Yun Qishen

Chapter 498

Chapter 498 Rebirth of the Phoenix (5)
(God's perspective)
In case it is ejected by the flame formation, it has come and gone more than ten times.

He also had varying degrees of abrasions and burns on his body.

"Why don't we stop first, it seems that you can't enter the center of the flame. Why don't we first deal with how to weaken the current around you, and then perform the fire phoenix ritual?"

Mo Yu nodded towards Mo Lin, and Mo Lin changed back to his youthful appearance and lifted the flame formation.

After the fire phoenix screamed, it disappeared along with the flames.

"I'm fine! I'm okay...hs...what are you doing!"

But in case you have to insist on trying again.

Mo Lin flashed over and grabbed Wanyi's elbow.

In case you feel a piercing pain in an instant.

Mo Yu also leaned in to check, "Why are you being so brave? There were scratches on your elbows, and you were ejected by explosions again and again. Because of the impact of the flame mana, the heat directly adhered to the skin and flesh, not to mention the elbows bleeding, just The flesh can also be burned by your persistence."

"How will I know if I can do it if I don't give it a try? This little injury is fine at all! Come on!"

In case something doesn't look right.

Mo Lin felt that he seemed to have something on his mind, but Mo Lin couldn't speak, but at this time, if he asked what to do, he would be more likely to hide these thoughts deeper.

In case, although it is easy to express your mood when you are irritable, you will hide something in your heart.

Mo Lin tightly grabbed Wan Yi's arm to prevent him from moving. In case he wanted to shake Mo Lin's hand away, he threw it twice and didn't move at all.

"What do you mean! This is my body, I know if it's okay! You just need to help me restore the Fire Phoenix Technique. Why bother with me!"

In case he spoke without regard to the consequences, Mo Yu would naturally be unhappy with these words.

Mo Yu went over and grabbed Mo Lin's hand, "We don't care about him, just follow what he said, what he likes. He just needs to recover the fire phoenix technique! We don't have to care about him kindly!"

Although Mo Yu angrily persuaded Mo Lin to let go of his hand, Mo Lin still did not let go of the hand that was holding Wan Yi.

"It's not all said, let me go, you just need to concentrate on letting me restore the fire phoenix technique, don't worry about my life and death!"

In case he frowned at Mo Lin, who was two heads shorter than himself.

Mo Lin was unmoved, he used magic to apply all the crushed ice he just collected to the elbow wound in case.

Those shards of ice are naturally some that fell from the golden unicorn.

Although the treatment effect is not as good as that of Jin Qilin's personal treatment, it is also better to numb the pain of the burn.

Sui Mo Lin slowly put ice on his elbow, and the wound was slowly healing.

"I said it! Don't you care!"

In case he felt embarrassed and couldn't hold back, he wanted to get rid of Mo Lin's hand.

But here Mo Lin's strength is too great, in case he can't break free at all.

Mo Yu sighed as she watched Mo Lin earnestly treating the case, and she was impulsive just now.

In case it gradually becomes quiet and he compromises, let Mo Lin go to the treatment.

Mo Lin was only focusing on the wound on his elbow, and he vaguely felt an electric current flowing from his body to his hand.

These currents need to be directed.

After waiting for the treatment to heal for a long time, in case he couldn't help but keep looking at Mo Lin.

Then he looked at the hand he was treating himself with.

Was there such a situation before, when I knew nothing at that time, and I was laughed at.


The Jingling Mountain in memory is still the same as usual.

There will still be some competitions between the five halls of the Immortal Sword Sect.

Then the proud disciple of the first hall of victory in the competition can become the senior brother of their sect, or even the senior brother of the entire Jingling Mountain.

At that time, he was just a young disciple of Chengxu Hall, and he couldn't do any magic in Jingling Mountain, and he was bullied by other brothers in the same hall because of his young age.

It was also at that time that Master Chengxu gave him a chance to exercise.

"This year's sect competition will take part in the entire Chengxu Temple. From tomorrow, the temple competition will start in the temple, and you can decide your own opponents."

Daoist Chengxu announced the main points of the competition and the rules of attention in the hall.

When the whole team disbanded and left, a few people surrounded the short and small Wanyi.

"I said Shi Wanyi, are you saying that we are bullying you when we want to compete with you?"

"Senior brother, what you said is wrong, why is it called bullying? Do you think it is just in case?"

Said that senior brother messed up the hair in case of accident.

If the person's hand is thrown away in anger, that person will be angry.

"Why, is the kid not convinced!"

"It's been a long time since you came to Jingling Mountain! You don't know anything until now, what kind of Tao do you learn! You will follow others like a dog's leg! Cut it!"

After speaking, this person pushed him directly to the ground.

The other one was about to use magic to sever a few spiritual veins, and I heard that the senior brother did the same before.

The elder brother joked that whoever can break the few spiritual veins in case will be multiplied by five times the spiritual stone.

In case he didn't know how to spell, and he was still under the control of mana at this time, he was even more angry.

Just as the senior brother was about to do it, Daoist Master Cheng Yun's laughter came from behind them.

"Hahaha, what are you guys doing here?"

"The disciple has seen the second uncle!"

"The disciple has seen the second uncle!"

"Disciple...Second Master Uncle!"

The two senior brothers hurriedly turned around and saluted Daoist Chengyun, and the remaining senior brother was grabbed by Daoist Chengyun's arm as soon as he put away the spell.

"Hello, nephews, hahaha, you seem to be looking forward to the competitions in the various halls in the future. Can't wait to show your skills now?"

Daoist Cheng Yun held the black ring ruler and shook it around his mouth, the smirk on his face made people feel chills.

"no no……"

"Huh? Don't you want to compete? This is not like the style of the disciples of Chengxu Palace~"

"No... it's not... I still have things to deal with, the second uncle, just let me go!"

Unconsciously, the uncle felt the pain in his grasped hand gradually.

Taoist Master Cheng Yun pondered for a moment, "Well, I'm looking forward to your competition with the disciples in my temple~"

"Thank you second uncle, disciples say goodbye!"

After Daoist Master Cheng Yun let go of the senior brother, the three people ran away.

In case he also stood up from the ground, he patted the soil on his body.

"It's a bunch of guys who bully the soft and fear the hard!" In case of dissatisfaction, he muttered.

Coincidentally, Daoist Chengyun heard this, and he looked down and smiled, "Haha, little nephew, when you say this, you admit that you are weak?"

"Me! I'm not weak!" If you don't see anyone replying.

"Then, let me see and see, hahaha." Daoist Cheng Yun turned the ruler in his hand and walked away, "Remember, the next time you see me, you will call me the second uncle."

(End of this chapter)

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