have the ability to replicate. Just feed one thing and you can replicate it. But one month after the replication ability is used, Jinhua will turn into a stone, and then …”

As Ye Qi was talking, the table on which Jin Hua was placed began to rot.

"Things it touches will be like this. Similarly, he can't be summoned back by spells." This is a problem that worries Ye Qi.

"Cough, cough, just leave it to this divine beast at this time." Jin Qilin volunteered.

"Just you?" Yun Qishen then complained.

"No matter what, this divine beast is also an auspicious beast!"

"I see you as a pig!"

start again...

Jiang Lin has already started to prepare the hammer.

"Don't be arguing!" In case his temper is blunt and it is similar to the spiritual realm, it doesn't matter if he is in a hurry, the electric charges around him don't care about this.

It seems that stabilizing the current around him is also a problem.

Jiang Lin began to plan again.

Nei Qi, but the female watch on the side smiled, "If you keep arguing, the little Taoist priest won't be able to eat spicy turtle soup tonight. The little Taoist priest thinks he can eat a plate of unicorn meat while hugging the devil~"

The quarrel between Yun Qishen and Jin Qilin froze.

"You dead can you be so beautiful...chubby."

"You scumbag too...why are you so handsome...mother chirping."

One man and one beast stopped arguing.

Ye Qi still looked at the two of them with a smile.

Yun Qishen also hugged the golden unicorn, "Look at how friendly we are."

"Yeah, how friendly this divine beast is to him."

Although the atmosphere was awkward, the environment also became quiet.

The golden unicorn also shortened the time for Jinhua's dilapidation with mana.

"It's a convenient move here." Ye Qi seemed to have found some convenient tool.

Yun Qishen thought, can this trick here in Jinhua be used to copy gold and silver jewelry... No, I want to be an upright devil, how can I think of such a thing!
"Unfortunately, the little Taoist understands what the devil wants. Only things with mana can be copied by Jinhua. Money is impossible." Yan Qi saw through Yun Qishen's thoughts at a glance.


Yun Qishen's expression was written all over his face.

"Okay, take these pills and leave. Be careful if you control the current, that thing is very dangerous here." Jiang Lin reminded.

In case, he stretched his breath to restrain the surrounding electric charge.He has no mana, here the electric charge but sticks with him.

"I understand."

If you take the medicine pill, you will leave.

Mo Lin and Mo Yu had been studying the little golden pill before seeing Wan Wan, and then Wan brought a bunch of them over.

"So many!" Mo Yu was a little surprised.

Mo Lin also checked again, and then nodded again and followed with his hands.

"That's it. Give us these medicinal pills, and you come with us."

Mo Yu wrapped those golden pills with magic power and floated them away.

The three of them came to an open space. In the Flying Bird Shenghuang Research Institute, there are not many empty places, and the only relatively empty place is the roof.

"Just here!"

Mo Yu looked around and nodded to Mo Lin.

Mo Lin also changed back to the appearance of a divine beast, a jet black unicorn with wings.

It opened its mouth to gather power, and the purple mana began to gather, and then the purple began to turn red.

Soon a cry was heard.


A fire wind flew out from the red mana in Mo Lin's mouth and plunged into the ground again.

The fire wind burned on the ground, and then a huge fire array was formed.

"Go and stand among the flames."

Mo Yu said to Wan Wan.

If you are determined to move forward without hesitation.

The electric charge around him kept popping out as if to protect him, and when it came out, it would explode under the friction of the flames.

If protection fails, it becomes harm.

Just in case try to control these charges too.

Seeing that he was about to reach the center of the flame, a heat wave attacked Wan Zhi face, and the electric charge around him was involuntarily generated.At once, a force repulsion will occur, and the entire array will pop out.

After being ejected, Mo Yu wanted to stop Mo Lin, but was stopped by the accident.

"I'm fine! Come again!"

In case, he patted the soil on his body and walked towards the center of the flame.

(End of this chapter)

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