Yun Qishen

Chapter 499

Chapter 499 Rebirth of the Phoenix (6)
(God's perspective)
In order to prove that you are not weak, if you keep practicing your strength, even if you can't beat people with spells, you can't lose your strength!

Naturally, this kind of effort that did not bear fruit at all was ridiculed by the senior brothers in the same hall.

"What do you think he can do?"

"I really don't understand why the master keeps him in the temple. It is unnecessary to think that he is in Jingling Mountain like this."

"I heard that because his character is like a master, the master made an exception to accept him as an apprentice."

"Hey? Is there such a saying? If you say that if you look like Shizun, wouldn't that be the same as insulting Shizun?"

"Shh! The master is here!"

These people closed their mouths when they saw Daoist Chengxu approaching, and they left after saluting at Daoist Chengxu.

Daoist Chengxu also saw what if he was hitting a tree and training his strength.

In case the skin was cut by the hand, blood would flow out seriously.

"It's not right to practice like this."

Cheng Xu Daochang went over and grabbed the hand that was about to hit the tree trunk.

"Master... Master! Disciple..."

In case of seeing Daochang Chengxu's face, he realized that he would quickly salute.

"Forget it, come over and let the teacher see your hand."

"Master, don't bother you, I can handle it myself, I'll be fine with a little injury!"

Daoist Chengxu gently used the healing technique to treat the case, "Sometimes someone kindly heals you or even helps you with other things, and you have to accept it. Although it may be difficult for your personality to do this, it is not unreasonable. Can."

"It's just a small injury... I can come by myself... Why don't you say anything else." If he didn't understand, he also didn't understand.

When Cheng Xu Dao Chang Jian was almost treated, he slapped the back of his hand in case of emergency, "Like this, when someone kindly comes to help you, but you slap someone in turn, that's what it means."

"But this is the master, you came to treat me and beat me..."

"I'm just telling you the truth, you really can't turn your head around!"

Daoist Chengxu himself didn't understand why he had to bring this child back in the first place. It would be better to let him go back if he was bullied here.

"My brain is really not smart, but I can work hard to make myself smarter. When the master came just now, he said that this is not the way to practice. Then master, you can teach me again."

"Here... Wei Shi is not particularly good at strength. If you want to learn this kind of thing, you can ask your third uncle."

"Daoist Xuyun? He doesn't look very strong."

"Haha, it's also a truth that people can't look good."

Daoist Chengxu smiled at Wan Yi, and then he remembered that he hadn't seen Wan Yi go to the main hall for the competition today.

"Why didn't you go to the main hall for the test today and have been practicing here?"

In case the originally happy eyes suddenly dimmed, "This, report back to the master, no senior brother chose me as an opponent."

"This... won't you find them?"

"It's not like this. I know that I am weak. I want to become stronger and then compete with them. This is respect for them and myself!"

In case of such an answer, Master Chengxu.

Cheng Xu Daochang smiled back, "I believe you can do it, and I look forward to the day when you will be strong."

"Well! I will try my best to live up to the master's expectations!"

"It's not to live up to my expectations, it's to fulfill your own expectations."

After speaking, Daoist Chengxu left because of an urgent matter, and after that, he seemed to be sent out by Spirit Realm Dao to handle things.I haven't come back to Jingling Mountain for three whole months.

In the past three months, it is also to follow the advice of Taoist Master Chengxu and go to Taoist Master Xuyun to learn to use power.

It is also here that the three-month competition in the hall has all been completed.

When it came time to select the representatives of the hall to participate in the sect competition, the disciples who won the competition were all triumphant, and the disciples who failed were a little disappointed.

In case he wasn't very happy, in three months he learned how to use his strength, but he didn't catch up with the competition.

After Daoist Chengxu returned, he announced the participants.

There are a total of ten people in the Chengxu Hall who can participate, and nine of them, including the senior senior brother in the hall at that time, did not lose in the competition in the hall.

As for the last person here, Cheng Xu Dao long recited the name of what if.

"What! How is it possible!"

Naturally, some disciples were not convinced, "Master, Shi Wanyi didn't participate in the competition at all! Why did you choose him!"

"Isn't it a shame for Chengxu Palace to choose him?"

The senior senior brother in the hall who had to be chosen also went to ask Daoist Chengxu for advice.

"Master, this disciple doesn't understand, please explain."

Although he said respectfully orally, he was not so respectful in his heart.

It was also his idea not to let people challenge the case, and now he has made such a step.

"I explained the rules to you three months ago. All the disciples of Chengxu Temple must participate, and the disciples who have not lost should participate in the sect competition. Do you still have doubts?"

Daoist Chengxu saw that it was the eldest disciple who was in a dilemma, but he had no evidence, and besides, the eldest disciple did not have any bad deeds in the temple.He is also a big brother who is loved by everyone, and there is no way to punish him by taking advantage of the emptiness.

The eldest disciple in the hall attacked and saluted, "It's alright."

He glanced at what would happen, thinking that even if the trash here was chosen, it wouldn't be a big deal.When the master leaves, he will feel better.

It was also the sect competition that time, which made Wanyi understand the growth of Chen Yueluo these days.

On the day of the competition, Chen Yueluo came to Xianyongtai with Murong Danran.

At that time, Chen Yueluo only used one move to repel the disciples of Chengyun Hall.

This scene gave the event a big shock.

How important it is to learn spells, but I don't have that talent myself.

Soon it will be time to fight against the second disciple of Chengyun Hall.

It is a coincidence that Daoist Chengyun saw Daoist Chengxu and Daoist Liu Yun (Murong Danran) and Daoist Liu Ying (Mizixin) all with children, and Daoist Lingjing also brought Ye Qi, he also Picked up a little apprentice.

This little apprentice was amazing, and within a year he became the second apprentice of Chengyun Hall. (Power Ranking)
But he still has a problem...

Just in case when he was about to take the stage, the disciple on the opposite side waved his hands and surrendered.

The reason is... it's too tiring to fight...

It is also a person who has not been defeated. The disciples of Chengyun Hall here are lazy and have no competition.But everyone knows that the disciple here is capable, in case it is a waste.

The strong give up is humility, the weak give up is to admit defeat.

This is what everyone would think.

Although the second disciple of Chengyun Hall didn't think so, but everyone thought he thought so.

In case he couldn't bear the anger, he rushed over and grabbed the disciple.

However, the competition stipulates that once one party admits defeat and then fights, it is a violation of the rules, and the qualification for the competition will be cancelled in case.

(End of this chapter)

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